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Protestors storm capital

If we're not careful we might end up with a political system that is far far far worse than the two-party system we have now, and that's a single-party system. And that's terrifying.
Republicans want a tyranny of the minority. No sacrifice, including democracy itself, is too great if it means maintaining an iron grip on power. I do not know if passing the For the People act will negate these state level Republican election laws, but if passing that legislation requires eliminating the filibuster, right now I doubt the Democrats will be able to do so, and Republicans should have an excellent chance at retaking both houses of Congress in 2022. When it will then be too late.

But, I continue to believe that reactionary political power, and a reactionary grip on culture, is doomed to fail in the long run. But it may be hell to pay putting it down for the sake of our national well being.
Republicans want a tyranny of the minority. No sacrifice, including democracy itself, is too great if it means maintaining an iron grip on power. I do not know if passing the For the People act will negate these state level Republican election laws, but if passing that legislation requires eliminating the filibuster, right now I doubt the Democrats will be able to do so, and Republicans should have an excellent chance at retaking both houses of Congress in 2022. When it will then be too late.

But, I continue to believe that reactionary political power, and a reactionary grip on culture, is doomed to fail in the long run. But it may be hell to pay putting it down for the sake of our national well being.
Crazy, as a Libertarian I feel you Marxists are trying to do the exact same thing.

I guess we'll just continue tearing the country apart until either (Globalist/Authoritarian)Marxism or the (Nationalist/Individualist) Constitutionalism wins.
Have you read “The True Believer” by chance? It had some interesting pts that I think might apply here.
I have not but it does sound very interesting. Here was the top review on Amazon:
I first read this book in a college class in the 1960s - "the good old days". Hated it. Didn't impact me. I was just back from four years in the military in Asia and didn't have time for psycho-philosophy. I don't know why, but I kept the book over 60 years stuck somewhere in a box. I found it a couple of years ago and now that I've "grown up", I finally realize what an amazing book it is. Eric Hoffer nailed it. Want to know what's going on with the wackos burning Portland and Seattle? Here it is. Want to know why Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi have gone nuts? Here is is. Want to find out how to set the world straight again? Forget it. There is nothing you can do with true believers. They stay that way and harden up. There is a lot going on in this little book. I sent my two sons copies because I can't explain the idiotic madness. Eric will have to do it for me. I'll bet the commie professors don't include this on their reading lists anymore.
If you are praising the book and this guy is praising the book, it seems to have a message that is more than a common "hooray for our side".

If you can paraphrase the points you think apply, I'm interested. I may have read something similar elsewhere that I can add. I do like to know what makes people tick. If I'm being completely honest, there are things being said and efforts being championed that don't make sense to me. I'm not talking 2+2=5, but 2+2=banana and vast crowds chanting "banana", "yeah, banana!".
LMAO The police let people in. You even hear one cop say "I may not agree with it, but I respect it."
We all appreciate your willingness to endorse violence in a cause you support, your throwing the dead and injured Capital police under the bus, and the transparent hypocrisy. Thank you.
I don't know. Recency bias would suggest this is entirely different than in the past.

Trumpers are no different. What unites them is government over reach. They aren't going to become any kind of big idea Government. Wouldn't support a tyrant.

Never been a more diverse political combination of interests. Trump movement would disband if the guvmint bureaucracy pulled up stakes and left DC and just never went to work again.
We all appreciate your willingness to endorse violence in a cause you support, your throwing the dead and injured Capital police under the bus, and the transparent hypocrisy. Thank you.
Why do you lie?

No officers died because of the protest. Officer Sicknick died of natural causes per CBS.
CBS Link

So why come here and lie, are you paid to lie here?
Why do you lie?

No officers died because of the protest. Officer Sicknick died of natural causes per CBS.
CBS Link

So why come here and lie, are you paid to lie here?
Sorry, no lie. Still, I'm not surprised that, as usual, you are ignorant of the truth.

Due to privacy laws, Dr Diaz is unable to say whether the officer had any pre-existing medical conditions. However, he did acknowledge the policeman's role in the events, telling the Washington Post: "All that transpired played a role in his condition."

He would be alive right now if the Capital riot had not happened. Does that bother you? How about all the police that were injured? Does that bother you?
We all appreciate your willingness to endorse violence in a cause you support, your throwing the dead and injured Capital police under the bus, and the transparent hypocrisy. Thank you.
Please tell me where I did the bolded? That's lie number 1

I provided a link that says Officer Sitnik died of natural causes, no other capitol police officers died. That's lie number 2

Is this how marxist/communist traitors to their country talk?
We all appreciate your willingness to endorse violence in a cause you support, your throwing the dead and injured Capital police under the bus, and the transparent hypocrisy. Thank you.
This kind of comment is not helpful to your cause.

Most Americans are skeptical about the event as portrayed in the media, and especially of political haymaking on it. Trumps' supporters were never trained or instructed in any way for "political agitation", and no one except the marginal yayhoos, including groups possibly organized by well-trained Marxist false flag activists, brought anything to the demonstration/rally. No one talked of doing anything unlawful.

