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MLB umpire Jim Joyce killed by mob of angry fans in Detroit

I don't give a **** if he's safe on a tie. After a game like that, you give the kid the out on his home field. That ump is a complete moron and should be fired for making such a horrible call like that. He's been in world series' before and there's absolutely no excuse for a call like that. I don't care if he's not perfect or not. You can make that call with your eyes closed. Even if the runner was safe and the ump called him out, that runner's not going to give a ****. Did you see the expression on the runners face when he was called safe. Even he knew he was out. How the hell does every one know except for the guy making the call? What a complete douche bag. Have this guy fired.
It wasn't that bad of a call, but the worst timing for a bad call ever. If you watch the replay in live motion, it's pretty close. The ump was in a bad position though. This is why MLB needs reply and MLB should award the guy with a perfect game.
He was not in a bad position. He was in a great position to make that call. That's exactly where the guy is suppose to be to make a call like that. He even started to call him out in the beginning then hurry and changed his mind.
Perfect through eight and then Austin Jackson makes a highlight catch to keep it going in the ninth, only to have Joyce kick the **** out of the call. MLB is going to review the call and they can overturn it.
My point exactly. Everything leading up to that moment was great. That catch was unbelievable and even the play at the end by the first baseman was a great play only to have all that thrown away from a blown call.
He was not in a bad position. He was in a great position to make that call. That's exactly where the guy is suppose to be to make a call like that. He even started to call him out in the beginning then hurry and changed his mind.

You're right. I just reviewed the first base umps position for plays to second.
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I disagree with firing him. The only ones calling for him to be fired are fans(or fringe fans who probably haven't watched a game this year.). I could be wrong but I haven't heard any Tigers or any other players calling for this guy's head. If you fired every ump who missed a call you'd have nobody left pretty soon. The game moves fast, mistakes are a given.

From what I can see he just had one batter after the missed call? Why not just reverse the call give him the perfect game he deserved and give the ump a warning for making a terrible call. Seems like a win win to me.
There have been 105 World Series in the modern history of baseball. Each series required four victories to win except for 4 years which required five. That means in the history of baseball there have been 424 World Series game victories. Previous to this season there were 18 perfect games ever pitched in the modern era. That means there were over 23 times as many World Series game victories as perfect games up to the beginning of this season. If there was ever a reason for an overturned call by the baseball commissioner it this one. If Bud Selig doesn't overturn this call and make it right he should go down as the worst commissioner in the history of the game.
No way should he be fired. Do you do your job perfect? Probably not. The guy sincerely feels bad and owned it. If anything, MLB will implement replay from it.
He's been a good umpire for years. This is one horrible missed call, but it shouldn't cost him his job.
I'm not a tiger fan at all. I just love the game of baseball. It's not the fact that he missed the call. It's the fact that he second guessed himself in a situation of that magnitude that upsets me. He was about to call the guy out and then changed his mind. With something that close, you throw the hammer regardless. The baserunner is not going to bitch about that, trust me.

I feel that if you are in a position like that, there's no room for errors or mistakes. I did overreact about the guy being fired. I don't care if he owned up to it or not. Sure that's easy. The only reason he had to do that was because there was proof he blew the call. Who's going to go out and stand firm with the call they made when there's video evidence that they were wrong? Even if the commissioner turns the call around, it's not the same. He won't have that feeling in front of the crowd and his teammates lifting him up. It's almost a bigger slap in the face to do that to the guy.
"I feel that if you are in a position like that, there's no room for errors or mistakes."

So why not just have instant replay? The game that has no clock is worried about it slowing down the game?
Even if the commissioner turns the call around, it's not the same. He won't have that feeling in front of the crowd and his teammates lifting him up. It's almost a bigger slap in the face to do that to the guy.

I agree it won't be the same thing for the pitcher. He will probably never get to experience getting the last out of a perfect game and the celebration that comes after it. But if I were in that situation, I'd still want my name to be on the list for perfect games, celebration or not.
They should implement instant replays for baseball. Just not for balls and strikes. That would slow the game down more than it already is but close calls like that would be perfect. Give them so many a game to challenge.
They should overturn the call and give the guy his perfect game... There is no reason that Instant Replay should not be utilized in sports considering current technology.
I agree with most people here and they should overturn the call...mainly because it was the last out and its 100% ok to do that...if this wasn't the final out then I wouldn't change it.

Something that close you should give the benefit of doubt for something amazing like a perfect game.

Galarraga, continuing in his show of class brought the lineup card out to the homeplate umpire, who just so happened to be Joyce

Some quick thoughts:

If Galarraga is doing the absolute best he can to move forward, he is the one with the biggest beef and the fans need to follow his que.

Joyce's family is receiving threats? That is ridiculous. Baseball is a game. Baseball has a tradition of allowing people to go to the park and escape the real world. There is no need for that kind of BS.
My point exactly. Everything leading up to that moment was great. That catch was unbelievable and even the play at the end by the first baseman was a great play only to have all that thrown away from a blown call.

It was actually a bad play. If he lets the 2nd baseman have that ground ball and simply covers first base then the runner is out by 3 steps instead of one and we aren't having this conversation.

Also, I come out of this with much respect for Jim Joyce despite that turrible call.
It wasn't a bad play. The 1st baseman yes should have let that ball go to the second baseman but I can see where he may have thought it would be a base hit. Even though he took that grounder, it was still a great play. Turned, planted and had to throw a perfect ball to a pitcher who is moving. That's a very hard play in baseball.