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"You get a mugshot, you get a mugshot, everyone gets a mugshot!"

The mugshot is a seminal moment. It heralds the end of Trump's hold on our country. The arsonist will soon be snuffed out.
let's not count our chickens before they are hatched.

I think the likelihood of his minions going to jail is high but all it takes is one latent QMAGA juror and Trump's trial is hung. Regrettably, this is a plausible outcome.
A nation celebrates!

**** you Trump

**** you

**** you for what you've done to the nation I love.

**** you!

To be fair, imo he is more a tumor that grew from the cancer of racism and bigotry, which is causing damage as it is excised. I think we are making more headway than we have in a long time in leveling the playing field and working on reducing white privilege. Those being affected can either accept the changes and help, ignore it, or fight against it. And Trump is a symptom of those fighting against it. I've said before, in behavioral modification this is called an "extinction burst" when the subject shows an increase in the behavior you are working to eliminate to try to keep the same reinforcers, in other words, to stay where it's comfortable. People will fight tooth and nail to maintain their status quo. Change is hard especially when you feel it is being forced on you, as so many of Trump's supporters undoubtedly feel, and most people will fight to avoid that uncomfortable change. I'm some ways it means we are getting better as a society, but the big question is, can our society survive the turmoil. The last time we saw a real decrease in the power of the "ruling class", so to speak, it ended in civil war. I'm not saying this is anywhere near that level but it is it really that far off, and it might end the same way. But in the end, this is exactly the kind of scenario in which a Trump can come to power. So it's actually worse than you think it is, it isn't what Trump did to your country, is the *****iness of your country creating a Trump.
To be fair, imo he is more a tumor that grew from the cancer of racism and bigotry, which is causing damage as it is excised. I think we are making more headway than we have in a long time in leveling the playing field and working on reducing white privilege. Those being affected can either accept the changes and help, ignore it, or fight against it. And Trump is a symptom of those fighting against it. I've said before, in behavioral modification this is called an "extinction burst" when the subject shows an increase in the behavior you are working to eliminate to try to keep the same reinforcers, in other words, to stay where it's comfortable. People will fight tooth and nail to maintain their status quo. Change is hard especially when you feel it is being forced on you, as so many of Trump's supporters undoubtedly feel, and most people will fight to avoid that uncomfortable change. I'm some ways it means we are getting better as a society, but the big question is, can our society survive the turmoil. The last time we saw a real decrease in the power of the "ruling class", so to speak, it ended in civil war. I'm not saying this is anywhere near that level but it is it really that far off, and it might end the same way. But in the end, this is exactly the kind of scenario in which a Trump can come to power. So it's actually worse than you think it is, it isn't what Trump did to your country, is the *****iness of your country creating a Trump.
To be fair, imo he is more a tumor that grew from the cancer of racism and bigotry, which is causing damage as it is excised. I think we are making more headway than we have in a long time in leveling the playing field and working on reducing white privilege. Those being affected can either accept the changes and help, ignore it, or fight against it. And Trump is a symptom of those fighting against it. I've said before, in behavioral modification this is called an "extinction burst" when the subject shows an increase in the behavior you are working to eliminate to try to keep the same reinforcers, in other words, to stay where it's comfortable. People will fight tooth and nail to maintain their status quo. Change is hard especially when you feel it is being forced on you, as so many of Trump's supporters undoubtedly feel, and most people will fight to avoid that uncomfortable change. I'm some ways it means we are getting better as a society, but the big question is, can our society survive the turmoil. The last time we saw a real decrease in the power of the "ruling class", so to speak, it ended in civil war. I'm not saying this is anywhere near that level but it is it really that far off, and it might end the same way. But in the end, this is exactly the kind of scenario in which a Trump can come to power. So it's actually worse than you think it is, it isn't what Trump did to your country, is the *****iness of your country creating a Trump.
Great post, but I hate to ascribe his cancerous growth to racism and bigotry... I think it's more stupidity.
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