Recent content by JAG

  1. JAG

    LDS general conference - Fall 2013

    The priesthood "issue" is one of the many things that can be explained by the emphasis on the family unit in the LDS church. Women have been given the ability to have children. Of course there has to be a sperm contribution from the man, but the woman has the biology to carry a child and then...
  2. JAG

    LDS general conference - Fall 2013

    Apparently our ward/stake is behind the times.
  3. JAG

    LDS general conference - Fall 2013

    Impressive. It always gets defaulted to the YW here. But I still stand by what I said about it being split between the YM and YW. YM and YW are at the age where they need to learn how to be an adult and how to raise a family. That requires the YW learning how to do some of the things the YM...
  4. JAG

    LDS general conference - Fall 2013

    And I don't think I've ever seen the EQ or the HP take this duty on.
  5. JAG

    LDS general conference - Fall 2013

    Faith in God is a primary program.
  6. JAG

    LDS general conference - Fall 2013

    My personal belief with the trash is that it is an old traditional view of men and women's roles. The young men take out the trash and set chairs up/take them down while the young women do all of the babysitting at the adult functions. I personally would like to see these basic duties shared...
  7. JAG

    Obama Government Shutdown?

    Back in the 2008 election, I am fairly certain that "low information voters" is, in part, what won Obama the White House. The good majority of the population that voted for him did so because he was black and would become the first black president - and because he was a democrat, rather than a...
  8. JAG

    Obama Government Shutdown?

    We need to teach people how to buy food that will feed them for a whole month. Both those that abuse the system and those that need it are all making the same mistake. They buy way too much junk and frozen dinners. They use all of their money on food that will last two weeks and the last two...
  9. JAG

    Obama Government Shutdown?

    Fixing the education system would require the leaders to also be really looking out for the population, and not so concerned about the money going into their pockets. High school teaches the students nothing that will help them in the real world and that's where college is suppose to help, but...
  10. JAG

    Health issues

    Yeah, I was pretty young so I only really have fleeting memories but my family has been good about telling me about it. I asked my parents about it today actually and turns out I not only had fluid around my lung but around my heart as well. They had to remove the protective sac around my heart...
  11. JAG

    Health issues

    From start to finish (including ICU time) I was in Primary Children's for about 2 weeks. I think I only had the drainage tubes in for about a day. As I said, hopefully they know more about it now and have better ways of treating it. On a good note though, they told me that I would get pneumonia...
  12. JAG

    Health issues

    Had something similar when I was like 5. I also had fluid around my heart. I suffered from the stuff you described for about a month before they caught it via x-rays - and even then they weren't sure what it was. They checked me into Primary Children's and was in ICU for awhile and then they had...
  13. JAG

    Places to visit in Northern California.

    Never been there thus time of the year and wasn't sure how cold and snowy it got there. Thanks for the info.
  14. JAG

    Official Carroll crow smorgasbord.

    My understanding after reading through a significant amount of threads is that (according to certain members) everyone on here is I guess I'm in good company!
  15. JAG

    Mormons and Gays.

    I knew it. Those dang Mormons....