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BYU NCAA Violations

I know this sounds cynical but..... are there programs that dont do minor violations like what you mentioned?

Also, the dude doesnt even work for them anymore? Sounds like byu already took care of it maybe.

Everyone should be cynical when it comes to the NCAA, especially with football and basketball. I'm sure most or all of the big programs have crap like this going on to some degree. As it is, BYU is investigating the allegations and will self-report their findings to the NCAA.
Everyone should be cynical when it comes to the NCAA, especially with football and basketball. I'm sure most or all of the big programs have crap like this going on to some degree. As it is, BYU is investigating the allegations and will self-report their findings to the NCAA.

Self report. Lol.

That always makes me chuckle.

Thanks for the info btw
You seriously believe that Bronco probably wasn't aware. Are you saying that he's out of touch?

Everything I've seen/heard about Bronco says that he is a stickler for rules. Have you heard or have any evidence otherwise? So yeah, it seems easier for me to believe that he was probably unaware that Busby was giving cheap rent to some of the players, than it is to think that he decided to turn a blind eye to it. But we'll likely find out more in time.
Everything I've seen/heard about Bronco says that he is a stickler for rules. Have you heard or have any evidence otherwise? So yeah, it seems easier for me to believe that he was probably unaware that Busby was giving cheap rent to some of the players, than it is to think that he decided to turn a blind eye to it. But we'll likely find out more in time.

Bronco has the squeaky clean reputation, but if Busby was (allegedly) doing this for years and the players supposedly knew about it, I have a hard time believing Bronco knew nothing about it. If the allegations are true then somewhere along the line he had to hear something about it, wouldn't you think?
Bronco has the squeaky clean reputation, but if Busby was (allegedly) doing this for years and the players supposedly knew about it, I have a hard time believing Bronco knew nothing about it. If the allegations are true then somewhere along the line he had to hear something about it, wouldn't you think?

I'm not a fan of BYU, but knowing Bronco, I think you'd be a fool to believe that Bronco knew something was going on against the rules and did nothing about it. The dude is a freaking rule Nazi.
While we're just getting started with this story. I'm shocked by the head in the sand attitude a large majority of BYU fans are choosing to take. First of all, if these allegations are true, if you really think that the "firing" of Busby "takes care of it, you're crazy. Jim Tressell lost a career over what began as a free tattoo. Do you really think the NCAA is going to let BYU self impose sanctions when free housing and other benefits were coming from INSIDE the program? Lol, it must be nice to live in your fantasy world. And for the record, Busby wasn't "fired" by BYU, he was allowed to retire. Boy, they really brought the hammer down on him!!!

Wouldn't want to be BYU right now. You're getting black balled in regards to scheduling the big conferences, your chances of ever landing in a major conference are precarious at best, and now you may be at the beginning of a very nasty/ugly NCAA investigation.

I'm so happy that year in and year out we're reminded by BYU fans, coaches, and players that BYU is "different" and that they hold themselves to a "higher standard". It makes all of this that much sweeter.
Is it just me, or does this seem like it's not that bad but because BYU puts themselves on a pedestal, the **** is hitting the fan?
Supposedly 18 years worth of violations per 1280 including sometimes reduced or even free rent, free ipads, free meals, free clothes, free supplies (normal stuff people need each month) and that he barely left the program this Spring after accusations started. It finally went to the public this week. Several former players are stating this really did happen including Jake Kuresa.

Individually, these are not major violations compared to some schools, but when you factor in 18 years of frequent and reoccurring violations by a high ranking employee in the athletic department that is someone who is paid to make sure the university is in compliance with NCAA rules, then it becomes a significant story.
I actually havent really read anything or heard anything.

Im genuinely asking you a question (that you seem to not be able, or want to, answer).

What exactly happened?

i heard about 30 seconds on sports talk radio about hoffman maybe getting cheap rent or something?

(p.s. you dont need to be rude)
I'll chalk this up to a stupid misunderstanding due to the nature of communicating through print, but you seem to be suggesting that I'm dodging your question just because I see no reason to recap all of the information that was already included in the thread.
Is it just me, or does this seem like it's not that bad but because BYU puts themselves on a pedestal, the **** is hitting the fan?

Very true.

