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When U.S. Army veteran Daniel Wilkinson started feeling sick last week, he went to the hospital in Bellville, Texas, outside Houston. His health problem wasn't related to COVID-19, but Wilkinson needed advanced care, and with the coronavirus filling up intensive care beds, he couldn't get it in time to save his life.

"He loved his country," his mother, Michelle Puget, told "CBS This Morning" lead national correspondent David Begnaud. "He served two deployments in Afghanistan, came home with a Purple Heart, and it was a gallstone that took him out."

Kakli told Begnaud that his patient was dying right in front of him. Wilkinson needed a higher level of care, but with hospitals across Texas and much of the South overwhelmed with COVID patients, there was no place for him.
Roughly 24 hours after he walked into the emergency room, Daniel Wilkinson died at the age of 46.

Kakli told Begnaud that if it weren't for the COVID crisis, the procedure for Wilkinson would have taken 30 minutes, and he'd have been back out the door.

"I've never lost a patient from this diagnosis, ever," Kakli said. "We know what needs to be done and we know how to treat it, and we get them to where they need to go. I'm scared that the next patient that I see is someone that I can't get to where they need to get to go.

"We are playing musical chairs, with 100 people and 10 chairs," he said. "When the music stops, what happens? People from all over the world come to Houston to get medical care and, right now, Houston can't take care of patients from the next town over. That's the reality."

As of last night, there were 102 people waiting for an ICU bed in the greater Houston area.
As I said malpractice is one of the leading causes of death. 24 hours, the guy dies at the ER over a simple procedure?
As a PS, just a matter of time before elective surgeries get postponed once more with our hospital beds getting filled up. All those other ailments that happen such as heart attacks, accident victims, etc. all impact available resources to take care of everything that happens in our normal day to day lives.

It's no wonder the medical community is so jaded when they're trying to save lives but somebody on Facebook somewhere read that Covid is just a money-making scheme for the hospital system and they're in it to strengthen their bottom line.
How “free” are we when schools, restaurants, bars, and churches are covid hotspots? How “free” are we when we’re serious dangers to the elderly because we’re unvaccinated? How “free” are we when hospitals are overrun, receiving emergency care takes hours, and elective surgeries are cancelled?

We have such a warped sense of “freedom” right now from the right.
Those people in society wanting freedoms taken away are the same people who voted for GWB and Biden. They never wanted freedom for people anyway, they want to live in a "global society" where there is no freedom. **** em.
Maybe so, but there are a lot of them. And their arguments unfortunately start making more sense when people keep doing stupid ****.

Freedom isn't something to be taken for granted, and we have slowly seen many freedoms eroded since 9/11. We need to fight to protect our rights, while making sure we are using freedom responsibly, just like any great power.
How "free" are we when Antifa is still claiming autonomy zones, that is insurrection against the government. How "free" are we when we're forced to take experimental vaccines for a virus with less than a 1% mortality rate? How "free" are we when we have open Communists trying to destroy the US Constitution?

These "Democrats" (Marxists) have such a warped sense of what "freedom" actually is.
Hey, congrats on getting the vaccine! Pfizer’s has been FDA approved so I assume you and your Klan whose hang up was it not being FDA approved are all good to go now, right?
The funny thing is, your dumb *** didn't even read the FDA site.

They approved something called "Comirnaty" which we will find out in a little over a week what exactly is in it. Go to your local clinic Mes Manboobs and ask for Comirnaty, let us know how that works out for you.

They extended the EUA for the current Bio-NTech/Phizer covid-19 vaccine till 2023.
Maybe so, but there are a lot of them. And their arguments unfortunately start making more sense when people keep doing stupid ****.
Well I guess that would depend on your POV. From my POV, it's the people who listened to the talking heads who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan, who also listened to the talking heads about an experimental vaccine. From my POV, it's the same blockheads like fishon, who once voted for Bush now vote for Biden. These blockheads don't know any better, they live their life though a narrow view given to them by the eases of global sponsored information on hand.

If people actually gathered information for themselves, both mainstream and alternative, it would be much easier for them to come to logical conclusions.
The funny thing is, your dumb *** didn't even read the FDA site.

