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Why is this team so much tougher?

The Thriller

Well-Known Member
Was it the departure of Boozer?

The exile of pretty-face?

Was it the addition of Raja?

Or is it Millsap?

why is this team so much mentally tougher?

Or perhaps, just maybe, this team is finally maturing? Perhaps it started in Denver in the playoffs? When this team was counted out by all, and beat all the odds to punk the Nugheads?
Seems like Fes was on the court when the big turn arounds occurred. Not that he is the sole cause by any means, but his size and activity make a huge difference.
Seems like Fes was on the court when the big turn arounds occurred. Not that he is the sole cause by any means, but his size and activity make a huge difference.

Not the SOLE reason, no. But a significant factor nonetheless.
Was it the departure of Boozer?

The exile of pretty-face?

Was it the addition of Raja?

Or is it Millsap?

why is this team so much mentally tougher?

Or perhaps, just maybe, this team is finally maturing? Perhaps it started in Denver in the playoffs? When this team was counted out by all, and beat all the odds to punk the Nugheads?

dont forget the absence of memo money
I think you hit on all the main reasons, Thriller.
With Boozer gone, the team has no divisiveness and Deron is the unquestioned leader. No one works harder than Millsap and Raja is a respected veteran. The pre-season gave the team some confidence. And they can see that when they're working the offense, the shots will come. There will be some bumps ahead. Al still has a LONG ways to go before he knows all the plays. And we're still not getting consistent contribution from the 2 spot. But the Jazz have three 20-pt scorers. Keep it up and at least 2 of those guys should make the all-star team.
Was it the departure of Boozer?

The exile of pretty-face?

Was it the addition of Raja?

Or is it Millsap?

why is this team so much mentally tougher?

Or perhaps, just maybe, this team is finally maturing? Perhaps it started in Denver in the playoffs? When this team was counted out by all, and beat all the odds to punk the Nugheads?

I think everything you brought up has played a major role in in an increased toughness, and has already been mentioned lets not forget about Fess as well.

For my money, I think Raja is the biggest difference. Go back last night to Miami. At Halftime, reportedly Sloan started ripping into the team. A season ago, does anybody stand up and back up what Jerry is saying? Does another player have the stones to get up and get on everybody's ***? Of course not.

I don't think Bell is going to play like an All-Star out on the court for Utah, but so far he has brought the EXACT kind of leadership I thought he would and I think it's exactly what this Jazz team needed.
If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say the veteran presence of Bell and Elson help. The team of the last few years were tough, but there seemed to be a lot of loose, laizze-faire attitudes and actions around which bled into games. More focus, with the vets and Jefferson grounding the team a bit, as well as the Jazz started to mold their identity around Millsap, really seems to be a big factor for me.
Fes's ability to clog up the paint makes our defense so much better. I am not saying start Fes or anything like that but I am saying he deserves a good 10-15 mins a game and more if he is playing well. This gives us a ton of flexability to play Millsap, Ak, Aj and when healthy again Okur in different rotations as well as sit players having bad nights.
Maturity. The reasons we see these huge slumps is because a lot of the guys are still lost, or the other team is just playing really well. The Jazz now have the mental maturity to understand that if they don't quit and go with what has been working, they'll win.

The veteran presence on this team is really helping out, too. Better than a bunch of young kids that are just excited to be out there.. Fes' change in mindset and ability on the floor has been huge, too.
I think Deron even said there were chemistry issues last year due to all of the upcoming FA's. They've got a clean slate this year and it shows.
Millsap/Jefferson is simply a tougher front court than Boozer/Okur. Combine that with Barbara Korver being replaced by Raja and we have a tougher team.
Millsap/Jefferson is simply a tougher front court than Boozer/Okur. Combine that with Barbara Korver being replaced by Raja and we have a tougher team.

If that was it, why do they start so poorly with those two on the floor? Seems more like when Fes gets in the game he changes it by clogging the lane. Not only can the other team now not attack the basket, the smalls can cover the shooters outside.
Our vets got tougher with experience, and the role players are following suit. Deron and Millsap are figuring out what it takes, and everyone is buying in. Once Big Al get his confidence and Memo comes back and get his rhythm, this team is gonna crush fools.
Deron has impressed me greatly with his leadership. It seems like he has become a little more vocal, perhaps seeing how Raja acts has helped. He was on a mission tonight. Millsap has also greatly improved and is a true star now. Not having Boozer as our starting 4 helps too. I think this team is starting to trust each other. Things are different when everyone is playing hard on both ends and holding each other accountable.
I suggest waiting until playing LAL at the Staples before jumping to conclusions about incredible improvements in maturity and toughness
Fess looks innocent, and it's kinda hard to think of him as a "tough guy," but he don't really give no crap, and that makes him dangerous. He aint the main reason, but he's a big one. Compare his play to Memo, for example. The softest player we have left is CJ, and he's gittin more better in the toughness department all the time. One of the players said it was VERY unusual for Bell to "say" (as opposed to "do') anything, so he got great attention when he did. But apparently it is not his natural make-up to be a "vocal" leader.

Big Al can git a little soft, but he has a mean streak too, I think. He just needs to tap into it 24/7. Deron has been complaining about the softness of the team for a couple years now, so you know he's glad to be rid of Boozer. And don't forget Sloan as contributor #1. He has always said he can't "make" players tough, but he can bring out the most from those who are capable of bein tough. He demands a lot, don't take no excuses, and constantly pushes those who don't cry about it.
BOOZER, BOOZER, BOOZER. A phony guy who looks to get his stats before anything else, fakes injuries, plays matador defense, is soft as babys butt, selfish, wets his pants everytime he sees a Lakers uniform, ohh I don't know such a tough question. Maybe also Driveaway has left the building.
BOOZER, BOOZER, BOOZER. A phony guy who looks to get his stats before anything else, fakes injuries, plays matador defense, is soft as babys butt, selfish, wets his pants everytime he sees a Lakers uniform, ohh I don't know such a tough question. Maybe also Driveaway has left the building.

And steal uncontested rebounds from his teammates. That was in the top 100 things that annoyed me about that guy.