If the u of u had allegations like this no one would care.
I'll chalk this up to a stupid misunderstanding due to the nature of communicating through print, but you seem to be suggesting that I'm dodging your question just because I see no reason to recap all of the information that was already included in the thread.

Its ok.
Nightmare was able to answer my question quite easily. I thanked him. now we can move along now that im up to speed
Is it just me, or does this seem like it's not that bad but because BYU puts themselves on a pedestal, the **** is hitting the fan?
I think that it's worse than you're suggesting, but I completely agree that the **** will hit the fan harder than it would for any other program as a direct result of their holier than thou attitude. Even for those of you who want to imagine that Bronco knew nothing, he clearly did know something at the time this guy was allowed to retire. Yet he gave a deceptive quote, praising the character of a guy who did something in direct contravention to the rules and to the standards that the school brags about.

If Bronco was as committed as some of you seem to believe he is to doing the right thing he would have stood up at that time and said, "It pains me to say this, but I have discovered that a good friend of mine has been making decisions that are in direct opposition to our mission as a school and as a football program. I'm asking for an immediate investigation and we will put measures in place to insure that this does not happen again. And by the way, I have fired my friend."

I'm sure those of us who are haters would have found a way to hate on that, but we would have had to admit that the actions are speaking at least as loud as the words. That's not at all the case the way things have come out.
I think that it's worse than you're suggesting, but I completely agree that the **** will hit the fan harder than it would for any other program as a direct result of their holier than thou attitude. Even for those of you who want to imagine that Bronco knew nothing, he clearly did know something at the time this guy was allowed to retire. Yet he gave a deceptive quote, praising the character of a guy who did something in direct contravention to the rules and to the standards that the school brags about.

If Bronco was as committed as some of you seem to believe he is to doing the right thing he would have stood up at that time and said, "It pains me to say this, but I have discovered that a good friend of mine has been making decisions that are in direct opposition to our mission as a school and as a football program. I'm asking for an immediate investigation and we will put measures in place to insure that this does not happen again. And by the way, I have fired my friend."

I'm sure those of us who are haters would have found a way to hate on that, but we would have had to admit that the actions are speaking at least as loud as the words. That's not at all the case the way things have come out.

I agree
While we're just getting started with this story. I'm shocked by the head in the sand attitude a large majority of BYU fans are choosing to take. First of all, if these allegations are true, if you really think that the "firing" of Busby "takes care of it, you're crazy. Jim Tressell lost a career over what began as a free tattoo. Do you really think the NCAA is going to let BYU self impose sanctions when free housing and other benefits were coming from INSIDE the program? Lol, it must be nice to live in your fantasy world. And for the record, Busby wasn't "fired" by BYU, he was allowed to retire. Boy, they really brought the hammer down on him!!!

Wouldn't want to be BYU right now. You're getting black balled in regards to scheduling the big conferences, your chances of ever landing in a major conference are precarious at best, and now you may be at the beginning of a very nasty/ugly NCAA investigation.

I'm so happy that year in and year out we're reminded by BYU fans, coaches, and players that BYU is "different" and that they hold themselves to a "higher standard". It makes all of this that much sweeter.

Look at this guy; JazzJeter incarnate. We're all just pissed we got caught, yo.

That Jazzman12 is a dick kweef? Me too.
Is it just me, or does this seem like it's not that bad but because BYU puts themselves on a pedestal, the **** is hitting the fan?

I think it's just you. The fact that this could have been going on for nearly 2 decades, and it was a BYU employee as opposed to a booster is very bad.

Not only that, but the way Busby was allowed to "retire" really stinks of an attempted cover up. If BYU outright fires Busby, people start asking questions. Bronco has some explaining to do as well.
Do you have proof he's not? Smh.

Not yet, but if these allegations are true his *** should be fired for either a) knowing it was going on and doing nothing or b) being clueless about it.

Is it just me, or does this seem like it's not that bad but because BYU puts themselves on a pedestal, the **** is hitting the fan?

There are a lot of schools hit with sanctions who did less, if these are true. Low rent (or free housing) and pretty serious allegations, especially concerning someone inside the program. It's not like it was a booster helping some kids. This was someone in the athletics program. That takes it up even more.