They approved something called "Comirnaty" which we will find out in a little over a week what exactly is in it. Go to your local clinic Mes Manboobs and ask for Comirnaty, let us know how that works out for you.

They extended the EUA for the current Bio-NTech/Phizer covid-19 vaccine till 2023.

Dr. hack. I love it. The guy reads some **** on the webs and makes his own determinations. Genius. Classic inbred Utahr right there.
Well I guess that would depend on your POV. From my POV, it's the people who listened to the talking heads who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan, who also listened to the talking heads about an experimental vaccine. From my POV, it's the same blockheads like fishon, who once voted for Bush now vote for Biden. These blockheads don't know any better, they live their life though a narrow view given to them by the eases of global sponsored information on hand.

If people actually gathered information for themselves, both mainstream and alternative, it would be much easier for them to come to logical conclusions.
Some things are what they are. All each of us can do is do our best with what is given to us. Unfortunately, a large majority of Americans don't have that attitude.

That said, Fish is one of the most balanced dudes on here, and while I don't know him personally, I think he is a good egg. If I was going to attempt to be friends with anyone on this website, it would be him, and I think most posters can relate with that statement, because you can tell he thinks things through and cares about other peoples position.

Hard to blame someone for voting for Biden when the only other real alternative was Trump. And as Fish has said, I also liked a number of Trump's policies. Trump partially won in 2016 for the same reason Biden won the last election. There was not a good alternative, so we picked our poison.

I think most agree that politicians suck, and they do many things that are not in our best interest. That does not absolve us of our personal responsibility to use logic, and treat the freedoms we have (and the way we treat others as well) with respect.

Pointing fingers at others for what you feel are failures does nothing. Take personal responsibility, if we all did that, we'd have a lot fewer problems.

Unfortunately people are selfish, and like you, are only willing to see things from their own POV, instead of sympathizing and trying to understand others POV.
Refute the point Mes Manboobs.

I got the information right on the FDA site moron.

You read it and inferred that I’m gonna start to grow tentacles or some ****. I won’t pretend to know what the information means or doesn’t mean. I’m not a scientist. Neither are you.
You read it and inferred that I’m gonna start to grow tentacles or some ****. I won’t pretend to know what the informations means or doesn’t mean. I’m not a scientist. Neither are you.
That's not what I said at all Mes Manboobs.

Maybe try a little harder, can you not read?
The funny thing is, your dumb *** didn't even read the FDA site.

They approved something called "Comirnaty" which we will find out in a little over a week what exactly is in it. Go to your local clinic Mes Manboobs and ask for Comirnaty, let us know how that works out for you.

They extended the EUA for the current Bio-NTech/Phizer covid-19 vaccine till 2023.
That said, Fish is one of the most balanced dudes on here, and while I don't know him personally, I think he is a good egg. If I was going to attempt to be friends with anyone on this website, it would be him, and I think most posters can relate with that statement, because you can tell he thinks things through and cares about other peoples position.
Which is fine you feel that way, still doesn't change the fact the guy is a blockhead and lives through a narrow world view.
Unfortunately people are selfish, and like you, are only willing to see things from their own POV, instead of sympathizing and trying to understand others POV.
I don't care what Antifa's POV is, I really don't give a ****, not 1 oz, they're Marxist.

This country was built on the idea of individualism, the "GOD GIVEN" rights of the individual. That is in exact contrast with Marxism, rights are state given. I won't sympathize with groups trying to undermine Americans rights.
How "free" are we when Antifa is still claiming autonomy zones, that is insurrection against the government. How "free" are we when we're forced to take experimental vaccines for a virus with less than a 1% mortality rate? How "free" are we when we have open Communists trying to destroy the US Constitution?

