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Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

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If you can’t trust the guy who helped cover up Iran-Contra and was now hired by Donald to act as his own personal defensive lawyer, who can you trust?

I blame Mueller though. He seriously couldn’t see this coming? Really? Did he expect this AG and this congress to help him out? And where was his outrage before? Would’ve been far more effective the second Barr lied if Muller had gone to congress, testified, and then gone on 60 mins to tell his story.

Instead, I feel like the damage has been done. Trump’s people have already spun things. Democrats aren’t willing to fight like republicans would. And this will eventually all pass.

Sorry, you're mistaken. Was it the Mueller report, or was it the Barr report? No matter how many clever images you come up with to try and derail efforts to learn the truth, all it does is demonstrate how desperate you are to make this the Barr report. You went on record as claiming you only want to know the truth. I don't think you do. Mueller wants to testify. The DOJ is trying to prevent him from doing so. Why? After nearly 2 years, nether Congress nor "we the people" are entitled to hear from the man? What are you so afraid of? Why the desperation on your part, you, who claimed he only wanted to know the truth? Let Barr explain himself. Let Mueller testify, as he wishes to do. Don't be so afraid!

We'll hear what AG Barr(really it's Trump's personal defense attorney Barr, and you're fine with that somehow) today. Maybe on Thursday as well. And we'll hear from Mueller, if the DOJ stops trying to prevent him from testifying.

“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

Mueller requested that Barr make public the report's introductions and executive summaries, and he suggested some redactions, Justice Department officials told the Post. "Release at this time would alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen and would answer congressional and public questions about the nature and outcome of our investigation," Mueller wrote.

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Sorry, you're mistaken. Was it the Mueller report, or was it the Barr report? No matter how many clever images you come up with to try and derail efforts to learn the truth, all it does is demonstrate how desperate you are to make this the Barr report. You went on record as claiming you only want to know the truth. I don't think you do. Mueller wants to testify. The DOJ is trying to prevent him from doing so. Why? After nearly 2 years, nether Congress nor "we the people" are entitled to hear from the man? What are you so afraid of? Why the desperation on your part, you, who claimed he only wanted to know the truth? Let Barr explain himself. Let Mueller testify, as he wishes to do. Don't be so afraid!

We'll hear what AG Barr(really it's Trump's personal defense attorney Barr, and you're fine with that somehow) today. Maybe on Thursday as well. And we'll hear from Mueller, if the DOJ stops trying to prevent him from testifying.

“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

Mueller requested that Barr make public the report's introductions and executive summaries, and he suggested some redactions, Justice Department officials told the Post. "Release at this time would alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen and would answer congressional and public questions about the nature and outcome of our investigation," Mueller wrote.


All this is is just a never ending onslaught of attack Trump, all the way up to and through the next election.

Smart writers can take something like this and feed off of it for an eternity. Its a money making machine. Why would you ever stop? Why would you ever be fair to Trump who you despise and he despises you. The media is not what you think it is. Its a political tool owned by elitists playing political games.

I have no faith that any of this is a true attempt by media angles to just get to the truth. They couldn't care less. Its all about political war and their is no honor. Just winning. How can you not see that? Of course this will never stop, regardless of what evidence is actually out there. Its a narrative that they feel like they need to keep going at all costs.

This was a BS story to begin with, and still is.

Lets talk about Hillary an emails ok? Because there is a whole lot meat left on that bone. Why arent you and the leftist media still chewing on that? We both know why. Can we just cut the crap already and be grown ups?
All this is is just a never ending onslaught of attack Trump, all the way up to and through the next election.

Smart writers can take something like this and feed off of it for an eternity. Its a money making machine. Why would you ever stop? Why would you ever be fair to Trump who you despise and he despises you. The media is not what you think it is. Its a political tool owned by elitists playing political games.

