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Who's the Most Important Piece for the Jazz?

Who is the most important piece for the Jazz moving forward?

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I'd argue Exum. If Exum becomes an All Star, we win titles. If he doesn't, we will be Deron-level Jazz.
Lindsay is the most important reason that we are where we are, but the most important single piece going forward is Snyder and it's not even a close contest. Last night was a prime example. He has these guys buying into a system. The whole is much greater than any of the parts.
Snyder 1st
Lindsey a very close 2nd.
Before last night I would have said Lindsey. Winning that game with a bunch of D-Leaguers, young guys and unwanted players was a thing of beauty.
If you have an elite shot blocking center you have something that other teams in the NBA don't have and covet. PG is the deepest position in the league and center is the thinnest.
Snyder 1st
Lindsey a very close 2nd.
Before last night I would have said Lindsey. Winning that game with a bunch of D-Leaguers, young guys and unwanted players was a thing of beauty.

Love QS and DL and cannot argue against them. But you still need serious talent to win it all and I think Rudy might be that guy. QS and DL will keep them forever competitive, Rudy just might get us a parade.
I voted Quin.

I loathe to agree, even a little, with Yeyo Green, but Exum is pretty crucial. At the very least, he should be in the poll. If he becomes a guy who can get you 30-something double-doubles and play elite defense, then we are a totally different team than we would be otherwise.
wtf are you talking about? tia

I'm saying that your statement assumes that Hack agrees with Green's assessment of the team's potential with and without Exum. If we agree with Green's evaluation, then yes, he's right. Deron's team was "good". But that statement is completely random. There is no explanation of why this team minus Exum peaks at that level, or even what exactly is meant by "Deron level good". Deron's team competed in a different environment, and the achievements of that team would be different today. Or does he simply mean Deron's team at its peak relative to the strength of the conference? Meaning that we'll peak as a strong playoffs team, but not a real contender. There is hardly any reasoning to back Green's statement, and thus no reason to accept it.