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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

I know it's not prime real estate, but having this rent free space in your head is pretty dope.

Your idea of renting space in my head is the equivalent to missionaries stopping by once every couple years.

Showing up unannounced and begging to talk to me is hardly living here. Ive had more conversations with census bureau than you. You might be the most unrecognizable poster here. I always get you confused with other posters. I cant remember anything you have ever said.
I'll admit it and I'm still a Republican. A vehemently anti-Trump one, of course.
Of course, whether I remain a republican for another year will depend strongly on how the republicans in Congress handle the Mueller report when it comes out.
So this is the longest thread ever.

A lot of people didn't think Trump could win, and a lot of people don't want him in the office, as President.

People who think there is some kind of emergency need to remove him from office just don't have any kind of realistic judgment about what it does to our country to disparage the political system provided by our Founders in the US Constitution.

We have been the most prosperous and productive nation because our people have believed their vote counts.

It's amazing our poorly-reported the misdeeds of many politicians have been over our history, for anyone who has cared to research any specific issue.

So here's the bottom line for President Trump. There was no reason Putin, or Xi, would have believed it could be productive to take any special care to treat Trump "special", while there was every reason for them to believe they could benefit from treating Hillary "special" and in fact they all worked out nice deals with the prospective political winners, practically all the way down the line. Hundreds of millions for Hillary, but not one red cent for Trump. In fact, Hillary paid the Russians to do some dirt on Trump, which was used by the Obama administration to get our FISA court to allow investigations that could reach inside the Trump campaign.

I have no idea why any of you are concerned about this. But I know why our Press, our usual media, and our political establishment, and our government bureaucracies want to oppose Trump. They are all deeply invested in "the way things are".... or the way things were, and the way they want them to be as soon as Trump blows over.

The US Constitution has been the world's best attempt yet at providing government that is not corrupt, that reflects the will of ordinary citizens, and that can provide peaceful transfers of political power.

The danger of the "progressive" new order of things is that a few people with inordinate resources, influence, or raw power, will destroy what has been unique in this country.

Anyone who supports that prospect really just needs to be ashamed of themselves. Trump can't/won't last more than two terms. And considering how he's been treated, perhaps no honest man will ever dare try to become President. It will then be a "safe" seat for the fascists among us. By that, I don't mean necessarily a real tyrant, but a Mitt Romney who will play ball with the big interests very smoothly. "fascism" by my less vitriolic definition as rule by the connected ones, the elites..... rather than "by the people".
Trump is the LEAST honest President in history, as far as I can tell. So I don't think his treatment will impact the desires of actual honest men or women one way or the other.


Look, everybody gets to have their own opinions for their own reasons.

Obama said in promoting the ACA that people's choice of doctors would remain, and costs decrease, and it came out later that his people joked about lying to the dumb democrats and other credulous believers. I could cite thousands of such things, for almost any politician. When I see the "evidence" of Trump's lies, it's quibbling about semantics or some obvious sales/hype he's doing for the sake of bragging.... but he is reducing regulations, and has sought judicial nominees in line with his stated intentions/promises.... and even if he's crossed some of his supporters like Ann Coulter, it just looks like he's trying to make deals that can get done.

And I didn't say Trump was honest. Seriously.

I said that in a climate of such intense harassment as Trump has been in, we will not have honest men interested in trying to face off with established interests on principles they consider honorable. We will be left with only Pres. contenders who have made their deals with the devils, so to speak..... who can get them elected. And who will offer some media support, in theory.
Trump is the LEAST honest President in history, as far as I can tell. So I don't think his treatment will impact the desires of actual honest men or women one way or the other.

For any other president this would be a big deal. This should dominate the news for weeks. Instead, we’ll probably be debating the next stupid thing trump tweets or does by noon tomorrow. But the attorney general thinks he was fired for investigating the president’s collusion with Russia and the deputy AG offered to wear a wire when talking to the president.

This interview on 60 Minutes tonight is pretty damning. Trump’s reaction on twitter tonight smells of fear. This cancer that’s had 2 years now to demoralize our institutions and feed Russia needs to be taken out ASAP. I hope mueller’s report comes out over the summer. Unfortunately, I have zero faith that mitch McConnell and the republicans in the senate will do the right thing and indict in impeachment. 90+ percent of republicans support trump. They’re afraid they’ll be primaried if they don’t worship him. Angry voters in caucuses, Judges, tax cuts, deregulation, and money from people like the kochs and Russian oligarchs via NRA is just too valuable.

When I see the "evidence" of Trump's lies, it's quibbling about semantics or some obvious sales/hype he's doing for the sake of bragging....

Bella DePaulo who studies lies and liars professionally, strenuously disagrees with you.


I spent the first two decades of my career as a social scientist studying liars and their lies. I thought I had developed a sense of what to expect from them. Then along came President Donald Trump. His lies are both more frequent and more malicious than ordinary people's.
I categorized the most recent 400 lies that The Post had documented through mid-November in the same way my colleagues and I had categorized the lies of the participants in our study.

The college students in our research told an average of two lies a day, and the community members told one.
In Trump's first 298 days in office, however, he made 1,628 false or misleading claims or flip-flops, by The Post's tally. That's about six per day, far higher than the average rate in our studies. And of course, reporters have access to only a subset of Trump's false statements — the ones he makes publicly — so unless he never stretches the truth in private, his actual rate of lying is almost certainly higher.

That rate has been accelerating. Starting in early October, The Post's tracking showed that Trump told a remarkable nine lies a day, outpacing even the biggest liars in our research.

