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(I have NOT done my research on this at all) I actually had someone on my facebook feed claim this was a synthetic made virus brought on from vaccines. I'm sure you can guess their stance on vaccines
(I have NOT done my research on this at all) I actually had someone on my facebook feed claim this was a synthetic made virus brought on from vaccines. I'm sure you can guess their stance on vaccines
Yeah, ignore that.
(I have NOT done my research on this at all) I actually had someone on my facebook feed claim this was a synthetic made virus brought on from vaccines. I'm sure you can guess their stance on vaccines
And the goal of that would be...?
And the goal of that would be...?

Duh. Game face you’re so dense.

To force the world to develop a vaccine that prevents the spreading of a deadly disease artificially created in a lab to discourage people from getting vaccines! What would stick it to the vaccine people more than to force them to develop a new vaccine to combat a deadly disease! Get vaccinated or die! In your face Smug scientists and elitist medical professionals!

It makes a lot more sense if you turn your brain off.
Where is the leaked photo?
China has already put several cities under quarantine; according to the US federal and state laws - would that be possible (de jure) in USA? I guess in Europe it might be possible de jure (not sure about the law) but technically impossible to implement; not enough police or other enforcing troops available :-).
This morning i heard from the news that already some chinese tourists have been put to the hospital in northern Finland. Those tourists were from Wuhan.
I hope that northern climate is severe enough to block the new virus; due the colder climate for example ebola would not spread in northern Europe and probably also in Canada, Alaska etc.
China has already put several cities under quarantine; according to the US federal and state laws - would that be possible (de jure) in USA? I guess in Europe it might be possible de jure (not sure about the law) but technically impossible to implement; not enough police or other enforcing troops available :).
This morning i heard from the news that already some chinese tourists have been put to the hospital in northern Finland. Those tourists were from Wuhan.
I hope that northern climate is severe enough to block the new virus; due the colder climate for example ebola would not spread in northern Europe and probably also in Canada, Alaska etc.

I believe the CDC could quarantine large areas de jure, but implementation would be difficult.
Ron is the ccp mouth piece on this forum. Claims china is just and very good place. Then you see the market where the **** show virus spread and they got like hundreds to animals caged like porcupines and other off the wall ****. Then you see the way they prepare the food and its absolutely disgusting at how barbaric the hygiene level is.
Ron is the ccp mouth piece on this forum. Claims china is just and very good place. Then you see the market where the **** show virus spread and they got like hundreds to animals caged like porcupines and other off the wall ****. Then you see the way they prepare the food and its absolutely disgusting at how barbaric the hygiene level is.

Probably not much different than backass parts of Mississippi.
Not directly related to the virus in China, but some feel this scientist is being irresponsible:


A controversial scientist who carried out provocative research on making influenza viruses more infectious has completed his most dangerous experiment to date by deliberately creating a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.

Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has genetically manipulated the 2009 strain of pandemic flu in order for it to “escape” the control of the immune system’s neutralising antibodies, effectively making the human population defenceless against its reemergence.

Most of the world today has developed some level of immunity to the 2009 pandemic flu virus, which means that it can now be treated as less dangerous “seasonal flu”. However, The Independent understands that Professor Kawaoka intentionally set out to see if it was possible to convert it to a pre-pandemic state in order to analyse the genetic changes involved.

The study is not published, however some scientists who are aware of it are horrified that Dr Kawaoka was allowed to deliberately remove the only defence against a strain of flu virus that has already demonstrated its ability to create a deadly pandemic that killed as many as 500,000 people in the first year of its emergence.
Not directly related to the virus in China, but some feel this scientist is being irresponsible:


A controversial scientist who carried out provocative research on making influenza viruses more infectious has completed his most dangerous experiment to date by deliberately creating a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.

Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has genetically manipulated the 2009 strain of pandemic flu in order for it to “escape” the control of the immune system’s neutralising antibodies, effectively making the human population defenceless against its reemergence.

Most of the world today has developed some level of immunity to the 2009 pandemic flu virus, which means that it can now be treated as less dangerous “seasonal flu”. However, The Independent understands that Professor Kawaoka intentionally set out to see if it was possible to convert it to a pre-pandemic state in order to analyse the genetic changes involved.

The study is not published, however some scientists who are aware of it are horrified that Dr Kawaoka was allowed to deliberately remove the only defence against a strain of flu virus that has already demonstrated its ability to create a deadly pandemic that killed as many as 500,000 people in the first year of its emergence.

12 Monkeys. Good times.
Ron is the ccp mouth piece on this forum. Claims china is just and very good place. Then you see the market where the **** show virus spread and they got like hundreds to animals caged like porcupines and other off the wall ****. Then you see the way they prepare the food and its absolutely disgusting at how barbaric the hygiene level is.
From the linked article; including poultry, donkeys, sheep, pigs, camels, foxes, badgers, bamboo rats, hedgehogs and reptiles.

I suspect that when the zombie apocalypse starts it will be in Asia from eating the rotting corpse of some animal.
From the linked article; including poultry, donkeys, sheep, pigs, camels, foxes, badgers, bamboo rats, hedgehogs and reptiles.

I suspect that when the zombie apocalypse starts it will be in Asia from eating the rotting corpse of some animal.
Hopefully it’s the slow kind of zombies, not like in World War Z with the very athletic ones.