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Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD from COVID-19 Shots

"Matthew Taylor Coleman reportedly told investigators he had been "receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife possessed serpent DNA and had passed it onto his children" and that by killing them he was "saving the world from monsters."

That is so sad. But this what happens when regular people start believing BS conspiracies and lies spread by youtuber's and other nutjobs. Moderators, it is really shame you are allowing this thread of shameful lies and misinformation to exist. Wake up!

"Matthew Taylor Coleman reportedly told investigators he had been "receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife possessed serpent DNA and had passed it onto his children" and that by killing them he was "saving the world from monsters."

That is so sad. But this what happens when regular people start believing BS conspiracies and lies spread by youtuber's and other nutjobs. Moderators, it is really shame you are allowing this thread of shameful lies and misinformation to exist. Wake up!
I would say it goes beyond Qanon and this guy has massive mental deficiencies. I think Qanon itself is looney, but I'd also argue that most people who believe in it would never do something so heinous as kill their family members or even another person over it.

Though it can be argued a worst punishment would be to rot in a cell for the rest of his life and be subjected to 'relations', I'd rather save the tax dollars and just fry people like this.
You seem to knit pick on stupid sh#t and ignore the fact about deaths, permanent disabilityand that this covid 19 injection should be halted. View attachment 11126
what you term "stupid * " is usually the deeper, more relevant considerations.

I have some experience in this field of work, and know what I'm talking about.

The methodology being applied is leading edge science. It is desirable because it overcomes some of the severest problems with "traditional" vaccines.

We are not using "attenuated live virus", which does carry risks for a live case from the vaccine. We are not using dead virus assemblages, which I believe have risk for autoimmune results.

We have done some other "vaccines" with this concept, which I think, if I can believe what follow-up data we have, have been successful, it terms of cost/benefit or risk/benefit analyses.

For the general public, the difference between a old style "vaccine" and the genetic based method is just too far out for discussion in mass media. These vaccines are not "gene therapy" because its extranuclear, and we have not seen inclusion into the genome. We should watch for it, and we should do much more follow-up than we are doing.

But the sources you have brought into this thread are largely ignorant, and irresponsible.

But so are the government reporting and propaganda, and fascist mandates.

Taking the vaccines should not be pressured by government or business. I think under the terms of the law on this vaccine, we little peons bear all the risk, so it should be our decision.

If there is reason to encourage use, it should be by the pressure appliers taking the responsibility legally for any outcomes.
what you term "stupid * " is usually the deeper, more relevant considerations.

I have some experience in this field of work, and know what I'm talking about.

The methodology being applied is leading edge science. It is desirable because it overcomes some of the severest problems with "traditional" vaccines.

We are not using "attenuated live virus", which does carry risks for a live case from the vaccine. We are not using dead virus assemblages, which I believe have risk for autoimmune results.

We have done some other "vaccines" with this concept, which I think, if I can believe what follow-up data we have, have been successful, it terms of cost/benefit or risk/benefit analyses.

For the general public, the difference between a old style "vaccine" and the genetic based method is just too far out for discussion in mass media. These vaccines are not "gene therapy" because its extranuclear, and we have not seen inclusion into the genome. We should watch for it, and we should do much more follow-up than we are doing.

But the sources you have brought into this thread are largely ignorant, and irresponsible.

But so are the government reporting and propaganda, and fascist mandates.

Taking the vaccines should not be pressured by government or business. I think under the terms of the law on this vaccine, we little peons bear all the risk, so it should be our decision.

If there is reason to encourage use, it should be by the pressure appliers taking the responsibility legally for any outcomes.
You bring up good points, but the real question is: wheat or white?

Answering wrong makes everything you say wrong so think hard before you answer.
You bring up good points, but the real question is: wheat or white?

Answering wrong makes everything you say wrong so think hard before you answer.

Being human carries awesome potentials, always subverted by stupidity. Wrong questions are sometimes the problem, but in reality they usually arise from poor understanding overwhelmed by voracious purposes.

Someone who has embraced a political cause, for whatever reason, has deliberately chosen to blind themselves to other potentially beneficial lines of development.

Considering your stated or generally evidenced purposes I think you need to ask better questions.

Might derail you from a comfortable set of comrades, but it's worth the price.

The general realm of public health governance or guidance has in history provided some great benefits, but when subverted by a political agenda they have equally ho9rrible potentials.

The politicization of Covid is the worst case scenario on that horizon.

It is equally horrible if either side "wins".
It is equally horrible if either side "wins".
Can we get you to clearly define these "sides"?

