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14th Tank Platoon

I just played the mock lotto 10 times.

8 times I got Aaron Gordon @ #7
1 time I got Wiggins @ #2
1 time I got Saric @ #8

Is it about time for me to start bumping all your "wow you are panicking about nothing, we are in the West and will finish with a bottom 3 record no matter what!!" posts yet?

When you do bump stokeds posts, dont forget to bump all the other yayhoos who felt that way as well
Is it about time for me to start bumping all your "wow you are panicking about nothing, we are in the West and will finish with a bottom 3 record no matter what!!" posts yet?

For you it is never to early to panic. You have shown that countless times.
When you do bump stokeds posts, dont forget to bump all the other yayhoos who felt that way as well

Don't forget to bump the whole story though. We cannot leave out the UGLI boycott, the preteen drama posts about winning a game, or the statements that not getting a top 3 pick, while clearly desirable, is not the end of the Jazz's future.
Don't forget to bump the whole story though. We cannot leave out the UGLI boycott, the preteen drama posts about winning a game, or the statements that not getting a top 3 pick, while clearly desirable, is not the end of the Jazz's future.

Sooo, basically you're saying I've been right about everything?
Sooo, basically you're saying I've been right about everything?

Why would you see anything else now? The road is not over. Schedule gets tougher again. Still almost 40 games to play. The tank is not over. Jazz are still in the mix for a top 3 pick.
I laugh when people go into full blown panic when the Jazz are 2-14!

On pace for a 17-65 record...oh no, the tank is in danger!!! That would have given Utah a 3 game lead over the worst team in the league last year.

Not to mention it was in Utah against an injured, tired, worn down team that is missing its marque player.


****ing stop with this ****. That's not how it works. There are ebbs and flows to every season.

"If the Jazz Wouldve lost tonight we wouldve only won 5-6 games this season cuz that's what we're on teh pace for but now we are gonna win 10-12 games according to my pace readers technology. Tonight's win was worth 5-6 wins! Durrr."

Not a retard^
I just played the mock lotto 10 times.

8 times I got Aaron Gordon @ #7
1 time I got Wiggins @ #2
1 time I got Saric @ #8


Played 8 times, got Gordon 5, wiggins 1, Jabari 1, and Saric once. We are going to get a good player in this draft, and I am really excited about that. But I really, really hope that we can get some luck with the lotto and pick up Jabari/Embiid/Wiggins.

To be honest though, after Wiggins, Embiid, Parker, and then Exum, I would rather have Gordon than anyone else in the top ten.
Soooooo, you're wimping out?

not at all...... this is better than money cause who ever loses it will be with them the whole time on this site.....

money is money................

There is more at stake with betting rep!!!!
this sucks *** man. We're boned for atleast 3-4 more years because we can't draft any talent.
The "we're on pace to win x amount of games" argument would be like starting out a long roadtrip by stopping to get gas, snacks, and air up the tires and the person riding shotgun with you saying "at this pace we will not arrive at our destination for another 9 days." No **** bro, we haven't even reached the highway yet.

Lol, except we are a fifth of the way there already.

Holy ****, there are literally dozens of horribly embarrassing posts by Stoked in the original 14th Tank Platoon Thread.

LMAO @ Stoked having that thread closed trying to bury the evidence.