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Trump reverses migrant separation policy

It's a start. He's got to be furious that he had to cave in, though.
US Immigration system has to be one of the weirdest in the world though. Other places I know (Canada, Australia, NZ, etc) all have a merit / point base system. US has a lottery system. I mean.. why?? Wouldn't you want the best / most qualified people joining your country?
US Immigration system has to be one of the weirdest in the world though. Other places I know (Canada, Australia, NZ, etc) all have a merit / point base system. US has a lottery system. I mean.. why?? Wouldn't you want the best / most qualified people joining your country?
I agree it is really dumb. I have a friend who has a masters degree from university of Utah in computer science and is working hard in his field here in Utah. He just missed out on his 3rd chance in the lottery and has to move back to India by the end of the year. It is really dumb to kick out educated, tax paying, non criminal, and generally good citizens. There are lots of problems to our immigration. Most of it is that we are a racist country though. You would think a country founded on immigration would be better at dealing with these issues.
I agree it is really dumb. I have a friend who has a masters degree from university of Utah in computer science and is working hard in his field here in Utah. He just missed out on his 3rd chance in the lottery and has to move back to India by the end of the year. It is really dumb to kick out educated, tax paying, non criminal, and generally good citizens. There are lots of problems to our immigration. Most of it is that we are a racist country though. You would think a country founded on immigration would be better at dealing with these issues.

That's really sad about your friend. Who invented the lottery system? I guess it's to give everyone a fair chance... but who said it has to be like that?

Or maybe have BOTH a merit system for qualified people, as well as a lottery quota?
An administration official has confirmed that this EO does nothing for the families already separated thanks to the original policy. The EO also states that families can be detained indefinitely. It's a step back in the right direction, but it's far from enough.
An administration official has confirmed that this EO does nothing for the families already separated thanks to the original policy. The EO also states that families can be detained indefinitely. It's a step back in the right direction, but it's far from enough.

There is no clear plan in place yet for reuniting the families who have already had their children taken from them. It is going to be one formidable task. And some parents may never see their children again.

They lost me at “the trump admin is fixing a problem it created”(paraphrase). This policy has been ****ed since Slick Willy. GW punted, BHO punted and now, as par for the course, the Cheeto gets blamed for it.

Nonsense. Child separation began under Trump two months ago. It was publicly announced by AG Sessions on May 7.

Immigration and child separation are two separate things. Immigration has been debated since at least the 1850s. Google "The Know-Nothing Party." These guys were the original Trumpets. They were anti-immigration and were astonishingly ignorant on every other issue. So I don't think we are going to see a consensus on immigration, especially when the president is a bomb throwing ignoramus who severely lacks credibility. Why would anyone make a deal with this guy when it's clear that he cannot be trusted. Democrats already compromised with him six months ago. They agreed to funding his "boarder wall" in exchange for granting amnesty to DREAMERS. After initially agreeing with them, he flip flopped and called poorer countries of the world "******** Countries." Remember? So why would we work with him?

Children should not be used as leverage to force draconian immigration law.

This is why America retreating into isolation under the pretext of "America First" is asinine. We are not living in the 1500s but in a globalized world where we are all connected. Events in Central America have impacts in North America.

A better question might be, "Why aren't we working more closely with our North and Central American allies to promote stability and prosperity in our sphere of influence?" Rather than piss Canada and Mexico off and threaten them with "boarder walls", why don't we collaborate with them to build up El Salvador and Honduras. We most certainly would if they were nuclear powers or were sitting on top of the world's largest oil reserves, right? Rather than piss $20 billion away on walls and security, why not invest that $20 billion in El Salvador and Honduras? The instability of those countries combined with our neglect of our own neighborhood has largely contributed to the immigration issues we see today.
Trump's decision to separate children from their parents created an immigration issue into a humanitarian crisis. Deplorable just deplorable
read the damn article.

making an appointment is not a ban. The article has a dishonest heading, which doesn't say much for the reliability of the article, conservative or not.

Probably not a real issue and no one has ever been turned away at the door, unless presenting a hostile or confrontational attitude, like the Markley incident appears to have been. But any child care facility===most of them privately contracted=== has stuff like visiting hours generally. Most of them have some kind of lawyerly advice on policies. It's intrusive and disruptive to have all kinds of strangers with camera crews prowling around. HHS appears to have invoked an established standard in use for some time in response to the recent intense interest, which it seems has created conditions that negatively affect the primary work of the centers.

Of course any facility run by any agency will have some kind of policy trying to manage an event as disruptive as a congressional visit. They have work to do, and they should put the kids first.

So the article is stupid, like a lot of clickbait. But hey, journalism should never be level-headed or objective, right????
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They lost me at “the trump admin is fixing a problem it created”(paraphrase). This policy has been ****ed since Slick Willy. GW punted, BHO punted and now, as par for the course, the Cheeto gets blamed for it.

Our professors of history in here don't see anything but now, and how it helps dump trump.
Nonsense. Child separation began under Trump two months ago. It was publicly announced by AG Sessions on May 7.

Immigration and child separation are two separate things. Immigration has been debated since at least the 1850s. Google "The Know-Nothing Party." These guys were the original Trumpets. They were anti-immigration and were astonishingly ignorant on every other issue. So I don't think we are going to see a consensus on immigration, especially when the president is a bomb throwing ignoramus who severely lacks credibility. Why would anyone make a deal with this guy when it's clear that he cannot be trusted. Democrats already compromised with him six months ago. They agreed to funding his "boarder wall" in exchange for granting amnesty to DREAMERS. After initially agreeing with them, he flip flopped and called poorer countries of the world "******** Countries." Remember? So why would we work with him?

Children should not be used as leverage to force draconian immigration law.

This is why America retreating into isolation under the pretext of "America First" is asinine. We are not living in the 1500s but in a globalized world where we are all connected. Events in Central America have impacts in North America.

A better question might be, "Why aren't we working more closely with our North and Central American allies to promote stability and prosperity in our sphere of influence?" Rather than piss Canada and Mexico off and threaten them with "boarder walls", why don't we collaborate with them to build up El Salvador and Honduras. We most certainly would if they were nuclear powers or were sitting on top of the world's largest oil reserves, right? Rather than piss $20 billion away on walls and security, why not invest that $20 billion in El Salvador and Honduras? The instability of those countries combined with our neglect of our own neighborhood has largely contributed to the immigration issues we see today.
Trump's decision to separate children from their parents created an immigration issue into a humanitarian crisis. Deplorable just deplorable

No, children should not be used as leverage, or deterrant to immigration.

Yet Obama, Hillary, and Trump have all supported it. Obama flat out said he would detain women and children as a deterrant to illegal immigration. Yet crickets out of you then.

Let’s be better. Let’s hold all sides, even the ones we support, accountable for their actions.
It isn't intentional. She's just stupid.
Hard to say honestly. She's the First Lady with a retinue of aides whose job it is to take mind of her wardrobe choices, especially for public appearances. She's also got a background in fashion so it's hard to believe she just grabbed this jacket off the hanger without giving it any thought.