It sure feels much less horrible to wear a ****ing mask and get vaccinated than it does to believe that the covid vaccine is the mark of the devil. But I'm open to being wrong if you can prove it.
Can we get you to clearly define these "sides"?

It sure feels much less horrible to wear a ****ing mask and get vaccinated than it does to believe that the covid vaccine is the mark of the devil. But I'm open to being wrong if you can prove it.
What’s weird is I’m reading lately how Trumpers believe Dr Angela Dunn, Utah’s former state epidemiologist, was making money off mask recommendations and school lockdowns.

Like what?!

derp derp


My only thought is that these people have been fed anger and conspiracy for so long that they’ve become detached from reality. Being so damn bored with your easy life that you become drunk on the right wing Koolaid that you become detached from reality. Sad
Can we get you to clearly define these "sides"?

It sure feels much less horrible to wear a ****ing mask and get vaccinated than it does to believe that the covid vaccine is the mark of the devil. But I'm open to being wrong if you can prove it.
Very good question. Should be obvious from the context.

Being human, we don't resolve well into simple sides, except maybe in open warfare, tribal feuds, or religious contentions.

The generalized sides I refer to are the people like OB, Game maybe, many others, government officials who view the advanced public health measures as absoolutely essential, even justifiably mandatory, or even who believe the failure to use or abide by the recommendations as criminal, on the order of homicidal, so dangerous to others, actually life-threatening.

Some would be less sympathetic and just call that "side" something like "The Fascists".

The other side includes people, even some professional and educated people, with specific concerns about the measures implored or mandated by the "fearmonger" authoritarians.

I think there is a very wide spectrum here of people with concerns, either informed or suspected, or baseless in fact. I think this side includes conventional political agitators who want to create greater controversy among the public and make this situation a real political tool.

I think there are both sincere, informed, grounded, reasoned folks on each side, and a real serious political activism on both sides.

Public health measures can be life-saving and essential operations of good government. But in government gone amok, they can be devastatingly destructive.

I think the thesis in this thread is that some real bad actors have got their hands into this, and are willing to use it to reduce the human overpopulation problem, and to bring in a form of authoritarian socialism that is antithetical to American values.

I favor some investigation in the background of Anthony Fauci and his dealings with the Chinese, as well as some Bill Gates' funded operations.

If our authorities would respect these concerns, they would gain trust and credibility from a lot of skeptics.
What’s weird is I’m reading lately how Trumpers believe Dr Angela Dunn, Utah’s former state epidemiologist, was making money off mask recommendations and school lockdowns.

Like what?!

derp derp


My only thought is that these people have been fed anger and conspiracy for so long that they’ve become detached from reality. Being so damn bored with your easy life that you become drunk on the right wing Koolaid that you become detached from reality. Sad
Thriller, you have no source for your allegation. I suppose some people might suspect or say anything without any basis, and you are right there on the same level as the people you allege are saying stuff you don't know they said.
I've said this before, in this thread.

public health authorities with measures of any kind can possible be beneficial to the public. But they need to make some sort of connection with a reason for them.

The charge that the masks are being promoted by people with some financial angle for personal benefit is hardly a new one. Some people have noted that the manufacture of the most used mask is done in China, and allege some corporate influence on our politicians and decision makers. I have not seen that evidence. I guess I could look at the damn box to see where they are made. I don't think it is even a relevant issue here.

Do the masks work? We still have not done very good studies on it. It appears that kids wearing masks at school are much more likely to spread the virus to folks at home. What? How? The masks accumulate whatever sticks from the air, all day. The kids come home, and throw the mask down somewhere.

Theoretically, the little blue masks are likely ineffective at trapping virus particles or aerosol droplets, with a mesh grade that allows these particles, except the largest droplets, to just pass through. However, there is definitely some value in the mask for disrupting straightline or short-path traverse between people at close quaters.

I looked at the statements of Angela Dunn and Jenny Wilson and others pushing the childrens' mask mandate. They are clearly just ignorant people with an unfounded idea of benefit , for a portion of our population that generally is low risk. Their mandate is nonsense.

baseless mandates are state-enforced witchcraft. Really.

A good lab could do a study on various styles of masks' effectiveness in a few months. Get some breathing manikins, put masks on them, and subject them to an atmosphere of known particle, droplet, even virial content. Run the test for an hour, two, four, and eight hours. Collect the masks and test for trapped particle and virus loads. We have never done this.

Such a test would give us some useable information. It would either justify some kind of protocols or health measures, or reveal their uselessness.