I think the FBI has pursued all those people who in any way participated. The warranted charges, stretched as far as the evidence can imply, are out of line with an assessment that resembles your remark above.

Tactics like this just look shamefully overworked to most people.. People hoot at the "news" nowadays, and ignore almost everything that's written to hype up the issue.
LMAO The police let people in. You even hear one cop say "I may not agree with it, but I respect it."

The ONLY reasonable explanation for this is the decision by Pelosi and McConnell to deny repeated requests, on reports of possible violence, for enhanced security, and the refusal of Trump's own offer to get more help for law enforcement there at that time, is that they had no intent to stop anything.

That can ONLY mean Pelosi WANTED some event. McConnel too. Yes, they said they didn't want "attention" or whatever from having too much security, but that's a pretty silly reason to be simply irresponsible. It's public property, ya know. Even "sacred" public property in hindsight. That is sacred ground Pelosi decided to leave exposed to potential violence. Easy to see her lie in this.

It just didn't really work out very good for Pelosi. Despite people sent to the Trump rally to try to incite violence, hardly anyone bit on the bait. That means the media and the RINO/DINOs had to exaggerate a lot.

So, the evidence says it was Pelosi who endangered the capitol police and threw them under the bus for her elegant display of a contrived "insurrection".
The ONLY reasonable explanation for this is the decision by Pelosi and McConnell to deny repeated requests, on reports of possible violence, for enhanced security, and the refusal of Trump's own offer to get more help for law enforcement there at that time, is that they had no intent to stop anything.

That can ONLY mean Pelosi WANTED some event. McConnel too. Yes, they said they didn't want "attention" or whatever from having too much security, but that's a pretty silly reason to be simply irresponsible. It's public property, ya know. Even "sacred" public property in hindsight. That is sacred ground Pelosi decided to leave exposed to potential violence. Easy to see her lie in this.

It just didn't really work out very good for Pelosi. Despite people sent to the Trump rally to try to incite violence, hardly anyone bit on the bait. That means the media and the RINO/DINOs had to exaggerate a lot.

So, the evidence says it was Pelosi who endangered the capitol police and threw them under the bus for her elegant display of a contrived "insurrection".
Exactly, and you better believe this "Investigation" they desire, would be more of a "Clean-Up" than anything else.

How do you have all the video coming out instantly of people in Trump clothing breaking windows/rushing in. Instant media frenzy, iNsUrReCtIoNiStS! They killed an officer, maybe multiple. Multiple police injured. A police officer runs away up stairs as unarmed men chase him down...Its a damn clown world

Months later you have other videos of police letting people in. Liberals still up in arms about some supposed insurrection when these videos are out there of people being let in by police. They mockingbirded the **** out of these delusional people, its all right in front of their eyes....

but Orange Man Bad....
Crazy, as a Libertarian I feel you Marxists are trying to do the exact same thing.

I guess we'll just continue tearing the country apart until either (Globalist/Authoritarian)Marxism or the (Nationalist/Individualist) Constitutionalism wins.
Well, granted there is also such a thing as a “tyranny of the majority”. As for “you Marxists”, well not me personally I feel obliged to say, and Trump was very much authoritarian, but was clearly not a globalist. As for nationalism, well, it’s true I prefer to think of myself as a citizen of Earth, first, and I do hope we get our act together as a species some day. If that involves nations acting in concert to confront common problems besetting the only planet we have, well that would be nice. We are very immature, I hope we grow up some day, I’m sure the Earth and life on Earth would appreciate that trend, if the Earth and Life had a voice. Nationalism in general has inspired/triggered more wars than cooperative efforts at dealing with global problems. Not a fan of that form of uber-nationalism.
Please tell me where I did the bolded?
When you implied they agreed with the actions of the rioters.

That's lie number 1
Sorry, that's my honest evaluation. I could certainly be wrong. If you cared to show why, though, you would actually have to address what I'm saying rather than attack me.

I provided a link that says Officer Sitnik died of natural causes, no other capitol police officers died.
Which I followed up with a link where that same coroner said the events of the riot played a part in his death. Your own source does not agree with your position. Does that trouble you at all?

That's lie number 2
Ignoring evidence does not make it disappear, it just makes you seem unable to deal with it or process it.

Is this how marxist/communist traitors to their country talk?
I have no idea. Whom do you think we should ask?

The only thing I get out of that tweet is that Yevgeny (Eugene) Vindman is a hack. As repugnant as Flynn's comments were, they are devoid of imminent threat. I don't care if you the kind of lawyer who chases ambulances or dots i's and crosses t's in corporate contracts, every lawyer should be familiar with Brandenburg v. Ohio. Those remarks are so squarely covered by the Brandenburg v. Ohio precedent the case wouldn't make it in the front door before it was tossed.

The Brandenburg v. Ohio U.S. Supreme Court decision maintains that seditious speech—including speech that constitutes an incitement to violence—is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as long as it does not indicate an "imminent" threat.
