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Game #2: Jazz vs Hornets, 11/02/12 - 6:00 PM MST - Root Sports

I understand, and agree, with everyone's fetish for the defense of that bench lineup. And I agree, Favors and Kanter could potentially be a fantastic defensive tandem in a few years. But SOMEONE needs to do some scoring on the bench. We won't be getting 30 fast breaks a game. Randy Foye was our only source of bench offense tonight, bar-none. Tonight was simply a doomsday-esque abomination. A shame that the only player who was playing well was the one who rotationally plays ahead of the only other player who might have contributed (Burks). Literally had average to **** contributions from every other player on this team.

They also didn't really go to them tonight. Kanter shot twice and Favors really three times (missed all three). Favors scored on an alley-oop and putback. They need someone besides Tinsley in there since there is no reason to guard him. I like Burks' energy and athleticism as well. I hope we can at least see some variance in the line-ups.
They also didn't really go to them tonight. Kanter shot twice and Favors really three times (missed all three). Favors scored on an alley-oop and putback. They need someone besides Tinsley in there since there is no reason to guard him. I like Burks' energy and athleticism as well. I hope we can at least see some variance in the line-ups.

Dude. Scrap the box score. Think back to the game, and try to remember how many iso-posessions Kanter had on the block, that he passed out after moving at the pace of a snail, and finding his body smothered by a triple team. Then, see my post on page 17 directed towards Sepanol.

You simply cannot say that they didn't go to Kanter, because that isn't true. They tried several times, and failed.

That is all.
If this powder-keg of a team starts to struggle through some rough patches, watch out! The young guys won't be happy to sit and watch losers take their minutes. The vet's are all on expiring deals, so they'll be trying to improve their own stats. And Corbin doesn't seem to be the zen master type of coach, in fact he seems too scared to be the real leader of the team. This could get uuuuuuuugly if they can't hold it together.
He was talking about the offensive capabilities of Kanter and Favors. Are you really trying to make the argument that Kanter's and Favors's scoring kept us in today's game? Because that is in argument you will lose (very quickly, in fact)

No, I'm arguing that the Jazz's defense improves more than their offense falls when Kanter and Favors are in the game.
Dude. Scrap the box score. Think back to the game, and try to remember how many iso-posessions Kanter had on the block, that he passed out after moving at the pace of a snail, and finding his body smothered by a triple team. Then, see my post on page 17 directed towards Sepanol.

You simply cannot say that they didn't go to Kanter, because that isn't true. They tried several times, and failed.

That is all.

It was not a lot. They went to him two or three times in the fourth quarter, when he did indeed look like *** on the first (expiring clock) but passed it out to Tinsley on the second, who promptly missed a three or passed one up, I can't remember. My argument is not that they were stupendous, but that the Jazz had no problem feeding Al, going 1/6, launching jumper after jumper. You have to have confidence in yourself and that is very much encouraged when your team has confidence in you. Kanter and Favors can play adequately against starting bigs on offense, but there has to be some sort of offensive scheme. Half the time Kanter or Favors run up and set screens and the Tinsley or Carroll drive or shoot bricks. The other alternative tonight was have Foye dribble around and shoot. He is a very good shot, so he doesn't have the CJ effect, or at least hasn't in the regular season, but his preseason was horrendous.
I think this teaches us we still have a long ways to go in learning to fight the zone defense.

As soon as they clogged up the lane, no one wanted to go in there, so we settled.
Caught up with the doubleheader tonight. Lots of drama. No Burks, crazy subs. The meltdowns about minutes will definitely be the story of the season, at least on this board.
I think this teaches us we still have a long ways to go in learning to fight the zone defense.

As soon as they clogged up the lane, no one wanted to go in there, so we settled.

It's not entirely that nobody wanted to go in there, it's that the bigs were terrible at reacting when the defense swarmed the paint. Al Jefferson was by far the worst offender - my God everytime he caught the ball he just stopped and stood there with it.

Millsap and Jefferson did settle for a lot of jumpshots though. Sort of defeats the purpose of bringing in great shooters.
Offensively, we have no idea what to do with the ball once it gets down to the block. Just like last year, nobody on the perimeter moves, and when the ball gets passed out it gets shot from 23 feet.
I'm not seeing good signs from Mo Will. He plays like he thinks he's a star Pg. And he loves to call his own number. We're not going to win as much as we could if he's going to average 16 shots a night. Especially averaging 5 assists. It's only 2 games so no need to overreact just yet.
I really don't like Carroll, but I'll admit he's played better than his shooting percentage. Still, we're inching toward a Roger Bell situation here playing playing a guy who only has perceived value while overlooking players who can actually contribute. I'd rather experiment with the small Tinsley/Foye/Burks lineup. Until Kanter/Favors are ready to score on the block dependably, we need another offensive spark on the second unit, and Carroll is a purely opportunistic basket/break scorer.
I love Kanter's new aggressiveness, but I agree with Harp when he said tonight that opposing teams are going to scheme against it. Last year, the book was don't worry. This year, the book is double him and he's worthless. His learning curve has changed in a good way, but tonight it showed that he still has a lot to learn.