Until authorities decide to do science like that, they should not be respected when issuing shot-in-dark, unfounded, orders. People should defy such stupidity.

The next order such stupid autyhorities might give is to cut off your right hand. Someone somewhere, lost a right hand and didn't get covid, so we should all do that.
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how is that possible considering your a spambot?
Red is real.

He also couldn't defend himself against a lemming, or resist following a bunch of them.

seriously, he has, like, some real credentialed friends whose relations he treasures above reason or care. Love is such a thing with humans. Human nature is not so far removed from lemmings, either, for any of us.

Pretty sure Red is not on any corporate mammary, he's collegiate.

Next to OB, he's one of most grounded participants in here, and always has some source to back up his sentiments. Dedicated idealists more than spambot.
Very good question. Should be obvious from the context.

Being human, we don't resolve well into simple sides, except maybe in open warfare, tribal feuds, or religious contentions.

The generalized sides I refer to are the people like OB, Game maybe, many others, government officials who view the advanced public health measures as absoolutely essential, even justifiably mandatory, or even who believe the failure to use or abide by the recommendations as criminal, on the order of homicidal, so dangerous to others, actually life-threatening.

Some would be less sympathetic and just call that "side" something like "The Fascists".

The other side includes people, even some professional and educated people, with specific concerns about the measures implored or mandated by the "fearmonger" authoritarians.

I think there is a very wide spectrum here of people with concerns, either informed or suspected, or baseless in fact. I think this side includes conventional political agitators who want to create greater controversy among the public and make this situation a real political tool.

I think there are both sincere, informed, grounded, reasoned folks on each side, and a real serious political activism on both sides.

Public health measures can be life-saving and essential operations of good government. But in government gone amok, they can be devastatingly destructive.

I think the thesis in this thread is that some real bad actors have got their hands into this, and are willing to use it to reduce the human overpopulation problem, and to bring in a form of authoritarian socialism that is antithetical to American values.

I favor some investigation in the background of Anthony Fauci and his dealings with the Chinese, as well as some Bill Gates' funded operations.

If our authorities would respect these concerns, they would gain trust and credibility from a lot of skeptics.
Nothing is obvious with you, which is why you never clear, succinct posts. Ever. We are there with a ton of hard, peer reviewed data that is ignored by 30% of the population, another 20% cant be bothered because some quack raised the concerned flag inappropriately "that one time".

That's not politics, that's ignorance.
Nothing is obvious with you, which is why you never clear, succinct posts. Ever. We are there with a ton of hard, peer reviewed data that is ignored by 30% of the population, another 20% cant be bothered because some quack raised the concerned flag inappropriately "that one time".

That's not politics, that's ignorance.

After 70 years of government management of science, "Peer Review" has lost a lot of merit. A lot of good research is blown over and folks who write proposals to secure funding definitely look to please the political tides.

You are pretty deep in it with your assessment of the validity of sources.

Authoritarians always pin badges on their uniforms. You should learn to think for yourself.

We have just a few choices in masks to prevent virus infection or spread. I'd say there is nothing that is zero value. The little blue common ones everyone is supplied with are marginal, there are much better ones available if you want them. Distance is always better than not. Sunlight and uv light, and oxidizing gases like ozone and chlorine are more effective than any authorities are recognizing. Schools, offices, businesses could easily implement an in-line air filter/ozator into any HVAC system, and it'd save more lives than mandates. The tolerance limits for these gases are well known, and it only takes about 1/10th of the safe daily exposures to totally annihilate anything in the air within seconds.

What is so obnoxious about the political left is they never get clear on the facts. It's always narrative, propaganda. Cuomo's orders killed thousands. First it was cutting the transit cars, forcing people to pack tighter in the cars, then it was ignoring the Trump hospital ship and Javits center, and then it was ordering covid positive patients returned or admitted to care centers with vulnerable populations.

When I see you admit all that, and the entire mandate health authority crowd get vocal about that kind of stupidity, I'll respect you a lot more.
Red is real.

He also couldn't defend himself against a lemming, or resist following a bunch of them.

seriously, he has, like, some real credentialed friends whose relations he treasures above reason or care. Love is such a thing with humans. Human nature is not so far removed from lemmings, either, for any of us.

Pretty sure Red is not on any corporate mammary, he's collegiate.

Next to OB, he's one of most grounded participants in here, and always has some source to back up his sentiments. Dedicated idealists more than spambot.
So you felt the need to respond to my post and not red's when she threatened me?