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Another Nail

Probably the most serious nail in the coffin of Progressivism is the undeniable science that is now showing global warming alarmism unsustainable.

Well, that ,and Putin. Historically, the British Elites have always acted correctly in the moment of crisis, to save their interests and their system. The yard dogs run free inside their gates, keeping order on their grounds, but when they bite the royal asses, they are shot before dawn.

Putin and China have an oil pipeline under work. China will likely be trying to do the same kind of pipeline to Iran. Climate alarmism will be dumped to save the cartel Big Oils. Oil prices will take the big fall.
So the nails in the "coffin" of the Trump?Russia bloviation over the pastg 4 years, are gonna be hammered home like a big nail gun with a stack of nail clips pretty quick.

i've posted above a sort of ovation about Obama being "Cool Hand Luke" in our political scene. He's plenty smart, no doubt. And plenty personable as well, without question. Nobody but nobody actually dislikes him personally.

But as I've been outlining here, he is the Past, not the Future. Hillary and Obama, and Biden, along with the whole pack of dreamers/schemers plotting a fundamentally transformed America..

Wrong sign for the times, wrong road. About to be fundamentally overthrown geopolitically.

I've touted the Larouchies, socialist/catholic/intellectual Gospel of the Human Mind and the Human triumphs of technologies beyond our wildest dreams. The Silk Road. MagLev trains to everywhere....... well, same dif..... MagLev trains to Nowhere. Rockets to the Moon, Mars, and MegaUniversal Reason ruling the Universe..

All going into the djustbin of History as reality catches us blindside.

Human nature always catches up with us, just when we are most euphoric, with the ruin of all our glories. We just mess up. Globally mess up even worse than we nationally mess up.f But not just us. Our friends and enemies alike.

Nobody can run this world. It's a "King of the Hill" deficit in characdter and brings jus all down.

In the immediate future we will be forced to let people back on the land where they live or die according their muscle and stamina. We are just gonna blow the opportunity to peaceably let technology lift us all up outta the mire.

In sea change events, it's the elites that don't do well with taking care of life in that mud.

The elites who have run the table the past years will be exposed in the midst of a general alarm over national security, and the alarm will also bring down Xi but not Putin. NK and Iran will go into civil war. Putin will abandon the agenda and just put Russia and Russians first. MRGA, right out of Gogol's visions of his beloved home being the real City on the Hill, the shining alabaster glory of the world. Simply because, dictator or not, he will put his people above himself.

Putin has been taking care of business and has not been caught up in the big Bubble we have pumped up. China is also in our big Bubble, and India. But what winds will blow..... gales..... will force us all to Retrench.

In that coming age, there will be a relentless investigation into the crimes of our elites. Statues will be toppled. Our idols mocked. Cruel sneers against our "good guys", and Trump will be seen as a sort of man out of his age who showed us what we were. Crooks. Fools. The clue to our puzzles about What Is, showing us more What Is Not as we have imagined it.

A New World Order gone all wrong.
I doubt it goes to this extent. I think he does cut his losses sometimes, but the Dumper press has missed probably a majority of what he does. A lot of people who know him have a much more positive experience.

If this were even close to true, he would have taken his Pres pay and done a boatload of deals for himself, like Obama and Biden and the Clintons....... I bet even the Bushes. For sure McConnel, Pelosi, Schumer. Trump is actually the odd man out of the guv officeholder payola.

I was pissed he didn't press for investigations into Hillary's server and Obama's deal with Iran. Obama got himself a 12M mansion in the DC area which was touted as his base camp for continued political efforts.

Pretty sure Obama, not just Hillary are behind the FISA abuses. We really have to put our foot down on that kind of crap whoever does it.

If anything, Trumpers need to worry more about how lax he was in pushing his own(and their) interests. Two picks for AG turned out to be deep State gutless wonders.

You really have to ask how the DOJ is compromised today and unable to do the needed investigations into abuse of office crimes.

I have been concerned about votg machine fraud since 1980 when someone I know worked for DieBold and said something about what they could do even then. Offshore companies contracted to count our votes. Able to run algorithms from offshore. And if someone says anything, we have courts who want to bury the issue, and people asking the wrong questions get sued for about two planets' worth of gold.

