Recent content by Yell42

  1. Y

    Rumor: Jazz want to - and can - acquire Milsap. May trade Favors in draft day deal.

    Millsap is a much better player than Favors Favors is severely overrated
  2. Y

    Exum's Highlights from last night #5

    2nd youngest player in NBA history to hit five 3's in a game
  3. Y

    Islamists kill 12 people in France during attack on newspaper office.

    Well the cartoons made me and other normal people laugh our asses off, and the gift of laughter is a beautiful thing. I thank Charlie Hebdo for that Religion should be mocked and ridiculed constantly, it is the biggest joke there is I encourage more people to draw cartoons of the pedophile...
  4. Y

    Letting Paul Millsap leave killed the Utah Jazz

    Stupid uneducated comments right there. Nobody ever said Sap was a superstar. But he was worth every penny he was paid, he was a borderline all Star while with the Jazz and he was the franchises heart and soul player. And now the Jazz are a perennial basket case. Hope you're enjoying...
  5. Y

    Islamists kill 12 people in France during attack on newspaper office.

    I am absolutely shocked that religion has made people do inhumane things That hardly ever happens
  6. Y

    Kanter Trade !!! (desired)

    Would be lucky to get a 2nd rounder for **** Kanter. Worst big man defender in the NBA.
  7. Y

    Letting Paul Millsap leave killed the Utah Jazz

    Letting a stud player who was also the teams heart and soul walk to another team just so you can give undeserved minutes to some untried kids was the worst mistake the Utah Jazz ever made. They showed him no respect . Look what Millsap has done for Atlanta, they are a legit contender 28-8...
  8. Y

    Trey Burke sucks at basketball

    I like to think his current pathetic play is karma for making fun of that disabled kid on twitter Then I remembered he didn't have any basketball ability even before that disgusting episode Jazz should trade this loser for whatever they can get (which wont be much)
  9. Y

    Chad Ford: Exum > Burke right now; rookie player that's most positively surprising

    start Exum Burke is the worst PG in the entire league Horrible draft pick that was
  10. Y

    Graphic video released of police killing another black man in cold blood

    So a woman dressed like a slut poses the same danger to the public as someone waving a gun around What a stupid comparison buddy
  11. Y

    Do not do a twitter search of Trey Burke

    Im surprised Burke found the time between making fun of disabled people on twitter to send out nude pics of himself Cant stand this little germ. Wish him the worst of luck. **** person, **** player.
  12. Y

    Graphic video released of police killing another black man in cold blood

    And also if you're stupid enough to wave a gun or anything that looks like a gun around in public, expect to be treated as a threat The kid was a moron
  13. Y

    Graphic video released of police killing another black man in cold blood

    Ive never made any racist comments and the worst racists in america are al sharpton and jesse jackson and other parasites like them always wanna blame 'the white man', but hey it gets them on TV an thats all they care about
  14. Y

    Mormons lol

    There are no arguments needed. And there is no debate.
  15. Y

    Graphic video released of police killing another black man in cold blood

    Dont worry I am sure those super racism fighters jesse jackson and al sharpton are cooling everything down oh wait, they only fan the flames of hatred for their own agenda Nevermind