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Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD from COVID-19 Shots

In all honesty, social media has made people dumber. Two major ways the way I see it:
  • No longer is there a filter to vet out bad information. Back in the day, people got their information from the news broadcasts on major tv networks and/or their local paper. The producers on tv and editors for the newspapers acted as filters yo sort out the crap from the real news. Today? That filter no longer exists. And obviously, the crazier, offensive, and more racist **** gets the most clicks on social media. And sadly, this becomes people’s social network and echo chamber.
  • Social media fluffs every narcissistic urge out there. Everyone now feels like they’re the most important person in the world or they have to act like the world’s expert on everything. People who I went to high school with in orem, were covid experts one year ago. Election experts 7 months ago. Critical race theory experts today. A few years ago they had opinions on the Mueller report without reading it, thought Putin wasn’t that bad, believed athletes needed to stand up for the anthem, and explained to me that Floyd couldn’t have possibly been killed by law enforcement Cuz reasons. They are all experts and need to feed the world with their opinions.

Once in awhile, we see incidents of mass hysteria. This seems to be an outbreak of mass Dunning-Kruger effect.
thank you confirming you support 20k dead and over 1 million adverse reactions and injured from a untested experimental injection again.
Even if those numbers were true, and they are not, I do support saving 10s of millions of lives. You'd effectively commit mass murder by denying life-saving medication. I don't worry about my moral compass here; yours points to massive death.
So if my brother gets a COVID shot, robs a Walgreens and gets shot dead on the street, do we get to say the Covid shot did it?

What if the dumb bastard gets a shot, goes to Cafe Rio and chokes to death on a rogue tortilla strip, was it the shot?

Social media has legitimately made this country dumber.
Orders of magnitude dumber.
well maybe if your friends and family drop like flies from taking this experimental jab in front of you your views would change until then remain ignorant,
As of this week, literally my entire immediate family, and my wife's, have been vaccinated. I was one of the last. They includes nieces and nephews, some 35 people, ranging in age from 12 to 85. Not a single death from the vaccine. And I had probably the worst symptoms after the vaccine, lasted 6 days, and now I feel fine. When is the dropping like flies part supposed to start?

In fact most of our extended family that we have spoken to have been vaccinated, with zero adverse effects. However in our extended families we have had six deaths from covid-19 directly. So I'm not sure when I'm supposed to see the vaccine being worse than the virus. Can you enlighten me?

Lessee..... Bayer, Merck, Pfizer, and other "evil" companies share some important large stockholder issues .... rockefellers, gates, Blackrock, Mormons. Who the hell can keep track of major stockholders in corporate enterprises.

But ranking them as to which is the most evil is a tough task. Some people I know consider London to be the global nexus of Evil, others consider China or more precisely the CCP to be the real Evil.

Most Americans work for very large corporates with perhaps 3% to 8% ownership tracking back to London or China. Blackrock manages a portfolio of some 9 Trillion dollars in investments. Yes, that's Trillion with a T.

Makes Soros and a hundred other investors with over 10 Billion in the markets look really small.

If you added up all 15000 CFR members' investment holdings you'd have maybe 20 Trillion (Blackrock included).

The US treasury has been buying stocks with newly printed dollars, well, not even "printing" the dollars, but just entering numbers on balance sheets. Probably about 8 Trillion there, too.

And that's all "Progressive" ownership, now sold on the Great Reset.

A whole lot to fear.

But this round of Pandemic was in many respects a bust. It was too mild, too many people just got over it with immunity better than a vaccine could ever do. Still, we are unreasonably requiring millions, tens of millions of "recovered" people to get the damn vaccine. There's no excuse for that.

There's also no excuse for requiring people with low risk profiles like children to get the vaccine.

But then there are "new" strains coming around with much greater overall risk including different risks for different fractions of the population, and uncertain efficacy of the vaccines against new variants.

So my "no excuse" for government vaccination requirements is one of those things where you also cannot really blame anyone for wishing to be more careful, not less.

