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Who wants to win this incredible Jazz prize?

Seems a bit drastic don't you think? I mean why the violence?

OK, no wrassling. Instead we'll have a picnic. Do you think we meet in Orm or Merican Fark? You bring a bucket of KFC. I'll bring funeral potatoes and Jello salad (the Utah kind with grapes and grated carrots in it). Have to get those servings of fruits and vegetables in the meal somewhere! Oh yeah, can you also pick up some Shasta soda?
Neither do the people in Utah. And if you want to wrassle about that, meet me down at the crick after you finish your paper root.

Every once in awhile i read something that just "stupifies" me. Where the bejesus are you from "stifle tower"? Where did you get the notion that Utahns pronounce that word as "root"? I have lived here(SLC) most of my life and i have never heard anyone pronounce that word in that way, ever. Sounds Southern U.S. to my ears. This is no big deal, just amazes me though. Utah isn't a pretty great state it's a pretty misunderstood state. Well, regrettably not "misunderstood" in all things, but nowhere is perfect. Wait a minute.......... i have a sneaking suspicion that stifle tower could be a "Frog", you know, a Frenchie. Come on s. t. come clean, where are you really from!

If you once knew someone from Utah and they said root when they meant route then they were probably from somewhere else.
Lol at people trying to get rid of the top competition

Top competition? Oh give me a break - go post in the "Is my IQ high enough to be average?" thread - - you might find some real competition there.

Perhaps some of the old skool members can verify, but didn't this jiffy lube promo carry a jinx with it? It seems that 3 or 4 guys that had the lunch pails made were cut or traded.
One word: Naked Selfies.

Post them in a Facebook-like forum here on the board -- most reviled wins the box. Seems only fair.
LOL I remember this giveaway... They had the lunch boxes advertised like a week before they traded Carlos away haha

Yep, and a remaining PG on the roster, Raul Lopez, helped give away the lunchboxes (with lunches) to school kids.