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weed is obviously enticing to nba players to manage chronic pain

This is such nonsense.

Its a lie people tell themselves. Weed barely has any effect on killing pain. Seriously, who in the **** believes this crap?

Let me state for the record as I have before plenty of times. I have no problem with weed. Ive done it plenty of times before. I think its mostly harmless, and people should be able to do it if they want. Alcohol and tobacco are 50x worse easily.

You are lying to yourself when you say its some miracle pain reliever. No it is not. If you have back pain or something. That weed is doing nothing for your back. You may be able to tolerate it more because you are zoned off thinking about something else, but thats it. Pain tends to be worse when you focus on it. Weed is about relxing the mind and taking your mind off the pain. Or in other words burning brain cells so you forget stuff.. Weed is 90%+ easily all a head high. It can help you sleep, which can be construed as a pain reliever because you can get to sleep, but the pain is still there.

Weed is an addictive drug, and people mostly do it to mask other things like insecurities, mental issues, etc.. So they say its for pain to justify its use. Just say you like doing it for fun or for those reasons. Who gives a ****.
This is such nonsense.

Its a lie people tell themselves. Weed barely has any effect on killing pain. Seriously, who in the **** believes this crap?

Let me state for the record as I have before plenty of times. I have no problem with weed. Ive done it plenty of times before. I think its mostly harmless, and people should be able to do it if they want. Alcohol and tobacco are 50x worse easily.

You are lying to yourself when you say its some miracle pain reliever. No it is not. If you have back pain or something. That weed is doing nothing for your back. You may be able to tolerate it more because you are zoned off thinking about something else, but thats it. Pain tends to be worse when you focus on it. Weed is about relxing the mind and taking your mind off the pain. Or in other words burning brain cells so you forget stuff.. Weed is 90%+ easily all a head high. It can help you sleep, which can be construed as a pain reliever because you can get to sleep, but the pain is still there.

Weed is an addictive drug, and people mostly do it to mask other things like insecurities, mental issues, etc.. So they say its for pain to justify its use. Just say you like doing it for fun or for those reasons. Who gives a ****.

It kind of isn't a lie though. It hits 2 receptors when it is used: CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors produce the euphoric effects, and CB2 have know anti-inflammatory effects both of which help manage pain but the anti-inflammatory effects are definitely important. Cannabinoids might produce the next breakthrough pain medications because of the unique way they work and how bad some of the other chronic pain management medications work. I do agree with a lot of what you said though. It's obviously addictive (but not very bad) and most likely overused.
This is such nonsense.

Its a lie people tell themselves. Weed barely has any effect on killing pain. Seriously, who in the **** believes this crap?

Let me state for the record as I have before plenty of times. I have no problem with weed. Ive done it plenty of times before. I think its mostly harmless, and people should be able to do it if they want. Alcohol and tobacco are 50x worse easily.

You are lying to yourself when you say its some miracle pain reliever. No it is not. If you have back pain or something. That weed is doing nothing for your back. You may be able to tolerate it more because you are zoned off thinking about something else, but thats it. Pain tends to be worse when you focus on it. Weed is about relxing the mind and taking your mind off the pain. Or in other words burning brain cells so you forget stuff.. Weed is 90%+ easily all a head high. It can help you sleep, which can be construed as a pain reliever because you can get to sleep, but the pain is still there.

Weed is an addictive drug, and people mostly do it to mask other things like insecurities, mental issues, etc.. So they say its for pain to justify its use. Just say you like doing it for fun or for those reasons. Who gives a ****.

A. Weed is not addictive for everyone and I would say it’s not addictive for most people.
B. Your post basically says that weed is a pain reliever since your post says that weed takes your mind off the pain which helps to relieve said pain lol.
This is such nonsense.

Its a lie people tell themselves. Weed barely has any effect on killing pain. Seriously, who in the **** believes this crap?

Let me state for the record as I have before plenty of times. I have no problem with weed. Ive done it plenty of times before. I think its mostly harmless, and people should be able to do it if they want. Alcohol and tobacco are 50x worse easily.

You are lying to yourself when you say its some miracle pain reliever. No it is not. If you have back pain or something. That weed is doing nothing for your back. You may be able to tolerate it more because you are zoned off thinking about something else, but thats it. Pain tends to be worse when you focus on it. Weed is about relxing the mind and taking your mind off the pain. Or in other words burning brain cells so you forget stuff.. Weed is 90%+ easily all a head high. It can help you sleep, which can be construed as a pain reliever because you can get to sleep, but the pain is still there.

Weed is an addictive drug, and people mostly do it to mask other things like insecurities, mental issues, etc.. So they say its for pain to justify its use. Just say you like doing it for fun or for those reasons. Who gives a ****.
Former NFL QB Jake Plummer would disagree. He went on record as saying it is the only thing that gives him pain relief.
Former NFL QB Jake Plummer would disagree. He went on record as saying it is the only thing that gives him pain relief.

Probably because it’s addictive if you’re addicted to weed, of course you’re going to say it’s the only thing that helps regardless if true or not. Lol

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