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Thread for responding to transphobic comments

@One Brow unlike you ever do, because you lie constantly I can bring evidence.. I actually thought you were telling the truth and maybe you are but can you...for once provide where she threatened suicide?

"Doctors also told Cole and her parents that her gender dysphoria would not resolve itself and told her parents that she was at a high risk for suicide unless she socially and medically transitioned, asking them, "would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?," according to lawsuit. "

"They kind of watered it down,' she said of the doctors who explained to her the impending double mastectomy. 'They simplified it a little bit, just to make it a little more digestible for my 15-year-old brain.'
It's actually quite baffling that not wanting to mutilate children and thinking that giving children drugs that chemically castrate pedophiles is wrong and that I'm a phobe for that.

This world is a ****ed up place man.

View: https://twitter.com/TolarianCollege/status/1628900013064740864?t=4SMeum2_FPTdTGBoxnHZvQ&s=19

Not really interested in debating this issue with the resident transphobes that unfortunately frequent this place, instead here's a link to a campaign to raise funds for the trans lifeline.

If you need any incentive other than giving to a good cause, and you like playing magic the gathering, the community has donated an enormous number of giveaways that will be raffled off to donors.
I'm still trying to figure out how not wanting kids mutilated and castrated is transphobic but my theory is it's a way to protect oneself from admitting they love to abuse children. Can't fight the issue, call one transphobic. I mean why else would you call someone transphobic for trying to protect kids from getting their genetals destroyed... You're morally reprehensible. These are children you sick freaks. This is why you run... You know it's wrong. He'll even Gameface agreed that 18 is the right age while telling me I'm a transphobe.

I'm all for donating and magic as I think things like hotlines to prevent the mass amounts of suicides is better than the child abusers ruining kids lives. We still need more but unfortunately the child abusers would rather mutilate and destroy children to get themselves off than to help. Their solution... Drugs that castrate or mutilation...

Again I understand why you won't talk about that as you're evil. I have never once talked down on trans, my entire fight is to protect innocent children from the likes of you that want to literally mutilate kids. Again at 18... By all means.
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@One Brow you ever going to back that claim about the girl your type coerced into mutilating herself threatening suicide? Again I know you're a pathological liar, this has been proven but I actually believe you here but I would like more context. I've searched multiple different searches and can only find this.

"Doctors also told Cole and her parents that her gender dysphoria would not resolve itself and told her parents that she was at a high risk for suicide unless she socially and medically transitioned, asking them, "would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?," according to lawsuit. "

"They kind of watered it down,' she said of the doctors who explained to her the impending double mastectomy. 'They simplified it a little bit, just to make it a little more digestible for my 15-year-old brain.'
It's evil indoctrination... I understand why you can't debate. It must be hard to explain how one is for castratrating kids... Hell castrating anybody besides rapist and pedophiles is wrong. But instead the people give kids the sane drugs that chemically castrate pedophiles. They think tryng to call one transphobic will silence us from fighting their perverted evil, but they won't. The tide is slowly turning. "Child butchers" is actually very fitting name.

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants coerced Cole into pursuing irreversible chemical and surgical interventions between the ages of 13 and 16 while “concealing less invasive treatments and by lying to her about her condition.”

I was fifteen when you cut into my body, ripped out my breasts and stitched me back up like I was your rag doll,” Cole charged. “You are on the wrong side of history and will always be remembered as child butchers.”

“Once I announced my intention to seek justice, I have not stopped receiving call after call, email after email, of parents and patients that have been harmed by these same practices, some of them even were butchered in the same building I was,” she added.
Just evidence that it is indeed indoctrination. There is also a study I'll post where 4 out of 5 grow out of the trans phase
More nonsense. There are still doctors who deny that tobacco causes cancer.

Trans clinic whistleblower makes shocking claims about the harmful side-effects of drugs given to confused teenagers that 'deform' genitalia and cause bleeding
I actually work at the WUSM. I've worked with a few of the doctors at the center, other members of my team have worked with others. You have no idea of the level of standards that WUSM holds itself to. We are one of the premier research institutions in the country, and our culture to to dot every i and cross every t. One of my former teammates was let go just for talking about a patient chart with another person in the cafeteria.

