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Will you still follow the Jazz...

Will you still follow the Jazz when they are in [city]?

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When they aren't in Utah anymore?
For me this really does depend on where it goes, and who is there. I will most likely end up following individual players more than a team. The NBA is just becoming a farm for the top teams anyway.
If they stay in Utah then yes. If not, than I will follow a more local team to me such as New Orleans or Atlanta. Will be weird if it comes to that but I absolutely will not support this team in any way if they move to Seattle.
If they move probably not, unless it's Vegas. It would still close enough to go to games live (if that ever happens again) and it's a good excuse to go to Vegas!
If we start having attendance problems or if he wants to build an arena that can't get funding, then you can start the relocation talk. Grizz, Pistons, Wolves would be more likely to move. Pelicans and maybe OKC (we will see how they do through the rebuild) would be more likely imo.
For me this really does depend on where it goes, and who is there. I will most likely end up following individual players more than a team. The NBA is just becoming a farm for the top teams anyway.
Look at league history. It has always been that way, probably even worse in the past on average.
Considering I don't live in Utah anymore and never will again, I guess it's not really that big of a deal to me, haha :p
I will probably follow the team until current crop of players leave because I am somewhat invested in them. May be I will be hooked onto new players and stay. I don't know but it wouldn't feel like the Jazz that got me into NBA with Deron and Memo.