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John Stockton anti vaxxer? Who would have thought.

I have to say stock is very well informed on these issues and not just blindly following the fraud health agencies.
He said several things that are absolutely false. For example he said that covid posses absolutely no risk to children.

Here's an article that names people who had children who were hospitalized with covid.

So Stockton is claiming to have "done the research" yet spouting absolutely false info.

If you want to dismiss the article as some sort of lie then you have assumed the burden of tracking down the named families in the article and showing that those families do not exist or that they lied. You can't just assume that they've lied if you actually care about truth and facts.
He said several things that are absolutely false. For example he said that covid posses absolutely no risk to children.

Here's an article that names people who had children who were hospitalized with covid.

So Stockton is claiming to have "done the research" yet spouting absolutely false info.

If you want to dismiss the article as some sort of lie then you have assumed the burden of tracking down the named families in the article and showing that those families do not exist or that they lied. You can't just assume that they've lied if you actually care about truth and facts.

This topic is a virtual swamp of crap. Reminds me of one of my favorite Ambrose Bierce quotes, the definition of experience:

The wisdom that enables us to recognize as an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced.
To one who, journeying through night and fog,
Is mired neck-deep in an unwholesome bog,
Experience, like the rising of the dawn,
Reveals the path that he should not have gone.
- Joel Frad Bink

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Game in this quote makes the same kind of false statement he says Stockton made, by generalizing a trend towards an absolute. I'm pretty sure anyone who says children have not been as seriously affected as groups known to be at more risk would not take a stand to say absolutely no children have been affected. And neither generalization is "false" at the absolute level of fact.

But the child's death is just as final as any other death.
He said several things that are absolutely false. For example he said that covid posses absolutely no risk to children.

Here's an article that names people who had children who were hospitalized with covid.

So Stockton is claiming to have "done the research" yet spouting absolutely false info.

If you want to dismiss the article as some sort of lie then you have assumed the burden of tracking down the named families in the article and showing that those families do not exist or that they lied. You can't just assume that they've lied if you actually care about truth and facts.

the stuff Stockton is saying is mostly incredibly dumb. It also makes it hard for reasonable people to question things like compulsory vaccination for young healthy children,. For example if you actually read just the headline of that article you link you'd think that there's some terrifying surge of Covid in young kids but if you read further down the article you'll find :

"At a briefing, Walensky said the numbers include children hospitalized because of COVID-19 and those admitted for other reasons but found to be infected.
The CDC also said the surge could be partially attributable to how COVID-19 hospitalizations in this age group are defined: a positive virus test within 14 days of hospitalization for any reason.
The severity of illness among children during the omicron wave seems lower than it was with the delta variant, said Seattle Children's Hospital critical care chief Dr. John McGuire.
"Most of the COVID+ kids in the hospital are actually not here for COVID-19 disease," McGuire said in an email. "They are here for other issues but happen to have tested positive."
I moved the discussion here, where it is closer to on-topic.

Well, actually, concentrate on the part about "protecting the person from that disease". The shot protects nobody from anything, the CDC admits it, Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO) admits it, Fauci admits it, the facts show it, at this point, I didn't know people were still under this illusion.
Again, this is a lie. The vaccine protects many people from getting the disease at all, and others from getting more serious versions of the disease. This is what the CDC has said, what Fauci has said, what Bourla probably has said, this is what the facts show, and any people who don't believe are retreating into comfortable lies.

By the way, this has also applied to the flu vaccine going back as far as i can remember. It has always been the case that the flu vaccine might stop the disease completely, but if it did not, it would lessen the symptoms and you would have a less severe flu (another corona virus disease, BTW). The original definition of vaccine applied to the flu vaccine under those circumstances, just like it would apply to the covid19 vaccine.

The shot actually guarantees you will get it and every other virus that comes along.
This is not only a lie, it is a malicious and easily disproven lie. It's such a gigantic piece of crud that it makes me question whether you're just trolling or not; it seems to stupid for anyone to really believe.

