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Boy Scouts tell gay leader to take a hike

Would it bother you if your son's scout leader was gay?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 45.8%

  • Total voters
Suddenly everyone thinks that gay people = child molesters, or that gay people will make moves on you or something, even though they would know that you're not gay.

The amount of paranoia from people about gays is laughable. You really think that? Get a brain, morans.

Just because you two are some ugly *** dudes that couldn't turn on a desperate menopausal woman... I almost got raped by two Gabriel Iglesias "Ohh Hell No" big dudes in Mexico. That wasn't the first incident either, or the last. What the hell did I ever do besides being so damn hansom that my smell makes the ladies ***? You ugly catfish just don't know.

The BSA for the great majority of its existence was an organization that had no stance on religion or god and whose sole purpose was to teach young men skills to survive and flourish in a myriad of situations. Gays and atheists weren't disallowed from the BSA until the LDS church officially aligned itself with the BSA in the 70's and a flurry of changes came about. I think there is a lot of value in scouting, but I don't appreciate the close-minded, jingoistic, gay-hating (call it what you want) swill. The BSA is now one or two shades away from Jesus Camp.

And if they're going to effectively cost the tax-payers money through tax-exemption and land grants, I'd appreciate it if there wasn't a clear religious (or 'belief in god-driven', for the semantists) objective. The 1st amendment is pretty damn clear to people that aren't simpletons. But hey, churches get away with a lot of that whole involving-itself-directly-in-government-but-try-to-do-it-in-such-a-fashion-so-as-to-not-flagrantly-trounce-the-law-so-as-to-not-lose-tax-exempt-status thing.
By the way 53% of you, way to be stuck 35 years in the past. Prop 6 lost in California that long ago about a similar issue, and here, more than half think that homosexuality is contagious or that it somehow makes one more prone to **** children.

If straight men can coach women's sports... never mind. Forget it. Refer to signature for any further response.
so WHAT?

isnt it a free country? if i dont wanna hire a gay, a black, a meixcan, a white man, a woman, a man, a jew, a 50 year old, a 40 year old, or whatever am i not FREE to do so. why are the scouts not free to do so. dont give me that discrimination crap. cus the KKK and all those hate groups have the right to hold rally's and such. thye have the right to exist right.
i just dont get the fuss about being picky AS LONG as they don't physically harm a gay dude or whatever they can say and do whatever they want, hire or dont hire whoever they want.

ps i have nothing against a gay, blacks, meixcans, white men, women, men, jews, 50 year olds, a 40 year olds
It would bother me if my son wanted to be a Boy Scout.

Yeah, I know. They teach stupid outdated stuff like being trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Stuff that our society has deemed unnecessary a long time ago. Just ask any politician (either side of the aisle).