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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

Looking fwd to the full interview Sunday night...

They should still be thinking in terms of the 25th amendment for this president.

See. I really don't get this sentiment. I hear it a lot, but for the much repetition, I still miss how anyone dismisses the current Trump administration high crimes and calls for locking up or investigating Clinton.

On one hand, there was an investigation of Clinton's email server, and Benghazi, and they came up with nothing to charge her with. So it was investigated and dismissed... move on. The ramifications of being too lenient? Some of our classified information got into the hands of our international competitors. Past tense, she is in no position do do anymore harm, if she ever did any. Why go back over plowed ground?

On the other hand, Trump's campaign and family are currently under investigation. The investigation and report had not been released. The public knows next to nothing about what they have found. However, there have been dozens of charges made against people close to the president. There has also been intimations of proof of collusion or cooperation between people close to the president. The ramifications of this investigation? A sitting president of the United States of America who is not working in our interests but in the interest of a foreign power. He is in position to continue to do great harm to America. He has already given top secret Intel to the Russians. Just because it's not a crime because he is the president doesn't lessen the importance of that action. There is plenty of smoke here why not see if there is a fire? Why the rush to dismiss?

I don't get it.

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I never was calling for Hillary's head. You wont find a single post here of me saying it. So I think you are just assuming I did.

Where do you get that Trump isnt working in our interests? How does him wanting help from Russia to expose the crookedness of Hillary and the Democratic party equate to him not having our best interests at heart?

The way I see it is that is in our best interests. Why do democratic supporters not think its a big deal that Hillary and Donna conspired to rig the primaries? How can you sit there with a straight face and actually complain about Trump obtaining help from Russia to expose that corruption?

You are more mad who exposed the corruption than you are about the corruption. Now who really is not serving the best interests of the country? That would be you and everyone else who supports the Democratic party.
Looking fwd to the full interview Sunday night...

They should still be thinking in terms of the 25th amendment for this president.


What a jaw dropping interview we are about to witness. A disgruntled employee is upset. Sounds horrible. They even considered the 25th amendment and wearing a wire. Oh wow. This is so news worthy. I am shocked. I cant believe what I am hearing. They almost did something. Unbelievable.
Do you even read what you write?

Pretty sure Im still not calling for her head. Im defending Trump against ludacris accusations, and pointing out how the arguement against him are not logical.. I can also say Hillary is crooked without demanding she go to jail.
Apparently Alan Dershowitz believes that using the constitution (25th amendment) is unconstitutional.

Also, it sounds like Donald is going to declare a national emergency. Repubs celebrating this need to keep in mind that if this non-emergency is upheld, it opens the door for any president to bypass congress for any reason to enact any legislation that they don’t have votes for.
Looking fwd to the full interview Sunday night...

They should still be thinking in terms of the 25th amendment for this president.


He didn’t read intelligence reports and mixed up classified material with what he had seen in newspaper clips. He seemed confused about the structure and purpose of organizations and became overwhelmed when meetings covered multiple subjects. He blamed immigrants for nearly every societal problem and uttered racist sentiments with shocking callousness.

This isn’t how President Trump is depicted in a new book by former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe. Instead, it’s McCabe’s account of what it was like to work for then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The FBI was better off when “you all only hired Irishmen,” Sessions said in one diatribe about the bureau’s workforce. “They were drunks but they could be trusted. Not like all those new people with nose rings and tattoos — who knows what they’re doing?”
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Trump and the R's should start pushing for a sophisticated, modern immigration programme like Canada has. We need to come out of the stone age, get with the times. The extremely selective, stringent Canadan model is who we should follow. Everybody knows Canadans are better people than us, so let's copy them. Canadian immigration and healthcare, everybody wins.

Trump and the R's should start pushing for a sophisticated, modern immigration programme like Canada has. We need to come out of the stone age, get with the times. The extremely selective, stringent Canadan model is who we should follow. Everybody knows Canadans are better people than us, so let's copy them. Canadian immigration and healthcare, everybody wins.

Your thought process is ****.

But that's not enough to say no to a different way of looking at something. Why don't you start a new thread and better outline a foreign model for us?
Your thought process is ****.

But that's not enough to say no to a different way of looking at something. Why don't you start a new thread and better outline a foreign model for us?

My opinions arent so important that they need to muddy the forum up with another thread, so why don't you take your demands and cram them up your arse.

All I know is Canadans and Eiropeans are better people than us so we should be more like them. We need to copy their immigration policy. While we are at it, abortion too. Sane, 21st century abortion policy like those good old Europeans. Get with the times, guy.
My opinions arent so important that they need to muddy the forum up with another thread, so why don't you take your demands and cram them up your arse.

All I know is Canadans and Eiropeans are better people than us so we should be more like them. We need to copy their immigration policy. While we are at it, abortion too. Sane, 21st century abortion policy like those good old Europeans. Get with the times, guy.

I don't see how I made a demand... more a request for a more structured conversation. Yes, it would add one more thread to the forum. But by doing so un-muddy this thread a bit, and draw more attention to something you feel so confident in.

I mean, we all want to identify good, healthy ideas, right?
I don't see how I made a demand... more a request for a more structured conversation. Yes, it would add one more thread to the forum. But by doing so un-muddy this thread a bit, and draw more attention to something you feel so confident in.

I mean, we all want to identify good, healthy ideas, right?

Im going to need you to submit a request for a new thread by filling out the new thread approval form.

Lol. I have to admit that was pretty funny how he said all that.

We will declare an EMERGENCY!
Then we will be SUED!
Then we will be SUED 9th CIRCUIT COURT!
Then we will get a bad RULING!
Then we will get another bad RULING!
Then we will go to the SUPREME COURT!
Then will win in the SUPREME COURT!
Just like the BAN!

This needs to be remixed. Hilarious.