Have you seen the list of athletes dead in the last six months from heart attacks? 110 in FIFA alone.
No. List them. List their names, their ages, and the team they were playing for at the time of their deaths. Because I am saying this is pure nonsense, built upon lies, and you don't have 110 FIFA athletes who dies of heart attacks after getting the covid19 shot.

Here's a list of 20 in 2021, which is about twice that in 2018 or 2019, and not all of heart attacks, nor all of them immediately after getting a covid19 shot.

Maybe you've seen the Insurance companies claiming a 40% uptick in deaths in people aged 18-49
Nope. But covid19 does kill the unvaccinated, so it's not a surprise.

Why do you think they completely shut down known viral remedies? (Zinc ionophores, Vit D, Ivermectin (Nobel prize winner), hydrochloroquine, etc.)
Because they were no better than snake oil. Vitamin D, ivermection, and HCQ have zero effect on viruses in vivo.

What should really bother you is how many people whose death you would be responsible for, if they believed you and took your advice.
If you don't want to listen to mainstream media, I think that's fine, but if our backup plan is social media, WTF.
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If you don't want to listen to mainstream media, I think that's fine, but if our backup plan is social media, WTF.
Avery, what social media are you referring to? One brow, I tried to attach a 5 min video but it didn't work, and quite frankly I can't figure out why. Thought I had the list of names also, but I'm struggling to find it, and this list did have ages etc with them. I will try to find it and then attach it. At least two more have passed since the list I had. Two high schoolers died Wednesday (both 17) and we are finally starting to see them being able to say it's directly a result from the vax. Rumble, Bitchute, reddit, tiktok, telegram, even Facebook has some things that allow some info, but typically when groups get too big, they shut them down. I want all of you to be fine, because you took these shots thinking you were helping others and saving yourselves. Also One brow, there are plenty of doctors out there using just the things you said were garbage and they've treated huge numbers of people at various stages/ages/comorbidities with over 99.5 survival rates. There's plenty of info out there if you just have a desire to look and you're willing to use something other than google. For starters, take a look at Nuremberg 2 with Reiner Fuellmich. Doctors Michael Yeadon, Robert Mcullough (sp), Vladimir Zalenko, Ryan Cole, Simone Gold, Luc Montagnier, Robert Malone. Also, I'm not offended at all if you don't bother looking either. Illumination might be a bad thing.
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Avery, what social media are you referring to? One brow, I tried to attach a 5 min video but it didn't work, and quite frankly I can't figure out why. Thought I had the list of names also, but I'm struggling to find it, and this list did have ages etc with them. I will try to find it and then attach it. At least two more have passed since the list I had. Two high schoolers died Wednesday (both 17) and we are finally starting to see them being able to say it's directly a result from the vax. Rumble, Bitchute, reddit, tiktok, telegram, even Facebook has some things that allow some info, but typically when groups get too big, they shut them down. I want all of you to be fine, because you took these shots thinking you were helping others and saving yourselves. Also One brow, there are plenty of doctors out there using just the things you said were garbage and they've treated huge numbers of people at various stages/ages/comorbidities with over 99.5 survival rates. There's plenty of info out there if you just have a desire to look and you're willing to use something other than google. For starters, take a look at Nuremberg 2 with Reiner Fuellmich. Doctors Michael Yeadon, Robert Mcullough (sp), Vladimir Zalenko, Ryan Cole, Simone Gold, Luc Montagnier, Robert Malone. Also, I'm not offended at all if you don't bother looking either. Illumination might be a bad thing.
That wasn't directed to you, but in general, I see many individuals who eschew mainstream media in favor of believing everything they see on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Those are horrible sources for truth no matter what a person's POV is.
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Avery, what social media are you referring to? One brow, I tried to attach a 5 min video but it didn't work, and quite frankly I can't figure out why. Thought I had the list of names also, but I'm struggling to find it, and this list did have ages etc with them. I will try to find it and then attach it. At least two more have passed since the list I had. Two high schoolers died Wednesday (both 17) and we are finally starting to see them being able to say it's directly a result from the vax. Rumble, Bitchute, reddit, tiktok, telegram, even Facebook has some things that allow some info, but typically when groups get too big, they shut them down. I want all of you to be fine, because you took these shots thinking you were helping others and saving yourselves. Also One brow, there are plenty of doctors out there using just the things you said were garbage and they've treated huge numbers of people at various stages/ages/comorbidities with over 99.5 survival rates. There's plenty of info out there if you just have a desire to look and you're willing to use something other than google. For starters, take a look at Nuremberg 2 with Reiner Fuellmich. Doctors Michael Yeadon, Robert Mcullough (sp), Vladimir Zalenko, Ryan Cole, Simone Gold, Luc Montagnier, Robert Malone. Also, I'm not offended at all if you don't bother looking either. Illumination might be a bad thing.