In the Daily Mail article you linked to, Reed is releasing information that, if true, could be used to track down individual patients. If she were still at the clinic, regardless if she were defending it or attacking it, she would be fired for revealing those details. That is a huge breach of medical ethics. I don't know what her malfunction is, but I don't see any reason to believe her. If you really cared about patients instead of your comfort, you wouldn't either.

I think there are far more options than mutilation, chemical castration or suicide.
This would be on the basis of how many hours of medical practice?

but can you...for once provide where she threatened suicide?
In her testimony to the Ohio legislature, she says that her parents were pressured by the threat of suicide. Passive voice, twice. If her doctors had been the people doing all the pressuring, she would have said so. It's a common way of avoiding responsibility.

"Doctors also told Cole and her parents that her gender dysphoria would not resolve itself and told her parents that she was at a high risk for suicide unless she socially and medically transitioned, asking them, "would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?," according to lawsuit. "
While the proportion is much higher than in non-trans kids, most trans kids are not suicidal. Where do you think the doctors would have gotten the notion from, if not the patient? Note the lawsuit was written by the lawyers, not Cole.

It's actually quite baffling ...
The world is a complicated place, and simple answers are often insufficient.

According to noted transphobe Abigail Shrier, in an anti-abortion publication.

Again I know you're a pathological liar,
Tell yourself anything you need to in order to sleep at night. You want to put children at risk to avoid having to change your understanding of the world. I'm not concerned with your opinion of me.
I'm not going to look this up tonight because I've got something I want to do other than this, but recently I saw that there have been something like 3 gender affirming surgeries on people under 18 in the U.S. over the last 10 or more years (I might look this info up tomorrow for a source, but again, not tonight).

The medical organization that exists to support the transgender community is opposed to surgeries on patients younger than 18. Most major transgender organizations do not support gender affirming surgeries on patients younger than 18. Most medical organizations and hospitals do not allow gender affirming surgeries on patients younger than 18.

If the person driving treatment options is anyone other than the transgender person then that is wrong and potentially criminal. If anyone is trying to groom a child into a transgender identity then they are a criminal. That isn't what's happening. You talk about this like parents and medical providers are frothing at the mouth to get kids to be transgender and then to load them up with all the most aggressive treatments available, including surgery. That is simply not the reality. You're only able to believe that because you are looking at this issue from a distance and don't know the real people living in this reality.

My child has their friends over, also transgender mostly met each other in a youth support group. None of them uses drugs or alcohol. All of them live at home and have the support of their parent(s). When they are here they spend 90% of the time just talking and laughing while maybe watching a show. None of them are trying to win their school swim meet or wrestling trophy. None of them are hanging out in public restrooms (in fact they avoid that situation like their lives depend on it, because it just might).

This is not the dystopian horror show you continually portray it as.
Its a nothingburger. The right has created this boogey man and made a mountain out of a molehill. I literally dont know a single transgender person, personally.
So I take it you lied about Chloe threatening suicide? Why is this so hard? Again, I don't think you are lying but like always you add nothing. For once back your claim up. Once.... @One Brow
Its a nothingburger. The right has created this boogey man and made a mountain out of a molehill. I literally dont know a single transgender person, personally.
So kids arent taking Lupron? Or kids arent getting mutilated? WHich part is made up? I guarantee you fish wont answer this.
I'm still waiting for a single one of the pro-child mutilate cult to tell me what is wrong with wanting to protect kids from castration and mutilation... This shouldn't be hard but I think we all know it's wrong that's why you can't. You know what you are doing is wrong. You know there is dark reasons that you do want to castrate innocent children.

Well I take that back here's GF agreeing with me while the rest of you literally want to destroy childrens lives. "most" not all. I guess you all are calling GF a transphobe for agreeing with me? Right?

"Most major transgender organizations do not support gender affirming surgeries on patients younger than 18. Most medical organizations and hospitals do not allow gender affirming surgeries on patients younger than 18."
So I take it you lied about Chloe threatening suicide?
It's a conclusion based on what was in her testimony, and what was not in it. Prove it's not true. I'll wait.