But the flood of deceit isn't the most surprising finding about Trump.

Both the college students and the community members in our study served their own interests with their lies more often than other people's interests. They told lies to try to advantage themselves in the workplace, the marketplace, their personal relationships and just about every other domain of everyday life. For example, a salesperson told a customer that the jeans she was trying on were not too tight, so she could make the sale. The participants also lied to protect themselves psychologically: One college student told a classmate that he wasn't worried about his grades, so the classmate wouldn't think he was stupid.

Less often, the participants lied in kind ways, to help other people get what they wanted, look or feel better, or to spare them from embarrassment or blame. For example, a son told his mother he didn't mind taking her shopping, and a woman took sides with a friend who was divorcing, even though she thought her friend was at fault, too.
One category of lies was so small that when we reported the results, we just tucked them into a footnote. Those were cruel lies, told to hurt or disparage others. For example, one person told a co-worker that the boss wanted to see him when he really didn't, "so he'd look like a fool." Just 0.8 percent of the lies told by the college students and 2.4 percent of the lies told by the community members were mean-spirited.
Nearly two-thirds of Trump's lies (65 percent) were self-serving. Examples included: "They're big tax cuts — the biggest cuts in the history of our country, actually" and, about the people who came to see him on a presidential visit to Vietnam last month: "They were really lined up in the streets by the tens of thousands."

Slightly less than 10 percent of Trump's lies were kind ones, told to advantage, flatter or protect someone else. An example was his statement on Twitter that "it is a 'miracle' how fast the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police were able to find the demented shooter and stop him from even more killing!" In the broadest sense, it is possible to interpret every lie as ultimately self-serving, but I tried to stick to how statements appeared on the surface.

Trump told 6.6 times as many self-serving lies as kind ones. That's a much higher ratio than we found for our study participants, who told about double the number of self-centered lies compared with kind ones.

The most stunning way Trump's lies differed from our participants', though, was in their cruelty. An astonishing 50 percent of Trump's lies were hurtful or disparaging.

(you can read the rest via the link)
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This is extremely important, and paradoxically both credible and incredible at the same time.

Yes, very much so.

I think our country forgets early on in 2016 when trump was demanding loyalty from the FBI, asking them to kill the Russia investigation in its infancy, and denying ANY business interests in Russia. He fired Comey to stop the Russia investigation and fired McCabe because the investigation continued.

Would an innocent person do this? Why would an innocent warm blooded american not want corrupt people (like Flynn) to be ousted? If you’re innocent then They’re threats to your presidency, right? So it makes no sense for an innocent trump to raise hell over Flynn and try and kill the Russia investigation. It makes even less sense to fire the freaking fbi director and his assistant over the investigation.

Even his tweets tonight scream “I’m guilty.”

ps I gotta laugh at the comparisons Trumpers are making now to justify their leader’s lies. Obama’s “you can keep your doctor” wasn’t a lie. He was telling the truth as far as we knew it at the time. Few could foresee that a handful of health insurance companies would rather cut people from coverage than raise the quality of their plans to meet the basic standards and requirements under the ACA law. All those who briefly lost their coverage could’ve regained coverage via mediacaid expansion or insurance sold on the Obamacare market. So there was nothing malicious or intentional about his statement.

This inability to tell the future isn’t in the same solar system as, “I have nothing in Russia. No business interests” when all of this has been proven false.

Those who try to make the comparison of Obama’s “keep your plan” to Donald’s incessant daily lying about some of the world’s most important issues seem to be admitting that they’d rather cover for a traitor than admit that they voted wrongly and that trump needs to be impeached.
This is extremely important, and paradoxically both credible and incredible at the same time.

So this has been in the conservative talk radio shows already.

I'd suggest you recalibrate your lie meter.

I'm not going to take it line by line.... that'd be like a divorce case he said/she said endless deal.

McCabe signed off on the Dossier.... the Russian-manufactured lies Hillary paid for. He has got to make the case or he will---should be---in jail. He's part of the "cabal" Hannity has been blathering about for ages.

I don't even have time to go get popcorn, let alone watch this show.

Carry on, friends.....

But I still think Trump is not "owned" by "all the right people", and that is why he's being subjected to more intense criticism than Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons....

He never needed this job. A lot of people voted for him because he was not "owned" by anyone..… or so they thought.

Apparently, Ann Coulter thinks he's been bought now.
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For any other president this would be a big deal. This should dominate the news for weeks. Instead, we’ll probably be debating the next stupid thing trump tweets or does by noon tomorrow. But the attorney general thinks he was fired for investigating the president’s collusion with Russia and the deputy AG offered to wear a wire when talking to the president.

I think the bold words should be "Acting FBI Director", assuming you were referring to McCabe.
So this has been in the conservative talk radio shows already.

I don't know what you mean by this. I don't listen to any conservative talk radio shows at all.

I'd suggest you recalibrate your lie meter.

I also don't know what you mean by this. But certainly 2 years of Trump's lies has forced me to recalibrate my "maximum lying possible" setting.
I think the bold words should be "Acting FBI Director", assuming you were referring to McCabe.

Correct, it’s getting late.

The deputy AG (Rosenstein) offered to wear a wire when meeting with trump for the fbi and asked McCabe about the option of invocking the 25th amendment.

Pretty damning stuff that would have the news talking for weeks had this happened under Obama (or anyone else). But trump is so awful he’ll do something to change the narrative by noon tomorrow and his media and drooling followers will continue to circle the wagons.
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