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Your top 5 videogames

Super Tecmo Bowl on NES. It was huge step forward in football. I love Madden, but the simplicity of STB was great.

Tomb Raider-Crazy how it looks like crap now, but was so awesome then

Metal Gear Solid II--Snake!!!!!!!!!!

Zelda 2-Awesome adventure

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. I remember the first time I beat Tyson, and once you learn the trick to dodge for a while (so one punch was not a KO) it was quite a bit easier. I still have the Tyson code in my memory and it has been forever since I played. 007 363 5963. HAHA. Good times.

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I feel like a complete Artard for forgetting about Mike Tyson's Punchout.

Epic game.

Guys, your Atari questions are hitting home. I played intensely for a couple years. Possibly a little less. Then, something happened to one of our joysticks. My dad blamed me and refused to buy another one.

#toughlove #always teachinglessons #dick
Fallout 1-2
Baldur's Gate 2
Deus Ex
Diablo 2

Honorable mentions: Braid, Urban Chaos, Elder Scrolls, Devil May Cry, Crusader Kings 2, Deathspank.
I forgot devil may cry... great game
Did you ever play Adventure on ATARI? It was so cool at the time, and your character was just a square.

First Video Game with an Easter Egg! You could go find the invisible dot, drag it into one of the kingdoms and the black sidewall would disappear. You could then go into a secret room where it had the developer's name listed. Atari didn't allow the developers to do that at the time.
My top Atari 2600 games were:

5. PacMan
4. Pitfall
3. Jungle Hunt (pretty similar to Pitfall)
2. Adventure (get that key and run from that stupid dragon!!!)
1. Yar's Revenge

I liked Raiders of the Lost Ark. Although there was an error that could get you stuck in a weird room.

And Pong with the round controller...
Showing age a bit with the ATARI experience. Many people on here are probably like "WTF is an ATARI?"
First Video Game with an Easter Egg! You could go find the invisible dot, drag it into one of the kingdoms and the black sidewall would disappear. You could then go into a secret room where it had the developer's name listed. Atari didn't allow the developers to do that at the time.

First game that really sucked me in. Once our basement was flooding from the room above me (washer overflow) and I didn't even realize it because I was so sucked into the game. Water was dripping onto my dad's computer, and I thought he was typing loud. I had no idea he wasn't even in the room. LOL.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms III
X-Com Apocalypse
Sim City
Call of Duty MW2
Well, here's a list of six games, although two pairs have been put together, for obvious reasons. My honorable mentions are too numerous to list here; if you're interested, check out a list I posted in the video game thread about three years ago here (sadly, most of the picture links no longer work).

Game titles link to "Let's Play" YouTube playlists. You should be able to skip around and get a sense of each game that way if you want to.

BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, all of these games were developed by either From Software or Capcom, both Japanese developers.

King's Field 2 (1996, PS1) and King's Field: The Ancient City (2002, PS2)
From Software's King's Field games are the spiritual predecessors to their recent and much more popular Souls series. These are the oldest games I have that I actually go back and play consistently (once every one or two years). That's pretty impressive considering the oldest of them is coming up on 20 years old now. They have the same sort of feel as the Souls games, but with at least three major differences -- they have no online or multiplayer of any kind, they are first person instead of third, and the boss fights and combat in general are much simpler and somewhat less interesting (although still engaging, at least for me). Like the Souls games, the player is thrown alone into a hostile and mysterious land containing many hidden secrets. The games are difficult, and there is no hand-holding. I recall loaning King's Field 1 to a friend in high school; he returned it a week later and told me that he never even managed to reach the first save point (FWIW, I left King's Field 1 off my list here because I think the other two are slightly better, but really I love them all). It's hard to convey exactly why these games are so great, but suffice it to say that those who enjoy Demon's Souls and Dark Souls would do well to check these out. Unfortunately, they are downloadable PS Classics in Japan for the PS3, but in the US they were never popular enough to be offered as downloadable games for a next-gen system.

Resident Evil 4 (2005, Gamecube)
Resident Evil 4 is so good that the first time I sat down with it, I played it for 11 straight hours without any breaks, even to eat or go to bathroom. That's not something I normally do. It was the video game equivalent of seeing God.Pretty much every aspect of this game is perfect, but the it's even more than the sum of its flawless parts. No wonder it's been ported to so many different platforms. Unlike my other favorite games of all time -- which are mostly niche titles -- this one is mainstream, and if you haven't played it, well... what the hell is wrong with you? Chances are that if a gamer at all, you already have a machine that will play it (including PC). Stop reading this and go play it. Now. Seriously.