These "Democrats" (Marxists) have such a warped sense of what "freedom" actually is.
Who is being forced to take the vaccine? How free are we when businesses in florida and texas aren't allowed to mandate vaccines? Why should the state governments be able to take away the freedom of those businesses to run their business how they want? If a mandate is implemented by a restaurant owner then you are still free to go somewhere else or meet the requirements of the business.
How free are we than I cant murder people without consequence? FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!
Well I guess that would depend on your POV. From my POV, it's the people who listened to the talking heads who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan, who also listened to the talking heads about an experimental vaccine. From my POV, it's the same blockheads like fishon, who once voted for Bush now vote for Biden. These blockheads don't know any better, they live their life though a narrow view given to them by the eases of global sponsored information on hand.

If people actually gathered information for themselves, both mainstream and alternative, it would be much easier for them to come to logical conclusions.
Lol. When did I vote for bush? (spoiler alert. I never voted before trump entered the race and probably wont vote again as long as he doesn't enter the race again)
The funny thing is, your dumb *** didn't even read the FDA site.

They approved something called "Comirnaty" which we will find out in a little over a week what exactly is in it. Go to your local clinic Mes Manboobs and ask for Comirnaty, let us know how that works out for you.

They extended the EUA for the current Bio-NTech/Phizer covid-19 vaccine till 2023.
This is pretty funny.
Comirnaty is simply the name of the pfizer vaccine. You know like how wendys is the name of a business and the baconator is the name of one of their products.
Pfizer (a business) decided that they didn't want to call their vaccine the pfizer vaccine so they named it Comirnaty.
Its that simple. Nothing sinister or scary or conspiratorial.
It's the same exact mRNA vaccine Pfizer has producing through the emergency use authorization, but now it's being marketed under the new name.
Btw. This info was super hard to find. I googled what is Cormirnaty.
The meaning behind the name 'Comirnaty':
Comirnaty is an agglomeration of the words “Covid-19 immunity” and “mRNA,” the latter indicating the technology that makes the vaccine work. As a whole, the word is intended to evoke “community,” a Brand Institute executive said.
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You read it and inferred that I’m gonna start to grow tentacles or some ****. I won’t pretend to know what the information means or doesn’t mean. I’m not a scientist. Neither are you.
Check my post right before this one. Pretty funny stuff.
Which is fine you feel that way, still doesn't change the fact the guy is a blockhead and lives through a narrow world view.

I don't care what Antifa's POV is, I really don't give a ****, not 1 oz, they're Marxist.

This country was built on the idea of individualism, the "GOD GIVEN" rights of the individual. That is in exact contrast with Marxism, rights are state given. I won't sympathize with groups trying to undermine Americans rights.
Why did you bring up antifa when quoting Gold Standards post? He didn't mention them. He said that you only look at things through your point of view instead of instead of sympathizing and trying to understand others POV. Do you think that everyone who is not you is antifa?
You are probably just having a really off day. It happens to the best of us. You have my sympathy.
This is pretty funny.
Comirnaty is simply the name of the pfizer vaccine. You know like how wendys is the name of a business and the baconator is the name of one of their products.
Pfizer (a business) decided that they didn't want to call their vaccine the pfizer vaccine so they named it Comirnaty.
Its that simple. Nothing sinister or scary or conspiratorial.
It's the same exact mRNA vaccine Pfizer has producing through the emergency use authorization, but now it's being marketed under the new name.
Btw. This info was super hard to find. I googled what is Cormirnaty.
The meaning behind the name 'Comirnaty':
Comirnaty is an agglomeration of the words “Covid-19 immunity” and “mRNA,” the latter indicating the technology that makes the vaccine work. As a whole, the word is intended to evoke “community,” a Brand Institute executive said.
If that's the case, why is the FDA still listing them separately?

Like I said blockhead. Go to your local pharmacist and ask them for Cormirnaty, they don't have it yet moron.

Cormirnaty was approved by the FDA, They extended the EUA for the current Bio-NTech/Phizer covid-19 vaccine till 2023.
If that's the case, why is the FDA still listing them separately?

Like I said blockhead. Go to your local pharmacist and ask them for Cormirnaty, they don't have it yet moron.

Cormirnaty was approved by the FDA, They extended the EUA for the current Bio-NTech/Phizer covid-19 vaccine till 2023.
Cormirnaty and the phizer vaccine are the same thing.