Reminds me of a patent standoff I was involved in peripherally. I developed a competitive patent on some big corporate "turf"..... PPG and Tokuyama Soda had already staked out political hegemony on the subject with sweeping all-inclusive patents in the area. Both had bought various governments off. Both had in-store lawyers up to their eyeballs, and had retained major law firms to boot.

They never did tred on one another's toes. But I would have needed equal lawyering to get in the door with what I had to offer.

In a thousand ways, money says more in our economics and politics than votes, and voters are not just mushroomed but actually squeezed out. All voters.

We will have "elections" forevermore that are nothing but puppet shows on TV.

That's what Pelosi, Schumer, and the RINOs want, that's what they will get. Nota even a multibillionaire can get in the game.

But aside from the cheering sections of loyal dupes who believe they are saving the world with progressivism, I am amazed at how many people are seeing this for what it is. It really looks like, Trump or no Trump, the dems this year may have finally destroyed themselves and their causes. The question then comes around to whether the next 100 years will be run by people who care to actually be informed about global stuff, environmental stuff, or a thousand ways we can do ourselves in.

Time for a competitor for the CFR and the UN that is actually going to give people a fair shake. I think "Federal" is misunderstood by many. A system that spreads power both horizontally and vertically at every level. Horizontally means like three co-equal branches of government. Vertical means letting more power rest closer to the locality and people who are most affecte3d. Strong city, county and state governments, a helluva lot less "globalism" megalomania.

Might mean we get fewer sociopaths like Bill and Hillary, the Bushes, Obama, B iden....... or even Trump if you really have to see him that way.

Fewer political cynasties worldwide would be a good thing for people.

yah we'd have local crooks enough to fill in all that's lost with less moolah to steal at the national or international level, but maybe people could move them offa their gov cash cows better.

I think breaking up the large political cartels is where you all need to take this.
I think Biden actually summarized it better, at his press conference, when he said he thought “your children and grandchildren” would be writing their doctoral dissertations on what triumphed in our nation: democracy or autocracy? And so far, Biden has been doing a good job, from what I can see. I don’t see any evidence that the Democrats are “destroying themselves and their causes”.
I think Biden actually summarized it better, at his press conference, when he said he thought “your children and grandchildren” would be writing their doctoral dissertations on what triumphed in our nation: democracy or autocracy? And so far, Biden has been doing a good job, from what I can see. I don’t see any evidence that the Democrats are “destroying themselves and their causes”.

Sure. I know you feel this way. I just don't believe it's right to call it thinking.

Look, I'm pretty much done arguing these things with old propaganda/talking points and such. I believe I should be nice to people like you,.

I have never carried a gun. A long time ago I came under security of a sort that's just...... well.... beyond belief. Well, not really, there are examples of it in the Bible . and in History.

People who don't believe in God generally believe in something. People just can't really be all that constrained by facts. Ideals, causes, dreams....pretty human stuff. None of them are any more credible than God. Even our facts will generally prove to need revision. Believing we have absolute facts, or any kind of absolute Truth, is worse than believing in a God of any kind. At least, inherent in the reference to "God", there is some level of humility because the thesis is that there exists some higher standard in nature than our own wishes, however well founded.

You have sometimes expressed confidence in a kind of "History" that moves us on its own laws. In that you attempt to argue that there is a higher fact than people can make their own.

The Book of Mormon promises that God will preserve our liberties against very great evil designs by men seeking power, if we will believe in Him and repent of our sins. Those who support that evil are all the day long called to repentance and faith in God.

I see the American people turning to God in great numbers.

There is no argument that can stop the human quest for life, liberty, and opportunity.

Whatever you believe about the dangers and crises of our time, there is no way you can fix it with agenda talking points, experts in any field of study, or any kind of authority, unless you respect the human rights we should have, and appeal to individual choices in actions needed.

If you try to harness government to the solution, the power government takes is bound to be corrupt, wrong-headed, tyrannical, and demented. I cite the various governors of democratic states' Covid orders as evidence of that, and Biden's orders and moolah trains.

You can think or say anything you want about all that, I am done here.
Sure. I know you feel this way. I just don't believe it's right to call it thinking.
And I don’t think conspiracism, which is becoming almost the default mode of thinking in a large percentage of the American electorate, qualifies as rational thought.
And I don’t think conspiracism, which is becoming almost the default mode of thinking in a large percentage of the American electorate, qualifies as rational thought.
Conversion to faith in God is absolutely a personal process, and nobody can do it for you, whoever you are or however inspired, intelligent, smart of spiritually "woke" that person may be.