Demon's Souls (2009, PS3) and Dark Souls (2011, PS3 and 360)
I didn't include Dark Souls 2 here simply because it's slightly lacking a certain je ne sais quoi that the other two seemed to have. But really, they're all great. Demon's Souls was the reason I bought a PS3 (I already owned a 360), since it was exclusive to that system. I already knew I was going to love it, since From Software's King's Field games were already among my favorites ever (see above). A playtest at my brother's place just confirmed it, and I bought my PS3 slim on Black Friday 2009. Since then my 360 has mostly gathered dust. In any case, I don't think I need to belabor why the Souls games are great, since they get a lot of praise on this board already. I'm also really excited for the upcoming Bloodborne, which is from the same developer and looks very similar.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (2013, 3DS and Wii U)
I bought Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the PSP on a lark, just because I wanted something to play on the road while I moved from Chicago to California. Little did I know how good it would be. Monster Hunter can basically be described as "Boss Fight: The Game." It's a third-person action game that has basically done away with all the small chaff enemies that third-person action games normally have. Instead, it's just a series of big monsters to fight, generally with a fifty-minute time limit (not fifteen -- fifty). Killing a monster will let you harvest parts from it that can be used to craft more powerful equipment, which will then allow you to take on more powerful monsters, etc. This is the only series of games for me that might actually beat From Software's Souls games for best combat mechanics. It speaks volumes that I've played the Monster Hunter games for hundreds of hours mostly using only one weapon type -- the lance -- when there are about ten other types to choose from, each so different that it's almost like playing a totally different game. I am, of course, much looking forward to the upcoming Monster Hunter 4, to be released in 2015 for the 3DS.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms III
X-Com Apocalypse
Sim City
Call of Duty MW2
I never played III, but I did play VII and X, which were both great. I distinctly remember once playing VII all night without realizing it... I turned off my PS2 and suddenly realized that it was like 7am and starting to get light outside.

Also, I never got into X-Com Apocalypse, but I love the hell out of the original.
Oh I remember one of my favorites from old times. Carmageddon!!!! Now that was a gore feast. Looked pretty simple at first but it took me few month to finally beat final level. Carmageddon II sucked on the other hand, way less gore and violence and it was not fun killing zombies with green insides instead of busty blondes, cows and football players:)

Honorable mentions:
Final fantasy 8 (first rpg)
Pokemon (gameplay was amazing)
Super Smash Bros Melee
World of Warcraft
Metal Gear Solid
Warcraft 2
Soul Caliber 2

Man, if it was your first RPG, then I guess I sorta get it, but to me it was just so inferior to FF7, particularly since there was rarely any reason in FF8 to do anything other than spam guardian forces.
I only played Romance of the 3 Kingdoms XI. Loved it. Wu Power!!
I forgot devil may cry... great game

I actually could never get into God of War specifically because I couldn't help feeling that it was just an inferior version of Devil May Cry. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition in particular is just insanely good. The combat in that game was nuts, and the cutscenes were fun as hell to watch.

I only played Romance of the 3 Kingdoms XI. Loved it. Wu Power!!

I tended to just create my own kingdom, so I never really got attached to any of the three. I do play my fair share of Dynasty Warriors, though, so I do have some attachments to particular characters through that.
I tended to just create my own kingdom, so I never really got attached to any of the three. I do play my fair share of Dynasty Warriors, though, so I do have some attachments to particular characters through that.

My attachment is due to reading the novel before starting any of the games. I liked Wu because they weren't focused and I saw a underdog in Sun Ce. I got pretty bored of Dynasty Warriors though. Pretty much the same thing in all the games.
Best Atari game for me was Goal 3. We would spend times to find the super shots.
My attachment is due to reading the novel before starting any of the games. I liked Wu because they weren't focused and I saw a underdog in Sun Ce. I got pretty bored of Dynasty Warriors though. Pretty much the same thing in all the games.

Hah, well, I've never read the novel, so you've on-upped me there. As for Dynasty Warriors, I had a roommate who was obsessed with those games and bought every one that ever came out. As for me, over my lifetime I've bought DW5, DW7, and DW8. I still enjoy them. I'm actually looking forward to play the PS4 version of DW8 whenever I finally get a PS4, since they fixed a lot of problems that the PS3 version of DW8 had.
my all time favorite

final fantasy III (VI in japan)

and then

final fantasy II (IV in japan)
romancing saga
chrono trigger
Ico (so damn underrated)
zelda - a link to the past
dragon ball z II (nes jp version)
secret of mana

and then

metal gear solid (snes, ps2)
civilization III
megaman III
street fighter II
devil may cry II
final fight
fatal fury II
Art of Fighting
Double Dragon (snes)
Contra III