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#39- Jazz @ Denver 5 January 2018- Our Most Desperate Hour

Jazzta: Hello?
Jazzta: Where are these dudes...
Jazzta: I need you guys
yamers: https://media2.giphy.com/media/zyYEI4i5WRWpO/giphy.gif?cid=8e2f2bd95a502f927239534c36387e75" alt="" style="width:179px" />
JazzMan4Life: [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/ASd0Ukj0y3qMM/giphy.gif?cid=8e2f2bd95a5030096c326c6a6bf732b1" alt="" style="width:179px" />

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JazzMan4Life: Time to get a win
Jazzta: Good, hi Ralphy!
yamers: poor mitchell
yamers: cant buy an assist
yamers: set up perfectly
Archie: Word
yamers: nuggets commentator said
yamers: "RUBIO is not a great defender"
yamers: eat that
yamers: lmao rubiop what

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The best part about January. The December to remember event is over.

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Eminence: Want to see some more Royce tonight
Saint: I wish RUbio wouldnt take that lmao
Saint: just stick to the easy 3pt shots
yamers: hood
yamers: absolute diaster
yamers: mitchel deep
Dali: Afternoon ladies and gents
devin_c: thats why hoods coming off the bench he's being traded

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Hood already deserving to visit the bench for the rest of the night.

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Jazzta: I hope not
yamers: thta mitchell 3 was deep
yamers: i dont know if thats a good shot
yamers: lmao
yamers: lyles sighting
Saint: best defensive play ive ever seen hood make tbh
Saint: that was some kawhi ****
yamers: man hood might be mentally destroyed
yamers: bad pass again
Dali: Way too many turnovers right now
yamers: snyder just sitting therer shaking his head
yamers: watching these bafoons
Saint: lawd
JazzMan4Life: love that swim move by Mitchell
yamers: darn
yamers: thats onyl 2 on denver
yamers: hmmm

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Dali: Lets go Rodney!
yamers: hood is just in his own hbead
MT: did Lyles miss the dunk
MT: or did it get blocked

Jazzta: Trey Lolz
Jazzta: got blocked looks like
Saint: it got blocked
JazzMan4Life: https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftribwpix.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F02%2Foscar-wolf-wall-street.jpeg&f=1
Witty: da hell no working streams

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yamers: i got one working
yamers: try to manually enable flash ion your bwoser
yamers: browser
Archie: Hood having a good game tonight. What's that called again?
yamers: lyles is pretty good actually
yamers: holly ****
yamers: rubio is awful at staying in front of anybody
Saint: slow chat day
yamers: reverse the trade
Dali: Rubio looked disinterested in defending there
yamers: nobody is going out to guard lules
yamers: lyles
Jazzta: Lyles looking good tomight
LifeOnaPlate: Just popping in real quick time vent my spleen about how Alec kinda sucks.
JazzMan4Life: Yea I want the new AB back

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This team is playing zero defense. Talk about lazy. Joe Johnson could at least kinda try.

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LifeOnaPlate: The new AB never existed. He has a hot game every now and again, but other than that he's just a net negative.
yamers: lyles has been good
yamers: the past 20games fot the nugs
yamers: beasting actually
Jazzta: He's been going back to his chucking ways a bit
LifeOnaPlate: Burks just sucks for the most part.
Dali: Alec come on bruah
yamers: i just want mitchel to dunk on lyles
LifeOnaPlate: Can we bench AB yet
Saint: I would still say this is new ab
Saint: he is playing smarter
yamers: lyles
yamers: LMAO
Dali: He's playing smarter tonight?
Saint: yea he just missed some open shots
MT: Lyles is punking the Jazz
yamers: lyles is unguarsable
LifeOnaPlate: Weak whistle.
yamers: reverse the trade
Dali: lol Who is this Trey Lyles guy, how can we get him on our team?
LifeOnaPlate: Lyles is a solid player. I'd still take Mitchell, but it's a damn shame that we couldn't get them both, with favors likely gone
radiohegel: It genuinely makes me sad to see Trey Lyles play well, because he's a massive ****
Saint: Lyles is murdering us
yamers: should have traded favors
radiohegel: My gf's sister used to serve him regularly at a place he frequented in SLC
yamers: but denver wanted a strtch 4
radiohegel: dude never tipped, and was a complete pos
Dali: Any chance we could have disgused Favors as Lyles?
yamers: ouch
Dali: Disguised*
LifeOnaPlate: Probably this is where Utah rolls over. Likely get to a fifteen point deficit, get within 8, and lose by about twelve. Night, all.

