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13 - 1?

15 is the more interesting number and the correct number to use. Every mathematician knows you take the jersey number of Super Bowl winning NY Giants quarterback Jeff Hostetler and subtract the number of Championships the Utah Jazz have won and you get....15.

Jazz are not 13-1, they are 13-2. That adds up to fifteen. We utilize 15.

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Yes, 15 is the more interesting number. The Jazz are 14-1 over the last 15.
I love reading posts from this guy, just like watching videos of some stupid criminal shooting their own foot.
Knickerbockers—what a dumb name for a team. “Hey I got an idea, lets name our team after absurdly stupid looking pants from days of yore”...they should rename them something NYC current like Pizza Rats...
Knickerbockers—what a dumb name for a team. “Hey I got an idea, lets name our team after absurdly stupid looking pants from days of yore”...they should rename them something NYC current like Pizza Rats...
As a guy who lived in NYC for 25 years that's a stereotype and I resent it.


You Jazz fans are going ape over 13-2...just 15 games. A few games. Us New Yorkers have the Yankees...you know a team that won 27 Championships. TWENTY-SEVEN Championships...not a few mid-season games that you are going ape over.

Let's stay on topic.
13-2, my friends. Not 13-1.
No one likes baseball. Let's be honest, you show up to gym one day and it was a baseball day. Admit it, you died a little inside.

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You Jazz fans are going ape over 13-2...just 15 games. A few games. Us New Yorkers have the Yankees...you know a team that won 27 Championships. TWENTY-SEVEN Championships...not a few mid-season games that you are going ape over.

Let's stay on topic.
13-2, my friends. Not 13-1.
You have a baseball team? I'm so jealous

ESPN just said that the Jazz are 13-1 in their last few games. Uhh, every basketball fan who played the game knows that the real stat is 13-2.

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13-1? Why start the stat after the humiliation that the Knicks handed to the Jazz on January 6?
No, the Jazz are 13-2. 13-2.

Nah, we are 13-0. Losses to Knicks don't count, they are in totally different league.
Knicks doing a good job taking care of Utah's light work this afternoon.

Keep it up.

Uhh, the Blazers aren't what you should be worrying about. It is us.

We slaughtered you on January 6, won three quarters of the game on January 26....and you worry about the Blazers? You should have been rooting for the Blazers to give us a loss this afternoon so you won't have to face us in The Finals.
Uhh, the Blazers aren't what you should be worrying about. It is us.

We slaughtered you on January 6, won three quarters of the game on January 26....and you worry about the Blazers? You should have been rooting for the Blazers to give us a loss this afternoon so you won't have to face us in The Finals.

Sounds like crack is making a comeback in NYC.

Just say no, dude, just say no.
Knickerbockers—what a dumb name for a team. “Hey I got an idea, lets name our team after absurdly stupid looking pants from days of yore”...they should rename them something NYC current like Pizza Rats...

The NY Rudy's.

So The Knicks find a certified stud late in the first round and their most exciting player in a decade and they trade for a washed up PG who already ****ed over the team once to take minutes from him.