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Your vague comments don't make much sense, Mr. Zulu. Vodka is well-known as a relaxant, as you might know.

Also, TIA can mean what you wish.

Hope this clears things up,


Vodka makes me violent. Especially the cutsie flavored kinds like whipping cream, you temptress bitch guy.
Are you 5'5"?? You speak like a man who is below average height.

Just curious,


Average height for your generation or mine? Did you know the tallest nation on earth was undersized as recently as the 1980's? Let us clarify and do it over a manly drink not called vodka.
Heeeeeyyyy we want some pooooosaaay

Average height for your generation or mine? Did you know the tallest nation on earth was undersized as recently as the 1980's? Let us clarify and do it over a manly drink not called vodka.

I fell like the answer to this question was "Yes George, I am 5-foot-five".

Not that it is anything to be ashamed of, Mr. Franklin

It's okay

I fell like the answer to this question was "Yes George, I am 5-foot-five".

Not that it is anything to be ashamed of, Mr. Franklin

It's okay



Sir, I would except a man of your stature to show some Davidian respect. As in the statue.

If it were anybody else, I would... I would... probably do nothing. BUT since it is you Moe, it's alright. I wasn't quite sure where franklin was going there, but thanks for clarifying and I stand by all previous statements of you being my future wife.