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Jeff Withey's girlfriend is

What I’m trying to get at Cy, is why, other than Mo, not a single regular poster posts as a woman. Your point that maybe there are women here who just don’t want to identify as women really only highlights the fact that we might have an issue. When I read threads like this one or posts like the one I quoted earlier that seem to me to exude a locker room vibe, I think it’s possible that this kind of culture may be part of the problem. Then again, maybe most people like the boys’ club atmosphere and don’t see the lack of outward diversity as a problem. If that's the case, I’m just whistling in the wind.
Are you for real?
Ever wonder why JazzFanz has so few women posting? It makes no sense. More than forty percent of all NBA fans are female. Kinda weird so few choose to post here. Maybe more **** jokes would help?
It's all my fault. When I joined, there were quite a few good female posters, including kiri, Ize, Jazzgal and several others. Now only Moe is left. Sorry about that.
Jonah, it's not that women post here, it's that no one new posts here. I've brought it up on numerous occasions, but when the first page of your member list spans one year, then it's an entire demographic problem.


And to add on to that year long list, only, what, three have any sort of posting history that aren't re-registers or troll/alt accounts? Not just this thread, but basically anyone not registered on this site who looks at it doesn't want to sign up and post. It's not just this thread, it's the entire site.
I saw a couple of cuter women at Wal-Mart earlier today. I ain't saying she's ugly, just saying there are beautiful women all over the place.
Are you talking about faces? If you are, you're not keeping up with this conversation correctly.
Jonah, it's not that women post here, it's that no one new posts here. I've brought it up on numerous occasions, but when the first page of your member list spans one year, then it's an entire demographic problem.


And to add on to that year long list, only, what, three have any sort of posting history that aren't re-registers or troll/alt accounts? Not just this thread, but basically anyone not registered on this site who looks at it doesn't want to sign up and post. It's not just this thread, it's the entire site.

Any ideas or suggestions?
Any ideas or suggestions?

The Jazz could win more games and get back into the playoffs. Success breeds fans and excitement. It's hard for bandwagon or lukewarm fans to want to post when the Jazz are operating outside of the playoff picture. If they go on a tear to finish the year, get into the playoffs and make some noise the fans will come around more.

Right now, we're stuck rehashing arguments about who of the core the Jazz should keep or get rid of, or about whichever ridiculous, hair-brained trades the team isn't going to make.

DL needs to make a move, or the Jazz need to catch fire here to get things rolling. Gobert, Favors and Hayward might be the best (young) 3 man front court in the league. Won't matter worth a damn if they don't start winning with it.
Any ideas or suggestions?

1. Draft a Puerto Rican. This site was jumpin' when Arroyo played for Utah.
2. Re-sign Bryce Cotton. We KNOW those fans are passionate.
3. Sign Jimmer and get all the zoobies to create accounts.
4. Have Jason sign Neto to a marketing deal. Promotion: Signed pic of Raulzinho in his tighty whities to each new female who signs up for Jazzfanz (or male, I'm legally obligated to say there's nothing wrong with that).
5. Ask Dr. Jones for some venture capital. Hang out at Walmart with laptops, Hand out $100 bills to each female who is willing to sign up and post a pic for our amusement and evaluation.
6. Have members advertise the site with special t-shirts. Oh, wait..
Any ideas or suggestions?

Foster an atmosphere people want to come to? I think SLC Dunk's comment page is full with more regular visitors than here, and they've seemingly grown with more posts there, so I don't buy the winning argument so much. Threads have been pretty bad as people are generally unpleasant here, or at least that's the perception. Too many absolutes here.


Easy example. Just clicked on the Earl Watson coach thread. After the first few posts, why would anyone actually wanting to have a discussion on the actual thread topic want to actually post in there. Any relevant post is going to be drowned out by the e-peen wielding.