I have no faith that any of this is a true attempt by media angles to just get to the truth. They couldn't care less. Its all about political war and their is no honor. Just winning. How can you not see that? Of course this will never stop, regardless of what evidence is actually out there. Its a narrative that they feel like they need to keep going at all costs.

This was a BS story to begin with, and still is.

Lets talk about Hillary an emails ok? Because there is a whole lot meat left on that bone. Why arent you and the leftist media still chewing on that? We both know why. Can we just cut the crap already and be grown ups?
Once again, you seem unable to distinguish between media and a report by the Special Counsel. How small is your brain? Like really small? Should I be nice because you have special needs? Because you don't seem to understand adult concepts.
All this is is just a never ending onslaught of attack Trump, all the way up to and through the next election.

I'm sure you want to believe that. And I'm sure you will believe that.

Certainly up there with world government covering up for Giants waking up in the middle east, the Earth being flat, vaccines causing autism, and alzheimers being diabetes type 3.
Once again, you seem unable to distinguish between media and a report by the Special Counsel. How small is your brain? Like really small? Should I be nice because you have special needs? Because you don't seem to understand adult concepts.

The leftsist media, the leftist government officials, all one in the same. Same agenda, same goals, same tactics. Literally working together and conspiring in a lot of cases. Especially this one.

#adult concepts.

If are adult enough to believe people can conspire such as your belief Trump was conspiring with an entire nation, then you can believe that the media is conspiring with the Clintons, the head of the FBI, etc.. Its not a huge leap of faith. Your tin foil wear *** hat just choose what conspiracies you believe in. You arent actually anti conspiracy like you try to play whenever someone brings up one. You know, like the cops are totally in on keeping the minorities down. Yeah bro. Give me another beer and lets talk about this.
The leftsist media, the leftist government officials, all one in the same. Same agenda, same goals, same tactics. Literally working together and conspiring in a lot of cases. Especially this one.

#adult concepts.

If are adult enough to believe people can conspire such as your belief Trump was conspiring with an entire nation, then you can believe that the media is conspiring with the Clintons, the head of the FBI, etc.. Its not a huge leap of faith. Your tin foil wear *** hat just choose what conspiracies you believe in. You arent actually anti conspiracy like you try to play whenever someone brings up one. You know, like the cops are totally in on keeping the minorities down. Yeah bro. Give me another beer and lets talk about this.
Yawn. Grow the **** up. Try living in reality.
I'm sure you want to believe that. And I'm sure you will believe that.

Certainly up there with world government covering up for Giants waking up in the middle east, the Earth being flat, vaccines causing autism, and alzheimers being diabetes type 3.

Tell me more about the giants. Seems like you are plugged in to that world. Ive never heard of it. Im interested.
Are you drunk right now?
Learn what a joke is, like a ****ing adult. I'm having a good time in the GOT thread. Making fun of myself quite a bit there. I can do that because I'm not insecure.

So again, grow the **** up. You're a child.
Learn what a joke is, like a ****ing adult. I'm having a good time in the GOT thread. Making fun of myself quite a bit there. I can do that because I'm not insecure.

So again, grow the **** up. You're a child.


You learn what a joke is.

My joke is that is was funny you were calling me out for not living in reality, but the irony is you are literally not living in reality.
When did jazzfanz become conspiracy theory central? Kind of funny how it slowly crept in until nobody noticed it taking over.

People here even claiming Trump's stimulus package somehow didn't stimulate the economy. What bizarre conspiracy websites do you guys get this sort of stuff from? I doubt it's mentally healthy to immerse yourselves reading this stuff on the daily. Alternate reality sets in.
When did jazzfanz become conspiracy theory central? Kind of funny how it slowly crept in until nobody noticed it taking over.

People here even claiming Trump's stimulus package somehow didn't stimulate the economy. What bizarre conspiracy websites do you guys get this sort of stuff from? I doubt it's mentally healthy to immerse yourselves reading this stuff on the daily. Alternate reality sets in.

Define which "stimulus" please?