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Would the Jazz want Kirilenko?

We couldn't shoot. SA exposed that.

So why would we want to add another player without range beyond a dunk?

Lets apply this to real life. Your car needs a new tire. So instead of going to the store to get a new tire, you go to the store and buy a thing of oil.

Doesn't make sense, right?

So why would the Jazz, a team desperately in need of shooting, go out and sign AK?
I like AK, and he would probably help us considering our lack of SF depth, but it just wouldn't feel right bringing him back. I feel like both parties just need to move on and see other people.
I'm down with AK coming back. What a better teacher than Kirilenko for Hayward...... I'm sure Gordon picked up a lot of his underrated defense from playing with him anyway.
He's still one of the best defenders around, and can get to the free throw line whenever he wants.
Not to mention paring Steve Nash's pretty passing with AK's would be fun to see.

I like that. If we could get Nash and AK, and give up one of our big guys for a good shooter I think we could get deep in the playoffs. I don't think it would be a great team in the long run, but that would be fun for two years.
I like AK as a playmaker and a defender. If we use him as a jumpshooter or a PG type, he sucks.
I'd like to get him though, the Jazz suck at the SF spot right now.
Plus if we draft an SF, no better teacher than Andrie. He plays with a high BBIQ.

No better teacher? Are you ****ing high? Yeah, his mentoring did wonders for Miles and any other wing who was here during his underachieving stint.
No better teacher? Are you ****ing high? Yeah, his mentoring did wonders for Miles and any other wing who was here during his underachieving stint.

He wasn't supposed to be a mentor back then. Now that he's old and a veteran, you'd have to tell him to take up a mentoring role just like KOC did with Tinsley.
And Miles is your example? When was the last time Miles did anything to improve him game? He STILL takes off balanced long 2 pointers.
I don't want AK teaching, mentoring, giving advice of any kind, clapping for, or even pats on the back to our young guys. I could see AK on a veteran team, but not a young impressionable one. Holy **** the idea of Al and AK as veteran locker room leaders makes me want to cut my **** off before watching that train wreck.
The only real reason I'd entertain the idea is if the Jazz can get him for cheap and then trade him after December 15th and before the trade deadline.
I don't want AK teaching, mentoring, giving advice of any kind, clapping for, or even pats on the back to our young guys. I could see AK on a veteran team, but not a young impressionable one. Holy **** the idea of Al and AK as veteran locker room leaders makes me want to cut my **** off before watching that train wreck.

Whoa, calm down there. You're sounding a whole lot like me, and I don't know how much of that crap this board can take.
Harris, Hayward, AK, Kanter, Favors with Watson, Burks, CJ, Milsap and AJ off the bench. Thats pretty solid.
The more important question is once we sign Kirilenko what would we have to give up to get Boozer back?
I don't want AK teaching, mentoring, giving advice of any kind, clapping for, or even pats on the back to our young guys. I could see AK on a veteran team, but not a young impressionable one. Holy **** the idea of Al and AK as veteran locker room leaders makes me want to cut my **** off before watching that train wreck.

If you're talking about him being a savior, or a rock to build on.. that sounds kind of.. well, dumb.

But to overlook what he can actually bring back to the team just because you're butt hurt about us giving him a max contract and not getting max player out of it, well..

Fact: When he was on the court, he was contributing.
Working that to our advantage: Put him with the second unit to help STABILIZE(not lead, just stabilize)

Fact: He'll never be able to shoot the NBA three
Working that to our advantage: Slash and kick out to two specialists that can. He's a great passer.

Fact: When he was on the court, we were a better team.
Working that to our advantage: Cheap.. makes others better.. huh.

Fact: He's not a leader
Working that to our advantage: Find a leader that isn't him, and make sure he knows when signing him he's just glue

Fact: He was in the runnings for defensive player of the year for quite a few years
Working that to our advantage: Helps our team with blocks, and now that we have someone with a high bbiq, maybe that wing can learn something. Chucker James could sit in a room watching tapes of the greats 12 hours a day and not learn anything

Fact: His body dictates that he not be depended on for 30 minutes a game
Working that to our advantage: we don't need 30 minutes a game. If we can get him to keep our second unit stable for 20 minutes a game, that's more than enough.

Even his weaknesses we can make work for us. Not offering him something on the cheap would be a mistake. So we gave the guy a max contract and he wasn't worth it. Our fault or his? Is it really impossible to think that the Jazz front office is to blame for that? I maintain, save getting someone fresh that could be a finisher and WANTS to play here, signing AK at the vet minimum on a short term contract is the most fiscally responsible move we could make.
Ummm, I said he could be good for the right team, just not a super young one, with no leadership, like this one. Never said he was hot trash .. just don't want him on this young team. Let me know if you'd like me to say it another way, roacho.
Ummm, I said he could be good for the right team, just not a super young one, with no leadership, like this one. Never said he was hot trash .. just don't want him on this young team. Let me know if you'd like me to say it another way, roacho.

A french accent, please.

And then again in mandarin Chinese.
Ummm, I said he could be good for the right team, just not a super young one, with no leadership, like this one. Never said he was hot trash .. just don't want him on this young team. Let me know if you'd like me to say it another way, roacho.

But as much as I complain about not having a finisher, I think your request for a defined leader is probably more important.