Here you go. Pretty easy to find. There was a PDF of someone claiming 69 athletes died directly of the vaccine. You can go find that one if you want, it was an op ed piece, not anything close to a real article.

I know you are a troll, it is painfully obvious, but here are some articles. Feel free to debunk them all.
One brow, I tried to attach a 5 min video but it didn't work, and quite frankly I can't figure out why.
Don't bother. Videos are not evidence. Cough up a genuine scientific paper, if you can.

There's plenty of info out there if you just have a desire to look and you're willing to use something other than google.
Orac says it better than I ever could.

Also, I'm not offended at all if you don't bother looking either.
Seen it already, thanks.

Illumination might be a bad thing.
You can't illuminate with an unlit candle.
I figured at some point, someone would chime in with fact checkers and of course the usual ones, Reuters, politifact, factcheck, where's Snopes? Using those would be like asking you guys to check the info if you were on Pfizer/Moderna payroll.
I figured at some point, someone would chime in with fact checkers and of course the usual ones, Reuters, politifact, factcheck, where's Snopes? Using those would be like asking you guys to check the info if you were on Pfizer/Moderna payroll.
Half the world is apparently an active participant in the lies? Do you see how that far surpases any level of possible reaility?

What is the motivation for so many people to actively lie and deceive and cause harm to their fellow humans? Why haven't there been any credible whistleblowers?

The suggestion is that 99.9% of people who went into medicine, at some point in their medical training were told the "truth" and then convinced to maintain the ongoing lies which would very likely cause harm to many many people that they love and care for. They all, despite having noble reasons for entering the medical field, have instead flipped and become real villains fighting hard against the interests of humanity.

That, on its face, is pure ****ing nonsense. There's no way around the nonsense factor. It just doesn't clear the lowest bar of believability for me, so please, no more PMs please. If you want to continue this public discussion with me do it publicly. I hope that by my honest questions to you I did not give the impression that I was convincible of pure nonsense.
Actually Game, yes, the censoring is happening all over the world. You guys could watch videos/testimonies, see statistics and you'd just brush them off; claim it's coincidence or unrelated. How many studies have proven there is graphene oxide/dioxide in the shots? Who/where patented? What does it do? Is there an explanation for why it would be in there that isn't downright nefarious? Have you seen the results of autopsies conducted on patients and the affect spike protein has on organs? Did you know there was an HIV component added to the spike protein?
Actually Game, yes, the censoring is happening all over the world. You guys could watch videos/testimonies, see statistics and you'd just brush them off; claim it's coincidence or unrelated. How many studies have proven there is graphene oxide/dioxide in the shots? Who/where patented? What does it do? Is there an explanation for why it would be in there that isn't downright nefarious? Have you seen the results of autopsies conducted on patients and the affect spike protein has on organs? Did you know there was an HIV component added to the spike protein?
It makes no sense on its face. Period. The **** you're saying doesn't pass the "is this how reality works" sniff test. Not even close.