Overall, the most damning thing about our governance on this issue is the complete failure to pursue the most obvious and most efficient, per the evidence, public health measures. Giving businesses and schools which install HVAC elements with filters, disinfectants, and safe levels of air treatments, to stay open. Texas and Florida succeeded with better policies than other states implemented, but they also benefitted from more sunshine overall.

mask mandates for outdoors sunshine is nuts, even social distancing requirements didn't follow the science on that. In sunshine, the virus is killed in 0.3 seconds. It would be the same in a school with about 1/10 the ambient chlorine level found around any swimming pool.

The crazy we do, that our guvmint has done with this "pandemic" is beyond the pale. The social cost has been huge, the financial impact outrageous. The legislation has been political opportunism beyond all previous outrages.

The dems have lost all credibility as reasonable people. It's time to vote'm out.

Still, on the bright side, the implementation of effective HVAC and other measures by businesses has created a significant new industry. Retrofitting HVAC is actually a viable business, and lots of new outfitters are entering the market, and people are getting educated about it.

I think it'll be a really hard sell to scare enough people with the next "pandemic" Not only will they disregard public health authorities doing stupid orders, they'll be suing for damages, and there'll be massive shifts in the voting turning out the fascists with their orders.
It’s worth pointing out that wealth inequality has also grown. If you were a billionaire, you’re even more so now.
Carey Scurry, Jazz currently have no athletes like that dude was. Lots of people bashing the poster, but the not so distant future will prove him partly correct. Who is Robert Malone? What does he think of the shots? Worldwide, how many doctors have been desperately trying to get their countries to stop the "vaccinations"? Why do they even call these shots a vaccine? Vaccines typically contain a modified live version or a killed version of the virus they are trying to control. This virus has never been isolated, and when/if it ever is, it is basically impossible to keep viable outside a host. How many labs have taken over 1500 "covid positive" tests and come up with nothing other than type 1 and 2 flu results? Who filed the first patent on these vaccines? When? In order to use these vaccines, what had to happen so they could be administered under a EUA? Is hydrochloroquine/VitD/Zinc a RX for Covid? (Yes, if employed there would be almost zero deaths from Covid alone. Already, CDC has very quietly changed the numbers of death from Covid alone to under 30K, in addition, comorbidities have been raised to over 3) Why was it universally sabotaged by the media? What prominent producer of hydrochloroquine was mudered just after the application for patent of "vaccine"? Is that relevant?
Are countries looking in to banning air travel for vaccinated? Why? Who? Why has the PCR test been reduced to 25 cycles when during the scamdemic it was over 40? What number did the CDC say the test was absolutely inaccurate and couldn't be used with any reliability? 35 Is the PCR test a good test for diagnosing Covid? No
In conclusion, I just don't see why you guys bash someone who just happens to see a lot of smoke and wonders if there's a fire. BTW, whistleblowers from the CDC and the CMS say the jab has killed over 50k. But, that really isn't relevant, right. Have any of you that have gotten the jab researched the ingredients in the jab? It really is a technological breakthrough. How many doctors and nurses are quitting their jobs when the vax is mandated?
As of this week, literally my entire immediate family, and my wife's, have been vaccinated. I was one of the last. They includes nieces and nephews, some 35 people, ranging in age from 12 to 85. Not a single death from the vaccine. And I had probably the worst symptoms after the vaccine, lasted 6 days, and now I feel fine. When is the dropping like flies part supposed to start?

In fact most of our extended family that we have spoken to have been vaccinated, with zero adverse effects. However in our extended families we have had six deaths from covid-19 directly. So I'm not sure when I'm supposed to see the vaccine being worse than the virus. Can you enlighten me?
Seriously @carey scurry fan I need to know the timeline of the vaccine killing my family!! I need to warn them!! When will it kill all of us!!
Yeah. What'd you do, run this thread by your anti-vax facebook group and take suggestions on how to respond?
correction before this current covid injection it was called vaccine awareness now its called experimental gene therapy awareness, Would you call the members of vaccine damaged children anti vakkkers to the families faces or are u just a wanna be tough guy behind a screenname?
omg omg so edgy, stop trying so hard u lame
Can you answer the simple question? When will the vaccine kill my family?

Anything other than an answer to this question is a full admission you are nothing but a troll.