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Jazz select Grayson Allen at 21

DM approves of Allen. What else is needed? He texted management and said "Allen at 21?", and that he wanted "play with him".

Bradley has been in the facility working for "weeks"

Bring on summer league! It's gonna be fun.
That sounds like a Celtics offer based off the rumors leading up to the draft.
It would indeed be funny if it were the Celtics, especially for the “LOL WTF would Ainge give the Jazz a TPE for nothing” crowd.
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I wonder too. I would think it would be their own pick or at most the Clippers pick before the Memphis one.
Yah, I wouldn't have done it for the Clippers pick... that one is a glorified 2nd rounder. I wouldn't have done it for their own pick next year either. Memphis or nothing...
If you compare Grayson Allen to Trae Young, I like Grayson. He is bigger and can play without the ball alongside Donovan. They are both knocked for defense, but I would take Grayson all day for size and athleticism over Trae. Trae has bigger upside, but Grayson is more of a complete player. And we got him at #21.

I think this was a wise choice which will pay off quickly. We needed the offense.

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It's moves like these that makes me question whether we are all that serious about winning the Championship.

Trading away a late 2nd round pick for cash makes you think we aren’t that serious about winning a ship?

Have you any sense man!

Use your brain a little bit, please.
The problem with the Allen pick is that he's neither the BPA nor draft for need... Both Musa and Williams fill the team's need better than Allen
Still hate this pick this morning. And my beef isn’t the skill level, it’s the character issue. I don’t think it’s something you magically outgrow. For somebody to have that many dirty plays it runs deep.

I felt like the 29 other teams did better this year in the draft than the Jazz did.

Character?! Because he tripped a few guys, threw a fit or two, and then grew up and stopped doing it? Because he’s never been in trouble with the law? Those character issues??

We have a statue of Karl Malone outside our stadium, but Grayson Allen’s character issues are too much. Please.
Why are we taking about Allen's size as if this is his strength...? The kid's only 6'3 which is the standard size for PGs in the league. He holds no size advantage over guards in the league whatsoever
As a sophomore Allen averaged 22/5/4 on 47/42 shooting splits. He cane back to school, and the next two years Duke recruited players that were better than him. His role was so
I ished from what it was when he had a very good year.

He never complained. He still went out and played as hard as he could while adjusting to a new role. To go from being a star, and then get told that you’re not the lead player anymore...that’s a tough pill to swallow. And he handled it well. Bit character issues bro!
We could use a spark plug, microwave type off the bench. It’s hard to envision him not sticking around in the NBA for awhile. We could have used him in the Houston series. Getting a guy who can play at 21 isn’t bad. If your life depended on it I hope you would all trust Dennis Lindsey to make a good draft pick over yourself.

But it’s hard as **** to stay on top in the Western Conference. And it just keeps getting tougher. An East team gave away Doncic to the West. The Nuggets who are talented as hell, added a dude who is a top 5 pick if healthy. Suns had a great ****ing draft. Twolves got some good players. It’s tough out there.

Partly do some upcoming free agency, partly do to having some ‘untouchable’ guys, but our asset cupboard was looking mighty bare this offseason. And now we walk away with just one more dude. So he really better hit.

And on principle I really don’t like helping the team that knocked us out of the playoffs. Especially when it just amounts to a bonus for DL and a check to the owner. Even if you know nothing about the guy you’re giving up, just take him because you know Houston wants him, what harm would it do to throw him on the Summer League roster?
Why are we taking about Allen's size as if this is his strength...? The kid's only 6'3 which is the standard size for PGs in the league. He holds no size advantage over guards in the league whatsoever

For the 50th billionth time, height isn’t what you’re looking for.


His wingspan is about an inch shy of league average for 2’s. So size wise, he can guard 1/2. He’ll guard the weaker of whoever Mitchell or Exum don’t take.