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You can now get fined for "distracted walking" at TRAX stations

JJ Rage

Active Member

Are you ****ing KIDDING ME? Some ******* becomes roadkill because he won't put down his game of Angry Birds so now I have to leave my headphones off and get harassed by the never-ending parade of bums and drug addicts asking for handouts at the TRAX platforms. Fan-****ing-tastic.

There are far too many laws in this country policing human stupidity. If someone is stupid enough to not look both ways when crossing TRAIN TRACKS, they deserve to die. Natural selection, ****ers.
I agree with the point.
We don't need to add another law just because one or a few people do dumb things, especially when the law does not really help the situation. There have been plenty of people that were not distracted that snuck through to beat the train and didn't, or beat one, but didn't look both ways. It is not smart to police people at Trax stations, and it is a nuisance to those waiting there, there is nothing to do there but distract yourself with something to take up the time. I tend to agree with the natural selection comment, if the people making the dumb decisions are gone, eventually all the people that make those dumb decisions will be gone. If they have all the warnings and choose to disregard them, that's their own fault.
Me, too. Trax Cops today, Neighborhood Watch Cops tomorrow. And I bet they'll all be toting firearms, puffed up with empty-headed glory, and ready to pull up and fire at the hoodies.

It could be that the city/state/UTA is suffering from idiotic lawsuits by the families of these Evolutionary Experiments. Do you really think that the UTA cops are going to be issuing tickets? It's just like the majority of the laws that are on the books; they're there to cover the city/state/whatever in case of a lawsuit.

I find it interesting that people automatically jump on the "Our lawmakers and/or the Gov't are so stupid and are trying to STEAL MY JOBZ... er, I mean, MY FREEDOMS!" instead of using their heads.
I find it interesting that people automatically jump on the "Our lawmakers and/or the Gov't are so stupid and are trying to STEAL MY JOBZ... er, I mean, MY FREEDOMS!" instead of using their heads.

They took or jobs

It could be that the city/state/UTA is suffering from idiotic lawsuits by the families of these Evolutionary Experiments. Do you really think that the UTA cops are going to be issuing tickets? It's just like the majority of the laws that are on the books; they're there to cover the city/state/whatever in case of a lawsuit.

I find it interesting that people automatically jump on the "Our lawmakers and/or the Gov't are so stupid and are trying to STEAL MY JOBZ... er, I mean, MY FREEDOMS!" instead of using their heads.

Huh? Responding to liberal stupidity (awarding stupid judgements) with more liberal stupidity (creating suppressive laws to protect against them) rather than using our heads (by enacting common sense laws against spurious lawsuits)?

Every time someone gets hurt these days we have a new initiative "to assure there are no more Jane Doe's".
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Huh? Responding to liberal stupidity (awarding stupid judgements) with more liberal stupidity (creating suppressive laws to protect against them) rather than using our heads (by enacting common sense laws against spurious lawsuits)?

Every time someone gets hurt these days we have a new initiative "to assure there are no more Jane Doe's".

Huh? Responding to libera

I think Trout may have a point here. In the agency I work for alot of our rules and regulations, down to the way things are worded, are designed to keep people from suing the agency.

Regardless of the end result he has a good point about the motivation. I do not think the law is necessary and is a bad law but it may be necessary for future lawsuits. There are many stupid lawsuits that are examples.

It could be that the city/state/UTA is suffering from idiotic lawsuits by the families of these Evolutionary Experiments. Do you really think that the UTA cops are going to be issuing tickets? It's just like the majority of the laws that are on the books; they're there to cover the city/state/whatever in case of a lawsuit.

I find it interesting that people automatically jump on the "Our lawmakers and/or the Gov't are so stupid and are trying to STEAL MY JOBZ... er, I mean, MY FREEDOMS!" instead of using their heads.

They already exist, in swarms. Trax Cops just like about every other government entity has its own police force, and its own judges on payroll, have been a growing plague for years. And they issue tons of tickets, and orders to ordinary citizens who somehow fall within their "jurisdiction", and while a smaller agency like TRAX might have a paltry revenue stream from tickets of a hundred thousand dollars or so per year right now, they are salivating over every possible pretext for expanding their cash cow operations.

(one of my tenants was late on rent a few months ago because he paid a $360 TRAX fine. . . . . for losing track of where he was supposed to get off, and riding out of the downtown zone, then jumping off and running. . . . lol. . . . or so he said. . . . . am I am idiot to believe his story????? Not that I do. . . . for not knowing enough to laugh him down for spinning it?????)

But you are spot on about the reason for these laws. It's not for the protection of the people, but for the convenience and expansive powers of the government officials.

The point about CYA operations being driven by the tort lawyers has a germ of truth, but rather than protecting the bureaucrats and making the public pay for their negligence or misdeeds, we should be holding public officials personally liable. Not passing a lot more laws stripping people of their basic freedoms in life. Waxing abusive of folks under the color of law should be a seriously unacceptable crime.

Government won't get better until public servants are held accountable to the public, and we get a public more interested in training their servants.
Government won't get better until public servants are held accountable to the public, and we get a public more interested in training their servants.

Isn't it interesting that it is always the governments fault that the public doesn't hold them accountable? The instant that people actually start caring is when the public servants will have someone to answer to. Until then, stop bitching about it.
Isn't it interesting that it is always the governments fault that the public doesn't hold them accountable? The instant that people actually start caring is when the public servants will have someone to answer to. Until then, stop bitching about it.

That's the point, mensa. Babe cares.
That's the point, mensa. Babe cares.

There's a difference between "caring" and being "Duck Rogers". And I didn't say "The instant that Babe starts caring...", I said "people". Go check the results from your last local election and tell me if < 20% voter turnout fits into the "cares" category.
There's a difference between "caring" and being "Duck Rogers". And I didn't say "The instant that Babe starts caring...", I said "people". Go check the results from your last local election and tell me if < 20% voter turnout fits into the "cares" category.

What is babe supposed to do about the voter apathy of others? He is doing his part.

He said the same thing you said before you told him to shut up. Maybe you should take your own advice.
babe said:
Government won't get better until public servants are held accountable to the public, and we get a public more interested in training their servants.
Trax is a blessing for me to get up to the U every week for class. It's a shame people lack common sense to avoid accidents. I was on the train when someone decided to try to drive pass the guard arm because they became impatient and his truck/trailer was obliterated. The funny thing is that I barely moved an inch when it happened and i was in the front. Those trains are powerful. I wasn't sure if I should sorry for the man, but thankfully he lived. In two weeks a man with his bicycle fell under the train and died....I guess people can't see the yellow line on the platform?
What is babe supposed to do about the voter apathy of others? He is doing his part.

He said the same thing you said before you told him to shut up. Maybe you should take your own advice.

Oh, ya -- good call. I forgot that I told Babe to shut up. Wait...

In fact, Slopper, I've given props to Babe on many and many, and although his ideas are dumber than you are ugly, at least he gets out there and does his thing. My post was aimed at The Thrillers of the world. Kindly *edited by moderator*.
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I think Trout may have a point here. In the agency I work for alot of our rules and regulations, down to the way things are worded, are designed to keep people from suing the agency.

Regardless of the end result he has a good point about the motivation. I do not think the law is necessary and is a bad law but it may be necessary for future lawsuits. There are many stupid lawsuits that are examples.

wouldnt it be more productive to make laws against stupid lawsuit or something like that?
wouldnt it be more productive to make laws against stupid lawsuit or something like that?

Something like that would get struck down so quickly I bet. Every attorney known to man would sign up to fight that.
Oh, ya -- good call. I forgot that I told Babe to shut up. Wait...

In fact, Slopper, I've given props to Babe on many and many, and although his ideas are dumber than you are ugly, at least he gets out there and does his thing. My post was aimed at The Thrillers of the world. Kindly eat my ****, dick hole.

What would you call this?

Until then, stop bitching about it.
Oh, ya -- good call. I forgot that I told Babe to shut up. Wait...

In fact, Slopper, I've given props to Babe on many and many, and although his ideas are dumber than you are ugly, at least he gets out there and does his thing. My post was aimed at The Thrillers of the world. Kindly eat my ****, dick hole.

Just for the record, I went with my wife to the republican caucus, and registered right there as a republican so I could vote for Ron Paul over Mitt, and against Hatch or whatever. There were thirty people in our district that showed up. I was feeling really sad for my wife and wanting to give her some indication that life will go on and the better things will be done for our country. She didn't want to run for delegate because she's just not going to be able to do all that for a while, so I did. I lost by two votes. So I ran as alternate, and lost by two votes. Then they wanted somebody to keep minutes and collect donations. Nobody volunteered but me. So I'm "it".

Then, a week ago, while sitting in the picnic area waiting for my wife and kids at Disneyland, with all the grub spread out waiting for them, I got a call. GOP party folks had a problem, they had messed up, and needed one more delegate. Would I be it?


Now candidates are calling me and wanting me to show up for food and hype.