... tell me what is wrong ...
Your ideas are based in ignorance and your own level of comfort, rather than science and sound medical practice. You justify your positions to yourself regardless of the hurt they cause to other posters, and regardless of the deaths that would happen if your suggestions were implemented. You rely on a false narrative of the treatment of trans kids spoon-fed to you by a media complex that is looking to make you angry more than inform you.

... here's GF agreeing with me ...
After all the personal pain you've inflicted on this topic for this poster, you have to be incredibly deluded or callous to make this claim with a straight face.
It's a conclusion based on what was in her testimony, and what was not in it. Prove it's not true. I'll wait.
I already did... I provided actual quotes from the lawsuit. You literally fabricated a lie to hate on this poor girl. You are a sick dude. Be honest with us all. Why did you blatantly lie?

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants coerced Cole into pursuing irreversible chemical and surgical interventions between the ages of 13 and 16 while “concealing less invasive treatments and by lying to her about her condition.”

I was fifteen when you cut into my body, ripped out my breasts and stitched me back up like I was your rag doll,” Cole charged. “You are on the wrong side of history and will always be remembered as child butchers.”

“Once I announced my intention to seek justice, I have not stopped receiving call after call, email after email, of parents and patients that have been harmed by these same practices, some of them even were butchered in the same building I was,” she added.
That's the lady who, at 15, repeatedly threatened suicide unless her parents and doctors agreed to her demands. Does she think she would be better off dead?
Where did this happen? Where is this testimony? Funny thing is... The phyciatrist even admitted that the pro-mutilate cult lie about this like you just did. You literally just proved my point. Just as GF just did. You are lying for a reason. Why else would you make up such a terrible lie? I thought you were being truthful as it takes a garbage human to make up such disgusting things. This is EXACTLY what you just did. You and these Doctors making huge money are the ones pushing mutilation or suicide... Not her.

Finland's top transgender treatment expert slams spread of 'disinformation' on children with gender confusion - and says 'four out of five' kids who question their gender grow out of it

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I'm going to ask you this. If you had a child, let's say 14 years old...
This 14-year-old, the week before you got the letter, what would their peers all agree that your 14-year-old was better than them at? Was your 14-year-old the best singer, fastest runner, quickest at math, most accurate archer, or most talented equestrian? There are almost an unending number of things a kid could be good at. In what way was your 14-year-old recognized as being superior?

In kindergarten, the teacher had two alien planets on the wall and each kid got their own rocketship that was moved each week a distance relative to the number of books they had read in Raz-Kids. My kid’s rocket was fastest by far. It wasn’t because he was the best reader but because I put in the time.

Over the years, he’s been the best at dozens of things and all have been the product of hard work. He’s now 10 and spends 4-6 days per week with coaches getting better at his main sport. I still work with him every day on academics. It isn’t the sport or academic over-achievement that is important. These points of accomplishment, of measure, of pride, especially as acknowledged by peers, form the scaffolding around which self-image is created and that will have impacts long after I’m gone.

Regardless of how you got there, you are where you are with your 14-year-old, and where you are is 23-35 months away from sending college applications to get into school. Tutors should be used to bring grades up. SAT/ACT test prep courses should be taken. A list of extracurriculars should be in the process of being accomplished, and a significant amount of effort should be put into developing a college admission spike.

View: https://youtu.be/M5MFVYvqCdU?t=79

The poverty rate for people identifying as transgender is through the roof. Most never attempt any college and they’re more likely to drop out when they do. Your kid has given you a flashing neon warning sign. The ability to support oneself is unflinching reality and it doesn’t care about your victim status.

The path you walk as a parent is 26 years long. That is how long it takes on average for the human brain to mature. At 14-years-old, you’re barely over half way. Even if you spent their early years too wrapped up in your own pursuits, it is not too late but you need to keep focus on the end goal: self-sufficiency. If you do not get all available efforts reallocated to that end goal then it I humbly submit a cautionary tale:

You know, we'll do what we can. They're an adult (but still living with us...), so all we can do really is support them.

I wish you success Gameface. I sincerely do. You are at a crossroads and things could go in a lot of directions.

