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Donald is about to go through some things...

I wonder, how many regular Germans continued to believe in the rhetoric of NAZI Germany after they lost the war? How many felt like it was an opportunity lost? That the world was on the cusp of being better and greater, but the mongrels and mutts took it away from them?

How many MAGAs feel that way right now?
Do you have a library card for the Salt Lake County library system? They have this book. It addresses this. In large measure, East Germany pounded into its citizenry the evils about Nazism. After all, East Germany was governed by Soviets until the end of the Cold War. While West Germany took a more passive approach, because their shift focused to reintegration with the west and becoming a bulwark against Communist expansion. It wasn't until the 1960s when children of citizens who were born under Nazi rule became adults that they began to become appalled at what their parents had supported/committed. Many of their parents were shameful of the past. Some might've still been proud and thought that Hitler had been right. But the children stepped up to the plate to discover the truth. And when they did, they were disgusted. Hence, a wave of additional Nazi crimes were prosecuted in the 1960s and anti-Nazi research and education began (and continues to this day).

Amazon product ASIN 0374184461View: https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Germans-Race-Memory-Evil/dp/0374184461

I can't help but wonder if The Lost Cause and much of the tribulation we've had since the close of the Civil War could've been avoided if Reconstruction had been allowed to proceed past 1877 and with greater vigor towards economic, social, and political equality. Unfortunately, we, much like West Germany, tried to sweep that whole "slavery thing" under the rug and then allowed Lose Cause myths to become thee narrative. And we're still dealing with the wreckage because of it. Trump unfortunately taps into the population of 30-40 percent who frankly, don't believe that POC, women, and LGBTs are equal to them. They want to maintain a racial patriarchal hierarchy. They see equality as discrimination against their protected and advantaged positions.

This is another good read:
Amazon product ASIN 1541644980View: https://www.amazon.com/Dying-Whiteness-Politics-Resentment-Heartland/dp/1541644980

In it he talks to a man dying of liver failure. The man could've had health care but his (red) state refused to expand Medicaid. The author continues to question him about it and why he blamed Obama for all of his miseries. Finally the guy broke down and admitted that he'd be dying for lack of health care but at least those "others" (POC) wouldn't be getting Medicaid expansion either. It was a powerful moment in the book because it reveals so much about America today. Whether we're talking about gun violence, the (failed) war on drugs, health care, book bans, and confronting our own history, so much goes back to racial resentment.
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Man, Joe Biden's dementia is just getting worse and worse. This should be front page news, that Joe Biden thinks that Nikki Haley was responsible for something on Jan 6.

This is exactly what he wants to be. He wants to be Putin and Orban. He wants to have power over his country and permission to crime and enrich himself and his cronies as much as possible.

View: https://x.com/acyn/status/1748882502515667424?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw
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Make America Great Again, right?

I'm sure we can look forward to many more political opponents being jailed by emperor Biden and his DOJ Sturmabteilung in the coming years.
I'm sure we can look forward to many more political opponents being jailed by emperor Biden and his DOJ Sturmabteilung in the coming years.

Not sure about that but probably a lot more people from Trump's inner circle heading to prison for their crimes and cover-ups in the coming years just like they have been for the last several years.
I'm sure we can look forward to many more political opponents being jailed by emperor Biden and his DOJ Sturmabteilung in the coming years.
Biden isn't a judge or a jury and dude who got sentenced isn't his political opponent

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Not sure about that but probably a lot more people from Trump's inner circle heading to prison for their crimes and cover-ups in the coming years just like they have been for the last several years.
Yep. There's that common denominator again.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Biden isn't a judge
He doesn't have to be. He has a slate of weaponized judges willing to be team players. The judge in this case was the same one who ordered that Trump's tax returns be released right before the last election. There are a number of other judgements you'd be familiar with but the point is that when the DOJ politically need something to happen to help Biden, Judge Omit Mehta is often the one they put in a position to make it happen.
He doesn't have to be. He has a slate of weaponized judges willing to be team players. The judge in this case was the same one who ordered that Trump's tax returns be released right before the last election. There are a number of other judgements you'd be familiar with but the point is that when the DOJ politically need something to happen to help Biden, Judge Omit Mehta is often the one they put in a position to make it happen.
Says you

If dude honors the subpoena then Bidens weaponized DOJ doesn't prosecute.

If trump returns the classified documents then Bidens weaponized DOJ doesn't prosecute.

If trump doesn't do his whole stop the steal campaign and hold a rally on January 6th then Bidens weaponized DOJ doesn't prosecute.

Ect etc etc

If you are right and the DOJ will do Bidens bidding then I would think the Republican politicians would know this since you think you know this. So wouldn't it make sense to be on your best behavior? Why give Biden the option to prosecute?
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He’s always a part of a hoax. It’s so sad. He has the worst luck of anyone on earth. It’s definitely not because he’s a piece of **** worshipped by the worst cultist slobs in America. In 2024, if you still worship this rapist wannabe dictator, you’re dumber than rocks and/or just a ****** person.

On Thursday, Trump spent only four minutes defending himself on the witness stand after Judge Kaplan forbade him and his lawyers from revisiting issues that the first trial had settled.

Trump was allowed to confirm his October 2022 deposition testimony, which jurors had been shown, in which he called Carroll's claims a "hoax" and said she was "mentally sick."