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Dame Time

Everyone talks about “the timeline”. I actually think Dame is right for our timeline. It sounds awesome to have a ton of young players all grow together and peak at similar-ish times….but the truth is that comes with them all getting paid a ton at the same time. You can’t afford everyone once the rookie deals are over. What you can afford is having multiple max players with players still on their rookie deals.

I feel as though the Jazz have a window here with Kessler having 3 years left on his rookie deal, kind of similar to when they had Mitchell on a rookie deal. You want to stack the deck when you have good players on cheap contracts and not after they get giant pay bumps.

If Dame does not want to play here that cannot be fixed. But if he’s open to it, we’ve got to be open to it. He was playing at an MVP level last season. I’d be shocked if he’s not at an all star level for the next 3+ years.

He's a small 33 year old guard who relies on his quickness. If the Jazz get him, you better pray he remains healthy enough over the next two years, and that the Jazz win a championship. Because nobody wants to be the team paying Dame 45m at age 36 while getting bounced in the second round.
He's a small 33 year old guard who relies on his quickness. If the Jazz get him, you better pray he remains healthy enough over the next two years, and that the Jazz win a championship. Because nobody wants to be the team paying Dame 45m at age 36 while getting bounced in the second round.
His salary at 36 would actually be around 64M, not 45M...
All I know is that next year would be a lot more fun with Dame than without Dame.
Strongly disagree with this. Watched Lillards whole career in Portland and it's a horrible, ISO heavy brand of basketball with limited ball movement and no easy baskets or transition play (Lillard does not run & is not good at lobs).

The ball movement that Hardy has the Jazz playing with is MUCH more fun than a Lillard offense.
Holy ****.
Yeah, IMO if you are trading for him, you should be going ALL IN! I don't want no half-assed ****... If you trade for him with half our assets.... the other half should be going out for another big piece ... and relatively quickly while Dame is still in his extended prime...
It just so happened that I started watching the Jazz regularly around 10 months before their rebuild started (having watched mainly the Blazers for some 30 years) - and it's been a real breath of fresh air to see a team run with competency (under Ainge), players that play with effort on both sides of the ball and, particularly, the brand of basketball that Hardy has instilled here is a pleasure to watch with the team ethos and ball movement.

ALL of that disappears if you trade for Lillard. He walks the ball up court (no fast breaks), ISO offense with long jacked threes will be the order of the day, the beautiful ball movement of Hardys syatem will disappear as Lillard has to have the ball in his hands and stops ball movement. On top of all of that, he is absymal on the defensive side of the ball and his 'Star' super power is wilting in the playoffs (yes- he hit some two or three big shots - but his play in general dips under pressure).

Add to this he is 33 years old and, having a game predicated on first step, will most likely regress very soon.

I have really enjoyed the rebuild so far in Utah (big fan of Markannens play and Hardys coaching) but I feel like tradeing for Dame would anchor the team with an albatross contract for an aging PG who plays no defense and will be a detriment to the great team-style play that I have come to love in Utah.

Don't do it Danny - Defense! - save your trade chips for two-way players with size that fit the age bracket better.
Good insight. Welcome!
His salary at 36 would actually be around 64M, not 45M...
This is one of the main reasons Portland fans are upset with Dame. To sign an extension around 12 months ago, paying you 60mill a season at 36-37 years old - to then turn around and request a trade after the team commits to you. . .
This is one of the main reasons Portland fans are upset with Dame. To sign an extension around 12 months ago, paying you 60mill a season at 36-37 years old - to then turn around and request a trade after the team commits to you. . .
I mean… I think some of these teams are also telling the stars in these negotiations that if they sign the org will play nice and move them later if it’s not working. He’s doing them a favor in a way.
This is one of the main reasons Portland fans are upset with Dame. To sign an extension around 12 months ago, paying you 60mill a season at 36-37 years old - to then turn around and request a trade after the team commits to you. . .
It's horrendous! Then to sit around till the last minute watching the club give Grant the big extension before his decision, wow! I hope Utah is not that stupid! Just because he's a Marquee player doesn't mean he's a team player.
It's horrendous! Then to sit around till the last minute watching the club give Grant the big extension before his decision, wow! I hope Utah is not that stupid! Just because he's a Marquee player doesn't mean he's a team player.
I get the distinct impression that Grant's extension probably caused Dame to bolt.
This is one of the main reasons Portland fans are upset with Dame. To sign an extension around 12 months ago, paying you 60mill a season at 36-37 years old - to then turn around and request a trade after the team commits to you. . .

Stay with me here… what if the organization did a better job with the supporting cast around him instead of requesting a trade he’d probably be pretty happy right now.
I mean… I think some of these teams are also telling the stars in these negotiations that if they sign the org will play nice and move them later if it’s not working. He’s doing them a favor in a way.
Agreed. I think the Blazers are really moving in a positive direction getting out from under that contract (for a player that only impacts one side of the ball - especially at his age).

Having said that, it does appear 50-60 mill+ is the 'new normal' according to the crazy contracts being handed out the past few days.
I get that caps are going up, but every time I try to swing around to "wanting" Dame on this team, I'm reminded that he'll be making 60m avg in a few years. That's a lot of scratch for 35 yo guard.
Yeah, IMO if you are trading for him, you should be going ALL IN! I don't want no half-assed ****... If you trade for him with half our assets.... the other half should be going out for another big piece ... and relatively quickly while Dame is still in his extended prime...
Nah, you keep some in the tank to pivot if/when Dame slows down.

Dame/Lauri w/ Collins/Kessler/Clarkson and strong rookie contract prospects should be enough to win a ring. I dont think you need another big piece. IF something comes along that makes sense (like Aaron Gordon for a first type deal) then yeah, do that, but I wouldnt give up 2-3 picks for a borderline all-star/3rd star type deal.
Nah, you keep some in the tank to pivot if/when Dame slows down.

Dame/Lauri w/ Collins/Kessler/Clarkson and strong rookie contract prospects should be enough to win a ring. I dont think you need another big piece. IF something comes along that makes sense (like Aaron Gordon for a first type deal) then yeah, do that, but I wouldnt give up 2-3 picks for a borderline all-star/3rd star type deal.

This is the way. The reason it’s so appealing to me is we would still have plenty of assets to pivot later on.