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Williams Trade In Works?


Well-Known Member
From Chad Ford's Twitter page...

RT @AnthonyD80: Too early to ask about D-Will to NYK?

follow @chadfordinsider: Not at all, working on a DWill trade column right now. Check back later today

Does Ford know something or is he just writing a speculative article??
The Jazz have a history of getting rid of problem causers. Williams forced Sloan out and will likely continue to be a coaching nightmare. Getting rid of Williams would not shock me.
I honestly think this makes it even more likely that Deron leaves when his time is up. We'll have to see how it plays out over time, but I think it's entirely possibly that the tension between Deron and Jerry will used as the reason Jerry left- at least that's how history will remember it. With that being said, a large amount of Jazz fans are going to feel uneasy about Williams and the fact that his attitude may have indeed ran Jerry out of town. I think Deron will grow weary rather quickly of having a "coach killer" label here in Utah and he'll get out of here the first chance he gets.

Utah shouldn't look to trade D-Will at all costs but they should start entertaining serious offers. If a windfall of decent players/prime draft picks can somehow come out of it, they should look hard at it. In all honesty, looking back over the last year or so I think we've started to see a side of D-Will that makes me think he'll spend his career not playing nice with others if he doesn't get his way. And while I may love D-Will, team after team has shown us that you win NBA titles with talented atheletes, great front courts, and and merely decent PG play.
How does everyone know that DW is the reason why Sloan is gone? Please give me a link not speculation. I read that the issue was between Sloan and KOC about trading AK.
How does everyone know that DW is the reason why Sloan is gone? Please give me a link not speculation. I read that the issue was between Sloan and KOC about trading AK.

LOL, I have not seen that. You need a link for that to counter links from the local beat writers and yahoo and espn reporters.
All these hack writers have no idea what is going on. Just look at the whole Carmelo situation. All the columns about him going to New York, New Jersey, the Lakers, etc. But honestly they have no clue. Chad Ford has no idea about Williams trade. It will be another crap article.
Williams might be traded from the Jazz when it's all said and done. But there's nothing "in the works" right now. That makes absolutely no sense.