Jesus taught "Seek and ye shall find", and that truth is extended to absolutely every human being, whether we see people as created by God or as God's children and family.

Arguments against God are all fundamentally "devilish", though we may prefer to use other terminology in polite discussion. "Mistaken", "Unaware", "Uninformed"..... I think there are hundreds of words to bemoan human disbelief or disinclination to seek God, most of them charitable, loving, and pleading.

Humans, each and all, have a personal choice to make, as I understand it. We have a spiritual adversary who would keep us estranged from out God, from out Father, and we have a spiritual advocate who pleads our case and calls us to step out and seek God.

The arguments or persuasions employed by our adversary include many very intelligent considerations, every imaginable fact or concept available to perhaps the second most intelligent entity in the Universe.

Perhaps the most effective attributes that our advocate can appeal to, to call us home, are virtues such as our character, our love for God or our fellow beings, or our affinity for and desire for actual truth.

"Conspiracism", as I take it, is a necessary tool when we are ignorant of facts or lack an informed understanding of what is going on. What else can we do.

Liberals are very capable conspiracists. Marxism is at root a kind of conspiracy theory. It makes unfounded assertions about human character, human nature, our history, and the facts of the Universe, and denies "God" with no basis in fact or evidence.

While no one in this world has all the information, and the compelling need to synthesize organizing or self-consistent theories with incomplete information, the cure for this fault is seeking more facts, using unbiased efforts to appropriately integrate the facts we have into a valid thesis as we gain the relevant pieces of understanding.

While we can apply the principles of science to our efforts with better results, and hopefully develop more valid understanding of our situation and other people, we can also apply these principles to our enquiries or efforts to "Seek" spiritually and develop a relationship with God.

Such efforts no doubt can be fraught with ignorance and mysticism and every other failing you can imagine people to have, but they can be developed one respect at a time into a valid and rational and successful "faith".

I sometimes confess to God that I am a "God-damned Fool", using those words with their appropriate meaning without a wrong meaning or a disrespect for myself. And I thank God I am exactly that. It is a praise for a very wise God.......It is a God who perhaps does not suffer Fools kindly, but loves them still. It is perhaps a God who loves Fools very much, and who has embraced the high ambition of teaching Fools.

The fundamental meaning of the word "damned" goes to a condition of being governed, stopped in some respect, in a manner than preserves our value and prevents our being personallyh wasted by a course of action that is self-destructive.

When I attempt to inform you and others that "Progressivism" will fail, the it's precepts are false, and its methods enslaving and destructive of human beings, I know it is a hard sell. Your reasons for believing in it are all high and noble, good, and well-intentioned. But sooner or later you will see it fail, you will see your efforts yield contrary results.

If you have actual virtue, you will find your best hopes destroyed by the wrong methods and you will one day face the very difficult task of realized you were wrong.
And God will be there to be found when sought.

If you do not have actual virtue, you just won't care about the ruin inflicted on others and the world, the calamities of every kind, including environmental and social. You will cling to your wrong motivations for personal worldly power or gain..... or perhaps the simple addiction of ideas that excite your brain.
And God will still be there, waiting for you to reconsider your ways.

"Conspiracism", as you envision it, equates with the idea of false and unfounded, unscientific, or unholy. It is pretty much used as an excuse to just ignore contrary evidence, or as a condemnation of a belief you believe is unsupportable. In business, and politics, it is universally true that actors are motivated to conceal their interests, their actions, and their aims.

"Conspiracy" is as true of our behavior as conversation or even publication of any information designed to achieve any ends.

It is always an irrational decision not to question or not to seek more information. When you dismiss something without due diligence you are "not thinking", when you believe something without due diligence, you are "not thinking"

We lack sufficient time and energy to do all the study and thought it takes to get anything "right" in an ultimate sense.

When we reach out to God in faith, it is confession of our situation and a pleading for informed and virtuous help, a kind of help we will need every day for as long as live in this world.

Rejecting the offering of help that comes to us from our loving God is the worst choice we can make.

Seeking God is the best we can do.

(edit) If anyone reads the above carefully, there are some typos, and sentence errors. But not enough to really affect the general idea. I might edit it later.
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