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Who is still watching the games?

Who's still watching the games?

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I still do, but if something else is going on I don't worry too much about missing them like I used to.
I am honestly not watching games. I currently have other more important things to do (I say as I waste my time on a Utah Jazz message board) and Im not really interested in watching a team play that is not even trying.
I am watching them. I sincerely hope not, but there is a chance we won't see another Jazz game for a year and a half after this season!
I watch when I can. Last year I watched less than this year. Even now I'm more interested this year than at any time during last season. Now it's fun to watch to rookies and see if there is any talent there. Raja getting hurt (if it's true I could not watch the game tonight) is a great thing for this season. Price playing lots of minutes is a great thing for this team (because they have no hope of winning with him playing significant minutes).
I am watching them. I sincerely hope not, but there is a chance we won't see another Jazz game for a year and a half after this season!

If it means that the owners get back control of this pathetic league then I want the lockout to last as long as it takes for that to happen. Even if that means more than a year.
I watch every game. I'm not used to seeing us suck, but I definitely enjoyed watching Wall play. I liked seeing Hayward take his baby steps. I liked seeing Ty experiment with lineups. There's always stuff to watch.
I'm watching. Mostly looking to see if somehow somebody gains some confidence, but they continue to fail. I kinda feel like Big Al. I haven't felt motivated to discuss the games lately...
I'm with you guys. I love evaluating the young talent and I don't want to win so I can think about the holes that need filling. Tonight's game was pretty fun. And funny. Loved Price's free throw air ball. It just gets funny after awhile - especially when you're scared the Jazz are gonna actuallly win.
I wasn't watching every game anyway, since I'm at work when the games are on (home games start 12:30 pm local time), and I don't always have time in the evening to watch the replay of the game on League Pass. But the incentive to make time to do so has dropped significantly.
I still watch every game I say to watch the young'ins develop but I ain't gonna lie I'd watch no matter what. Only difference is usually instead of watching live I don't start watching the DVR until about 5-10 after the pregame ends and by then I can fast forward until around the 3rd Qtr.

C'mon don't lie watching Price is entertaining he is going to be spectacular in helping one of the teams on the court just never know if it will be the Jazz or not, the sequence in the 4th of forcing back to back TO's only to miss both FT's and then turn it over himself and then later air ball a 3 and then air ball a FT was spectacular.... for the Wiz.
I like watching the young guys and seeing how the future is coming together. Hayward, Favors and Al look like they will be good pieces of the puzzle and Sap needs to be the 6th man and come in and dominate other teams backups.
I've missed a few games lately, but I don't know if it's related to the team sucking or not. I just got wrapped up in other things and forgot.

I pay attention to when the games are and I'll watch or listen to most of them.