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anti-fa behave like fascist!

You clearly don't understand the word fascist. (Again it has a definition people, you don't get to make up your own meaning). Antifa act like Anarchists. They may not all be political Anarchists but the organizational structure and their willingness to act without asking permission from authority are Anarchic.

They are not fascist. That isn't to say that they don't repress certain groups. They do; Nazis, Racists, White nationalists.
You clearly don't understand the word fascist. (Again it has a definition people, you don't get to make up your own meaning). Antifa act like Anarchists. They may not all be political Anarchists but the cause and the actions that define them are.

They are not fascist. That isn't to say that they don't repress certain groups. They do; Nazis, Racists, White nationalists.
you do not understand fascism.
read benito mousilini works the creator of fascism.
fascism is literally a modified form of socialism!
you do not understand fascism.
read benito mousilini works the creator of fascism.
fascism is literally a modified form of socialism!

Italy 1930's-40's: was it the Antifascists who helped Mousolini or was it the Nationalists that supported him? Which one were Italian Jews marching with?

You are a ****ing idiot. If you truly are Jewish you are the greatest of fools.

edit: If you aren't Jewish I apologizefor calling you a fool. In that case you wouldn't be stupid just an antisemite cowardly hiding behind a false identity.
well just like i am done with the trump firing fbi director thread. i am done with this.

hitter and his national socialist(with his 25 point socialist plan) wiped out 8 branches of my family tree. i am not ok with that.

but i stand for absolute free speech. some people here do not seem to get that. what hitler did went way far beyond freedom of peech

not ebing able to speak freely means you live under a tyrany or a fascist regime. anti-fa wants to limit free speech not only nazis, but from speakers like ben shapiro who i align with the most! othe rspeakers he banned like despicable ann coulter. fun homosexual milo yanapoulis. and lots of others
if they silence the nazis they will move on to their next target. i am not OK with that.

i am getting called racist, nazi sympathizer, soulless, scum etc. that's ok they have freedom of speech they can call me whatever they like, neg me into oblivion. but if they ever lay a hand on me i will exterminate them with extreme prejudice.

this thread will soon become a circle jerk for lefties! just like some other threads.

i am sorry if my point came across as trolling it was not my intent

so i leave this discussion with the last word. I STAND FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
My God, I can't believe the rationalizations coming from dumbass Trump supporters.

Apparently, being against Nazis means you're the alt left and just as much to blame as actual Nazis.

Twitler supporters have officially lost their ****ing minds.

Who other than the obvious trolls have said this?
well just like i am done with the trump firing fbi director thread. i am done with this.

hitter and his national socialist(with his 25 point socialist plan) wiped out 8 branches of my family tree. i am not ok with that.

but i stand for absolute free speech. some people here do not seem to get that. what hitler did went way far beyond freedom of peech

not ebing able to speak freely means you live under a tyrany or a fascist regime. anti-fa wants to limit free speech not only nazis, but from speakers like ben shapiro who i align with the most! othe rspeakers he banned like despicable ann coulter. fun homosexual milo yanapoulis. and lots of others
if they silence the nazis they will move on to their next target. i am not OK with that.

i am getting called racist, nazi sympathizer, soulless, scum etc. that's ok they have freedom of speech they can call me whatever they like, neg me into oblivion. but if they ever lay a hand on me i will exterminate them with extreme prejudice.

this thread will soon become a circle jerk for lefties! just like some other threads.

i am sorry if my point came across as trolling it was not my intent

so i leave this discussion with the last word. I STAND FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

If you were alive and present at one of Hitlers earliest rallies would you have been willing to use violence to shut it down?

ps: I get to use Nazi analogies here because the people we are talking about collect nazi memorabilia, use the Nazi salute, have swastica tattoos, and use Nazi rhetoric. in other words they are ****ing nazis
I'm actually non-violent, and a man of smaller stature which many here can confirm. I've been beaten up by Nazi's before, and I wish I had Antifa there to help me out. I will stand with them as long as they stand to fight hate and bigotry. Next time, I'll be looking for that black ski mask.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well just like i am done with the trump firing fbi director thread. i am done with this.