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devin_c: always was a fan of lyles, no doubt I wish we had him, versatile stretch big
yamers: game over
yamers: thabo getting torched by lyles
Jazzta: Night life
yamers: but clamped durrant
Jazzta: thx for ruining it all I hate you
yamers: got to attack lyles
yamers: he likes to foul
LifeOnaPlate: Lol. Love you, too, buddy
Dali: Quin should walk over to the nuggets bench and forcefully put Trey in the doghouse again
JazzMan4Life: Roice
Dali: Roice Noice

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yamers: lyles taketh
yamers: lyles giveth
JazzMan4Life: Take that LOAP ;P
yamers: totally forgot lyles plays defense like a giraff on roller skates
Dali: Giraffe on roller skates, I'd watch that show
yamers: might be worse than kuzma on defense
yamers: and kuzma is rly ****ing awful on defense
Saint: I wish O'Nele would hvae shot that
yamers: actually nah lyles aint worse tha kuzma on defense
yamers: kuzma is by far the worst pf on defense
Saint: you got to finish the highlight pass lmao
Saint: but it worked out in the end
yamers: jesus ingles
yamers: i dont undertand his ****ing thopught process at times
Dali: Lygles getting fed the ball like he's a superstar on this team
Eminence: I like Royce quite a bit, hope he can get regular minutes going forward
Saint: Lyles showing that ability to play outside on bigs and inside on mismatches
Dali: Royce is more steady in my opinion than AB, so I agree Eminence
yamers: ingles
yamers: lmao
devin_c: shingles

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JazzMan4Life: Ingles is off from the corners lately
JazzMan4Life: need to fix that
yamers: man
yamers: mitchell's passing today has been on POINT
yamers: i think hes the future pg
Jazzta: Never bitching about Boler again, the Denver commentators have to be the most boring ever, good grief
Dali: Yeah Denver commentators have no character, I almost forgot they were commentating
Saint: lmao, I like Denver's guys
Dali: Maybe suits your character Cy

Jazzta: Lol good one
Saint: the color guy on denver is one of hte smarter ones in the nba
Jazzta: Ingles with the sneaky floater lol

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Also. . . agree with yamers. I think Donovan is the future PG for this team.

6’3” - 215 lbs.
6’10” wingspan
Great passing, shooting, driving, playmaking AND defense. . . get that man two stud wings and a stretch 4 and watch him **** up EVERYONE.
Jazzta: So casual
Dali: As much as I hate the Rockets, their commentators are fun, no?
Saint: no
Saint: Rockets guys are awful
yamers: ingles has been awful
Dali: They're playful and they throw a lot of banter at each other
Dali: Kinda fun to listen to
Saint: Hood's made some good passes tonight
Dali: Celtics for sure the worst, especially the old guy, I swear I heard him coimmentate and eat at the same time
yamers: mitchel was fouled
Jazzta: Nice hop scotch game by JJ, he needs to make those baskets
MT: Favors is killing it defensively
Dali: I wonder what's up with Jokic lately
MT: and he's been a beast offensively
MT: Man I'm gonna miss Favors
Saint: Jkic sucks vs the jazz
Saint: at lest this yaer
Dali: I think he's played a little within himself recently *shrug*
Saint: your suppose to play within yourself...
Jazzta: Cy's platonic love is Doris Burke though
Dali: Oops, brain fart
Jazzta: In all seriousness though she knows her stuff
Witty: oops wrong window
Witty: thought this was teledoc

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Saint: platonic?
Saint: pls
Saint: I'm smashing Doris Burke
Jazzta: Lol see
Dali: But....why?
Saint: why?
Dali: Out of all of the women nba reporters.....
Saint: Are you gay?
Dali: Do you want me to be?
Dali: Kristen Kenney?
Saint: idk, I just dont know how any basketball fan can't want to get w/ Doris
Saint: Doris > Kenney all day every day
Jazzta: Kristen Ledlow, nuff said
Dali: Her voice also doesnt agree with me, Doris' that is
Dali: sounds like she has smoked all her life
Saint: drake knows what it's all about
Saint: https://usatftw.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/drake-dorirs.jpg?w=1000&h=600&crop=1
Saint: Her voice? You a weirdo
Saint: you that dude who looks at a picture of a babe and says "oh but her elbows are too pointy" foh
Witty: this team is not very disciplined

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