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Your top 5 videogames

imma just pick number one.

Starcraft Brood War.

I used to play this all day. played so many 1 vs 1. Used to watch starcraft league all day long. It is da best

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Haha, can't remember exactly what you're tom bout.

I played that game soooooo much. Had a blast getting all 120 of dem stars.

I can still see the world map in my head. Mario would climb these stairs and go into this Cave. I'd have a blast up till those stairs. Then I'd turn the game off. Got to where I didn't even try, Mario broke me.
Also, I don't know what exact years they were but I swear I was unbeatable in (ballpark) 1994 Tiger Woods golf for Sega Genesis. I use to basically be able to shoot 18 under for each round. I had it down to a science. Same goes for (ballpark) 1998 Madden for PS. I think it was the PlayStation anyway. My best 5 minute quarters game on the All-Madden level was 133-0 I think.

Gun to my head, I would've bet anyone $10,000 at their respective times that I'd beat them in either.
Who remembers Baseball Stars?

I'd make a team and hire new guys/girls with upgrade poiny totals in the mid to high 80's. Then I'd name them after my family members & friends. Then I'd upgrade them completely. Then go undefeated in tournaments lol.

Played that for hours and hours.
Not much into video games anymore. Used to love NBA live and FIFA . Rise of Nations was my favorite strategy game like 10 years ago.
Fallout 1-2
Baldur's Gate 2
Deus Ex
Diablo 2

Honorable mentions: Braid, Urban Chaos, Elder Scrolls, Devil May Cry, Crusader Kings 2, Deathspank.
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Who remembers Baseball Stars?

I'd make a team and hire new guys/girls with upgrade poiny totals in the mid to high 80's. Then I'd name them after my family members & friends. Then I'd upgrade them completely. Then go undefeated in tournaments lol.

Played that for hours and hours.

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!! BASEBALL STARS is my #1. I used to love that game. It is the best baseball game ever by far imo. That game is what, 25+ years old and has solid graphics, player movement, and in-game stuff...I remember one game when I was hawking a ball down in centerfield. I was sprinting toward left center and could tell it was gonna be close...but I was closing in on the wall...I had never done it before and I'm not even sure if I had to hit a special button to do it, but without stopping, I climbed the wall and stole a home run away from the computer. It was so freakin' epic. Keep in mind kids, if you don't know the game, this was around 1989 or so.

My fave teams were probably the two best. I don't remember their names but one had classic studs, I think like Nap Lajouie or however you spell it. But I sort of liked using the Japanese team more because their lineup was like having 9 Ichiro's. I could bunt perfectly down the line and get on probably 7/10 times or something.

Man. Good memories, man. I wished I still had that game. Around the same time, I remember staying up all night at my friend's house on a Saturday playing Karnov, and that off-roading game where you raced four laps generally and had nitro and all that...loved that! Super Off-Road maybe???
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!! BASEBALL STARS is my #1. I used to love that game. It is the best baseball game ever by far imo. That game is what, 25+ years old and has solid graphics, player movement, and in-game stuff...I remember one game when I was hawking a ball down in centerfield. I was sprinting toward left center and could tell it was gonna be close...but I was closing in on the wall...I had never done it before and I'm not even sure if I had to hit a special button to do it, but without stopping, I climbed the wall and stole a home run away from the computer. It was so freakin' epic. Keep in mind kids, if you don't know the game, this was around 1989 or so.

My fave teams were probably the two best. I don't remember their names but one had classic studs, I think like Nap Lajouie or however you spell it. But I sort of liked using the Japanese team more because their lineup was like having 9 Ichiro's. I could bunt perfectly down the line and get on probably 7/10 times or something.

Man. Good memories, man. I wished I still had that game. Around the same time, I remember staying up all night at my friend's house on a Saturday playing Karnov, and that off-roading game where you raced four laps generally and had nitro and all that...loved that! Super Off-Road maybe???

Lol, I like playing against the MLB legelds. The powering up and hiring/firing was the best. I laughed at the graphic for firing a guy every time.
Lol, I like playing against the MLB legelds. The powering up and hiring/firing was the best. I laughed at the graphic for firing a guy every time.

No joke...I don't remember. Could you basically lay franchise mode in that? Like play 162 games and improve your team from season to season?
5. Q-Bert
4. Asteroid
3. Pitfall
2. Space Invaders
1. Spyhunter

I like the way you think. I would only add:

5. Galaga
4. Tron
3. Track and Field
2. Dragon's Lair
1. Elevator Action
I like the way you think. I would only add:

5. Galaga
4. Tron
3. Track and Field
2. Dragon's Lair
1. Elevator Action

I remember 3-5. I sucked at T&F. Just brutal...didn't they have hurdling? I seem to always remember you had to tap quickly in some rhythm for both that and the 100 meters and my guy would always start off decently and then trip over his own feet and then fall. That may be a different T&F game though.
Super Tecmo Bowl on NES. It was huge step forward in football. I love Madden, but the simplicity of STB was great.

Tomb Raider-Crazy how it looks like crap now, but was so awesome then

Metal Gear Solid II--Snake!!!!!!!!!!

Zelda 2-Awesome adventure

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. I remember the first time I beat Tyson, and once you learn the trick to dodge for a while (so one punch was not a KO) it was quite a bit easier. I still have the Tyson code in my memory and it has been forever since I played. 007 363 5963. HAHA. Good times.

I remember 3-5. I sucked at T&F. Just brutal...didn't they have hurdling? I seem to always remember you had to tap quickly in some rhythm for both that and the 100 meters and my guy would always start off decently and then trip over his own feet and then fall. That may be a different T&F game though.

That was probably the same one. The trick was, on the one I played, that they had 2 run buttons side by side. So what you did was wedge a comb or pencil in your fingers so if you tapped one side the other side fell automatically in between taps on the other button. You could get serious speed that way and I could always jump completely off the screen on things like the long jump.

Elevator Action was a pretty simple game that was just one of those really addicting ones. Lots of levels, each level a little harder yet still playable. You could play for hours on one quarter if you were decent at it. Here is a screen shot of the atari 2600 home console version, but the arcade version was way better:

I remember 3-5. I sucked at T&F. Just brutal...didn't they have hurdling? I seem to always remember you had to tap quickly in some rhythm for both that and the 100 meters and my guy would always start off decently and then trip over his own feet and then fall. That may be a different T&F game though.

Did you ever play Adventure on ATARI? It was so cool at the time, and your character was just a square.
My top Atari 2600 games were:

5. PacMan
4. Pitfall
3. Jungle Hunt (pretty similar to Pitfall)
2. Adventure (get that key and run from that stupid dragon!!!)
1. Yar's Revenge
The 2 games that I wasted most of my teenage free hours playing however, and still probably the most fun I have had on a video game, were Gunship for the Commodore 64 and F15 Strike Eagle for the Commodore 64. Especially Gunship. At the time it was pretty mind-blowing, and the game play and physics of the game are still impressive among other flight SIM games especially considering the technology it was built on.