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Woman drives truck on bridge, almost makes it across, called a "miracle"

That is a fascinating article, but could be considered hate speech around this place.

We all know gender is a binary. There is no spectrum. In the words of your article: The researchers found no overlap between male and female, and rejected the idea of a "continuum."

A man cosplaying as a woman is not a woman. He may want others to play along by using female pronouns but he don't have a female body and he don't have a female brain. Science proving this point should fall in the category of 'duh', but instead sadly falls in the category of 'brave' and possibly 'career suicide'. I hope that one day we get brave enough to prosecute the sickos harming school-aged children with their 'gender is a spectrum' drivel.

Bravo to you @Red for posting this article.
Raises a serious question of nature vs nurture in gender non-conforming individuals.
On the contrary. It puts to rest any questions of nature vs nurture in gender non-conforming individuals. It is *ALL* nurture. It is *ALL* the doing of parents, authority figures in the kid's lives, and the society.
Brain structure makes it my responsibility to take out the garbage and my wife's responsibility to bake cookies? Brain structure means the buttons on my shirt button in one direction while my wife's shirt buttons go the other way? Brain structure is why boys wear blue and girls wear pink?

****ing whoosh on this **** as you're conflating non-related things to this ONE brain structure study.
We're all cosplaying as our gender. Every last one of us.

Can someone help me out here.

Transgendered individuals make up 1 percent of the US population (https://usafacts.org/articles/what-percentage-of-the-us-population-is-transgender/)

Yet they take up a vast amount of our arguing.
It is because it is an interesting argument. It is a real-world Asch Conformity Experiment.

A biological male pretending to be something he is not, is still a biological male. I know it. You know it. Gender Studies majors know it. Parents of transgender kids know it, but due to social pressure a sizable number of people will parrot a thing they know isn’t real. The motivations may admittedly be moral or they may be cowardly, but the thing being parroted isn’t true.

What affects the wiliness to go along? How much social pressure is required to parrot the untrue thing? How does it affect the outcome if you can see harm, such as girls getting obliterated or even hurt, in sporting competition against biological males? Is one willing to support the surgical or chemical mutilation of children to prove their faith? It isn’t the 1% of transgender people who are really being argued over, just like they weren’t really trying to find the matching line in the above video. The argument is really over the massive number of people represented by the fourth guy in the white t-shirt and what makes those people tick.
It is because it is an interesting argument. It is a real-world Asch Conformity Experiment.

A biological male pretending to be something he is not, is still a biological male. I know it. You know it. Gender Studies majors know it. Parents of transgender kids know it, but due to social pressure a sizable number of people will parrot a thing they know isn’t real. The motivations may admittedly be moral or they may be cowardly, but the thing being parroted isn’t true.

What affects the wiliness to go along? How much social pressure is required to parrot the untrue thing? How does it affect the outcome if you can see harm, such as girls getting obliterated or even hurt, in sporting competition against biological males? Is one willing to support the surgical or chemical mutilation of children to prove their faith? It isn’t the 1% of transgender people who are really being argued over, just like they weren’t really trying to find the matching line in the above video. The argument is really over the massive number of people represented by the fourth guy in the white t-shirt and what makes those people tick.

I just think there a lot of other things worth spending time on over this, but you do you.


Asch conformity experiments are interesting thanks for adding that.​

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