My child has their friends over, also transgender mostly met each other in a youth support group. ... All of them live at home and have the support of their parent(s). When they are here they spend 90% of the time just talking and laughing while maybe watching a show. None of them are trying to win their school swim meet or wrestling trophy.
College applications in 23-35 months. Tick.tick.tick.
After all the personal pain you've inflicted on this topic for this poster, you have to be incredibly deluded or callous to make this claim with a straight face.
His words. This is literally what I've been saying. Kids do not need this but if you're 18, you're an adult and do what you wish. He agreed with me. I have not said a negative thing about trans people just that chemically castratrating kids and mutilating kids is wrong. "The medical organization that exists to support the transgender community is opposed to surgeries on patients younger than 18. "

That is EXACTLY what I've been saying this entire time. It's wrong to mutilate and give kids drugs that will eventually castrate them.
The medical organization that exists to support the transgender community is opposed to surgeries on patients younger than 18. Most major transgender organizations do not support gender affirming surgeries on patients younger than 18. M
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Surgery was never an option because no one does that for a patient under 18.
It's just crazy that you all are literally agreeing that it's wrong then calling me a transphobe for pointing it out. And yes... A lot of kids under 18 have had gender affirming surgery. This is why I quoted you with a link about a hospital that is specifically made for such thing.

Why lie?
So @Gameface you are wrong. While the do not do "genital surgery" they do mutilate kids with other surgeries. There's plenty of these clinics around too. My boogyman is real, you on the other hand had to lie or possibly you just didn't know.

"Surgery was never an option because no one does that for a patient under 18."

The center currently offers vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, chest reconstruction, breast augmentation, facial harmonization and other gender affirmation surgeries to eligible patients. We are guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards and other criteria to surgically treat people who are stable in their gender identity and have documentation of persistent gender dysphoria. You do not need to be a GeMS patient to have surgery at the center. All genital surgeries are only performed on patients age 18 and older.
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This 14-year-old, the week before you got the letter, what would their peers all agree that your 14-year-old was better than them at? Was your 14-year-old the best singer, fastest runner, quickest at math, most accurate archer, or most talented equestrian? There are almost an unending number of things a kid could be good at. In what way was your 14-year-old recognized as being superior?

In kindergarten, the teacher had two alien planets on the wall and each kid got their own rocketship that was moved each week a distance relative to the number of books they had read in Raz-Kids. My kid’s rocket was fastest by far. It wasn’t because he was the best reader but because I put in the time.

Over the years, he’s been the best at dozens of things and all have been the product of hard work. He’s now 10 and spends 4-6 days per week with coaches getting better at his main sport. I still work with him every day on academics. It isn’t the sport or academic over-achievement that is important. These points of accomplishment, of measure, of pride, especially as acknowledged by peers, form the scaffolding around which self-image is created and that will have impacts long after I’m gone.

Regardless of how you got there, you are where you are with your 14-year-old, and where you are is 23-35 months away from sending college applications to get into school. Tutors should be used to bring grades up. SAT/ACT test prep courses should be taken. A list of extracurriculars should be in the process of being accomplished, and a significant amount of effort should be put into developing a college admission spike.

View: https://youtu.be/M5MFVYvqCdU?t=79

The poverty rate for people identifying as transgender is through the roof. Most never attempt any college and they’re more likely to drop out when they do. Your kid has given you a flashing neon warning sign. The ability to support oneself is unflinching reality and it doesn’t care about your victim status.

The path you walk as a parent is 26 years long. That is how long it takes on average for the human brain to mature. At 14-years-old, you’re barely over half way. Even if you spent their early years too wrapped up in your own pursuits, it is not too late but you need to keep focus on the end goal: self-sufficiency. If you do not get all available efforts reallocated to that end goal then it I humbly submit a cautionary tale:

I wish you success Gameface. I sincerely do. You are at a crossroads and things could go in a lot of directions.

College applications in 23-35 months. Tick.tick.tick.

You didn't address my post at all. That's why you're worthless to have a discussion with. This conversation was with my 15 year old... 6 years ago. Tick Tick Tick indeed.