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Favors or Kanter?

Retarded to point to obvious flaws in ones game?
Perhaps you missed the question posed by the OP. It's hard to make a comparison between two players when all you consider is one player's weaknesses/mistakes. Not that you're smart enough to understand any of this.
Perhaps you missed the question posed by the OP. It's hard to make a comparison between two players when all you consider is one player's weaknesses/mistakes. Not that you're smart enough to understand any of this.

So know you are IQ expert? lol. Question was whom you would chose given the chance, so I gave honest answer and pointed why. I do not need to go into wide discussion why Favors is better prospect then Kanter IMHO, big flaws in Kanters game is enough for me to make that choice. Favors hice nice jumper so his free throw % can be improved, it is not fundamentals or technique like in Shaq's or B.Wallace case - just needs better focus and attention to details. Kanter on the other hand is not going to get any more explossive or faster. Thats just the way I see it. You may not like it but pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseee..... stop about inteligence, ROFL.
Question was whom you would chose given the chance, so I gave honest answer and pointed why.
No, not really. Unless you think missing a couple jumpers through 184 NBA minutes is reason enough to write a young big man off, in which case I stand by assessment of your intelligence.
No, not really. Unless you think missing a couple jumpers through 184 NBA minutes is reason enough to write a young big man off, in which case I stand by assessment of your intelligence.

Dude who is writing him off? Question was whom to chose from those two, I chose Favors, does not mean Kanter won't be decent NBA player in the future.
So looking back at your post it looks like you wrote Favors off for some easily correctable things didn't you?
Favors easily. Why you guys think .680FT shooting is such a big advantage? I have yet to see Kanter make jumper in NBA while Favors made more then a few.

His free throw is significantly better than Favors'. When he misses it's a lot softer. Favors' clanks a bit too much.

I will say this though, Favors trade value would be a heck of a lot higher.
I don't entirely agree. Yes, he needs to look to pass more frequently. He seemed to have decent vision last season, so maybe he's just frustrated with his role/offensive production. He needs to let the game come to him, and pick his spots better. It's tough for a young player who doesn't get regular touches to stay disciplined.

However, I'd rather see him try to dunk over guys than shoot fade-aways. He's long, strong and fairly explosive, and he should be using his superior tools to his advantage.

Thats my only consolation, i hope he will learn being more disciplined and playing smarter, because he has a very good raw talent, and he doesnt have that bad hands like most of the athletic big man has, i believe he can improve mid range jump shots and free throws
I wrote neither off. I also didn't make an assessment based on only bad plays/weaknesses of one player, as you did.

Kanter has better hands and footwork. Favors has length and athleticism. It's hard to compare the two because both are still learning how to use their very different strengths/abilities. I think they work well together:

On offense, Favors runs the floor and finishes more fluidly in transition. He'll likely be better diving to the basket on PnR's as well. Kanter, given his hands and what looks like a good stroke, will be able to create more offense for himself from more spots on the court in halfcourt sets.

On defense, Kanter's solid base will keep plodding, low post players away from the basket. There will be no rebounds for anyone else. Favors is better defending the PnR and helping from the weakside.

It's hard to choose between the two. Favors has a long way to go in refining his offensive game. Kanter should be fine if/when the game slows down for him (and yes, this also isn't a sure thing). It's hard to project either at this point, but I'm glad the Jazz have both. They're already productive NBA players (albeit offensively challenged ones).
GVC's analysis explains two players very good. I think in none of the teams in nba, there are two very talented big men complementing each other so good. Thats a big plus for jazz.
Isn't there enough arguing on Jazzfanz that someone has to start a thread like this. LOL. I love both the kids and would choose between either one. I am just glad the Jazz have both of them. Yea I know that isn't what the thread is about but I'd rather just complain about players I don't like instead of having to choose between two players that I want on the team.
Isn't there enough arguing on Jazzfanz that someone has to start a thread like this. LOL

Someone suggested somewhere us trading one of our bigs for Rondo and Pierce or some such combo, and it got me thinking.

BTW. I'm happy to admit that CJ is being a lot less of a chukkar, and I need to change my signature. Keep it up yo!
I will say Kanter already does have one bankable skill - elite rebounding. Favors has more potential but has yet to develop even one bankable skill. I'd probably still take Favors though.
I wrote neither off. I also didn't make an assessment based on only bad plays/weaknesses of one player, as you did.

Kanter has better hands and footwork. Favors has length and athleticism. It's hard to compare the two because both are still learning how to use their very different strengths/abilities. I think they work well together:

On offense, Favors runs the floor and finishes more fluidly in transition. He'll likely be better diving to the basket on PnR's as well. Kanter, given his hands and what looks like a good stroke, will be able to create more offense for himself from more spots on the court in halfcourt sets.

On defense, Kanter's solid base will keep plodding, low post players away from the basket. There will be no rebounds for anyone else. Favors is better defending the PnR and helping from the weakside.

It's hard to choose between the two. Favors has a long way to go in refining his offensive game. Kanter should be fine if/when the game slows down for him (and yes, this also isn't a sure thing). It's hard to project either at this point, but I'm glad the Jazz have both. They're already productive NBA players (albeit offensively challenged ones).

You said exactly what I was trying to say ... but so much better. Rep-ed
You guys remember in Rocky IV when Apollo is fighting Drago and the first part of the fight Drago is just dancing around not throwing any punches, and then after a while of playing around, Drago's trainer yells some order/command in Russian, and Drago unleashes all hell on Apollo?

I like to imagine a similar scenario in which we get the 6 seed in the playoffs and get matched up against the 3 seed Lakers and in game 2, after Enes has been in the game for a few minutes, Ty screams something to him in Turkish, which results in Enes starting to rain from deep.

I'm convinced we're saving this for the right moment.

I take kanter.

Favors is better in these categories:
quickness, vertical, shot blocking, help defense and standing dunk.

Kanter is superior in:
core body strength, positioning, rebounding, foot work, jump shot, free throw, post moves, passing, low post defense

Also kanter is far more aggressive on the court, while favors doesn't have any mental toughness yet.