You have somehow been convinced that a very significant portion of the world population has signed up to do nothing but harm humanity and there is no benefit to them in return (if you're going to say power and control you can save it, there are many ways to skin that cat and I'd think that the people who currently have power and control simply by using the out in the open systems that are in place would have a problem with this shadow movement taking all that away from them).

You're ignoring how humans work. You're ignoring how hierarchical systems work and how even in this conspiracy organization there would be winners and losers and some people would wind up getting their feelings hurt and would try to tear the whole thing apart. You're ignoring the fact that there are millions upon millions of foot soldiers needed for these plots and those people are not going to have control over anything.

I'm sure these conspiracies have provided you with thousands of hours of entertainment and excitement and boosted your self esteem by convincing you that you're "in the know" and that you live in a world full of ignorant sheeple whom you are now ever so slightly better than by virtue of having found the truth. But it's pure fantasy.
I figured at some point, someone would chime in with fact checkers and of course the usual ones, Reuters, politifact, factcheck, where's Snopes? Using those would be like asking you guys to check the info if you were on Pfizer/Moderna payroll.
Standard troll/conspiracy nut response. "Oh sure, you can present whatever 'evidence' you want, but it is all fake. Nothing really tells the truth. Oh you have something from doctors? Well for some reason they benefit by lying to you about everything in some very non-specific and specious way, so that argument is garbage of course. Oh you have an empirical study from a bunch of scientists that was peer-reviewed? Of course they benefit by lying to you because reasons. Oh the WHO or CDC said something? Well they are paid off by the same faceless nameless people who pay off everyone else. Only the one guy on facebook with a blog and a youtube channel with 23 followers knows what is REALLY going on, he is the only one I can believe, because he, you know, confirms my own conspiratorial beliefs. Nothing like confirmation bias to keep me on track and away from all of your evidence-based peer-reviewed BS. Soros, Gub'mint, something something. I am not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens."

There is no conversation to be had with a troll.
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It makes no sense on its face. Period. The **** you're saying doesn't pass the "is this how reality works" sniff test. Not even close.

You have somehow been convinced that a very significant portion of the world population has signed up to do nothing but harm humanity and there is no benefit to them in return (if you're going to say power and control you can save it, there are many ways to skin that cat and I'd think that the people who currently have power and control simply by using the out in the open systems that are in place would have a problem with this shadow movement taking all that away from them).

You're ignoring how humans work. You're ignoring how hierarchical systems work and how even in this conspiracy organization there would be winners and losers and some people would wind up getting their feelings hurt and would try to tear the whole thing apart. You're ignoring the fact that there are millions upon millions of foot soldiers needed for these plots and those people are not going to have control over anything.

I'm sure these conspiracies have provided you with thousands of hours of entertainment and excitement and boosted your self esteem by convincing you that you're "in the know" and that you live in a world full of ignorant sheeple whom you are now ever so slightly better than by virtue of having found the truth. But it's pure fantasy.
I don't know. I mean my brother has sent about $5000 to that woman from south africa with the gold she wants to move to the states so he can bring her and her gold here and marry her since she was a super-model in south africa and now for some reason needs a steady stream of money to come to America and share her fortune and her perfect body with a 62 year old guy who lives in a back shed behind the place he drives a tractor for and rarely showers. If this kind of stuff can happen to ordinary people, well anything is possible. You obviously just do not know how the real world works, GF. Get a clue! You said exactly what they wanted you to say! Now they will gain all the Power because you said what they wanted you to! The Power, maybe of Greyskull or something, who knows? But the Power is real, and it controls you and everyone you love!!!

seriously though I feel really bad for my brother. that part was very true. he is being heavily catfished and we cannot convince him otherwise. he is just lonely and has few prospects of anything because of really bad decisions he made early in life. Seeing this kind of thing first-hand is just heart-breaking.
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