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Welcome Ty Corbin - new head coach of the Jazz



I think this is the best move the franchise could make with such short notice. I'm not sure that announcing as THE head coach (not interim) was the best idea as I think he should have a trial period, but it might've just been a statement the organization was trying to make to the team.

I like Corbin. He is the only guy in the organization that seems proactive and not just a guy in tow with Sloan philosophy (which isn't to say he isn't a supporter of it, but that he seems to think for himself). I really hope Hornacek is the assistant and not Scott Layden.

Welcome, Ty. Good luck.

good post, though I think it's better that he is not an "interim" head coach - if there's any truth at all to some of the reasons behind Sloan's resignation, the "interim" tag would certainly send the wrong message to the players

I look forward to the day when whatever hurt feelings there may be are healed and the Utah Jazz have a big ceremony to honor their long-time, Hall of Fame coach Jerry Sloan

and best of luck to Ty Corbin and the Jazz franchise going forward
I'm excited!

couple things i want to see:
-Evans getting a lot more time
-An interesting switch around with the starting line up
-development of hayward
-millsap taking three shots
-hornacek as an assistant coach and to help with our threes
-karl malone as the strength coach
-the jazz start having fun again
-a player with a headband jk :)
-williams to stop bitchin and start beastin
-Preservation of some of Sloans plays (as long as they are executed, they work!)

Jerry had his fun with the Jazz and now he can relax on his farm. IT's your time to step up CORBIN!
....this is a good move. The players just weren't responding to Sloan...and neither was this board! I'm as old school as they come.....but Sloan needed to go! I think he was losing it mentally as well.....you know, just having too many "senior" moments and it was best to do it now, before he ended up going to the wrong bench after running out on the floor to protest a call!

I can half agree with that statement. It's a shame Sloan left as he did. But the players were clearly not responding. If Larry were still alive and healthy; if Sloan were younger...maybe you'd see a major shakeup of the team, including Deron being traded. But Sloan clearly didn't have the desire to fight any more.

Corbin has as good a chance as any assistant around the league to be a decent head coach. He's highly-regarded by most accounts. Maybe he'll step in with new ideas, new energy and turn the team around. Many, many years ago, the Jazz had a pretty darn good head coach resign mid-season and leave the team to his assistant. That worked out pretty good.
Man, I remember when the Jazz traded Big T for Corbin. I wasn't happy but witheld judgment. I actually still have the Skybox Utah Jazz Tyrone Corbin card lol.
Ty - Best of luck!

Dwill - Always be careful what you ask for - you may get it. YOu now got it. Time to step up and deliver.
TyCo: No headbands. If Corbin says no headbands, you know they're useless. He was one of the sweatiest players ever to play the game.
TyCo: No headbands. If Corbin says no headbands, you know they're useless. He was one of the sweatiest players ever to play the game.

Tyco. Love it.

True. Dude sweats like he just ran a marathon during interviews....he makes AJ look dry as ****.

Im really excited for tonight...
Thanks for the link. Doesn't sound like Jeff H. is necessarily going to be an official assistant.

I don't think Jeff wants to coach full time until his kids are out of high school. Just the impression I have had listening to him interviewed through the years.
I don't think Jeff wants to coach full time until his kids are out of high school. Just the impression I have had listening to him interviewed through the years.

Are his kids still not out of high school? One of his sons was in my class and I graduated 5 years ago.