hitter and his national socialist(with his 25 point socialist plan) wiped out 8 branches of my family tree. i am not ok with that.

but i stand for absolute free speech. some people here do not seem to get that. what hitler did went way far beyond freedom of peech

not ebing able to speak freely means you live under a tyrany or a fascist regime. anti-fa wants to limit free speech not only nazis, but from speakers like ben shapiro who i align with the most! othe rspeakers he banned like despicable ann coulter. fun homosexual milo yanapoulis. and lots of others
if they silence the nazis they will move on to their next target. i am not OK with that.

i am getting called racist, nazi sympathizer, soulless, scum etc. that's ok they have freedom of speech they can call me whatever they like, neg me into oblivion. but if they ever lay a hand on me i will exterminate them with extreme prejudice.

this thread will soon become a circle jerk for lefties! just like some other threads.

i am sorry if my point came across as trolling it was not my intent

so i leave this discussion with the last word. I STAND FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH!


You are the poster child for delusional white america. Only, you don't even ****ing live here and seem to give the biggest **** about American race relations. Weird.

Having to look racism in the face is hard, and painful. But the sooner you do it, the better you feel. Like they say, we're all a little racist.

You smell like a hobo period, Dutch. Kick rocks, bitch.
^ even a piece of **** like Shapiro can see that this group is irredeemable

It's going to get harder and harder to dismiss those who oppose Trump as leftists just being fed "Fake News."
We have to fight fake news / disinformation as much as much as we fight ignorance and hatred.

Because mid level intellectual will always find it easy to jump to conclusions out of social media posts they hang around every day and every hour. And when one shares an info, her/his entourage mostly will jump onto it without having second thoughts since she/he is the source to them.

Disinformation is like a cancer.
If you were alive and present at one of Hitlers earliest rallies would you have been willing to use violence to shut it down?

ps: I get to use Nazi analogies here because the people we are talking about collect nazi memorabilia, use the Nazi salute, have swastica tattoos, and use Nazi rhetoric. in other words they are ****ing nazis

Alt13, are you saying that those who collect memorabilia belonging to famous blacks, are OK in your (or Antifa) beliefs? For example, Idi Amin or hutu related? Am i correct that most black americans would not be angry at all should i appear in a hutu costume with a bloody machete at hand in some kind of carnival or festival? Because, based on this thread - blacks all over the world are one of the most peaceful group of people. When having the majority in some country they would also never-ever attack a neighbouring country.
Are those people nazis who will bring flowers to the grave of that man:

Thanks to that kind of people my country was partly saved by the total destruction of the Soviet Army.
Alt13, are you saying that those who collect memorabilia belonging to famous blacks, are OK in your (or Antifa) beliefs? For example, Idi Amin or hutu related? Am i correct that most black americans would not be angry at all should i appear in a hutu costume with a bloody machete at hand in some kind of carnival or festival? Because, based on this thread - blacks all over the world are one of the most peaceful group of people. When having the majority in some country they would also never-ever attack a neighbouring country.
Are those people nazis who will bring flowers to the grave of that man:

Thanks to that kind of people my country was partly saved by the total destruction of the Soviet Army.
This post made my brain hurt
You clearly don't understand the word fascist. (Again it has a definition people, you don't get to make up your own meaning). Antifa act like Anarchists. They may not all be political Anarchists but the organizational structure and their willingness to act without asking permission from authority are Anarchic.

They are not fascist. That isn't to say that they don't repress certain groups. They do; Nazis, Racists, White nationalists.
Suppressing speech is a facist thing to do though.

I'm sure some of them are an anarchist, some are communist and some are just people who want to oppose the alt-right. Probably a mix of ideologies who share a few common goals in the current climate.

Sent from my A0001 using JazzFanz mobile app
All this strife reminded me of the song "Brother My brother" by Blessid Union of Souls.
Walking the same route that the Neo Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us", and "Blood and Soil" had used last Friday night, Wed. night candles replaced torches:
