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A comforting and perhaps slightly terrifying stat

As far as your gap question it is nothing more then acquiring Westbrook an trading favors,Burks,Exum, Hood for Millsap. What a team!

Gobert, Whithey
Millsap, Diaw
Ingles, JJ
Hayward, HILL
Westbrook, HILL, Mack

Perfect mix of offense AND defense. Millsap an Westbrook are excellent two way players an are already stifling tower defense would be insane.
The Spurs played them way better than the Jazz. If you dont remember, they had this guy named Kawhi Leonard they were up 25 points until he got injured.

Seriously, do you read stuff before you post?

"I'm not suggesting the Jazz are the second best team in the NBA, especially since until Kawhi went down, the Spurs were blowing out the Warriors at the Oracle. "
The Warriors did not have to try against Utah they have to play harder against LeBron. They were coasting against Utah an saving energy.

True. Beating Utah is what they had to do. Beating Cleveland is what they wanted to do.

Durant (and Curry) is tired of being in LeBron's shadow. The guys remaining from last year are still pissed about the 2016 Finals. They are giving their all against Cleveland. They did enough against us.
The point differential against the Jazz looks better than it actually should be because of Game 1 where our end of bench guys turned a 20+ point victory into a 12 point victory. Still I think it is interesting to imagine all of the teams healthy and how I would rank them. This is what I have

Warriors a
Spurs b
Cavs b
Jazz bc
Houston cd
Boston cd
Clippers de
Memphis de
Toronto e
Washington e
Seems right to me
Seriously, do you read stuff before you post?

"I'm not suggesting the Jazz are the second best team in the NBA, especially since until Kawhi went down, the Spurs were blowing out the Warriors at the Oracle. "
I wonder if he will apologize or admit his mistake.
Seriously, do you read stuff before you post?

"I'm not suggesting the Jazz are the second best team in the NBA, especially since until Kawhi went down, the Spurs were blowing out the Warriors at the Oracle. "

I'd ask the same question to you.
It's too bad we didn't get to see a healthy Jazz squad against them. I doubt we get swept if Hill a Gobert were healthy. Also would have helped if favors and hood were healthy.

It's to bad we did not get to see healthy Spurs team against them. I think they were capable to extend it to at least 6 game series.
Jazz have played the warriors closer, but I also think the Warriors are playing harder against the Cavs, they want the sweep more than anything, to really show off their dominance. I dont think they played as hard against the Jazz as they are against the Cavs
Not trying to knock the Jazz or anything
It's to bad we did not get to see healthy Spurs team against them. I think they were capable to extend it to at least 6 game series.
I guess some people would have enjoyed that. I don't really care about the Spurs, I care a lot more about the Jazz. I want to see Jazz play up to their potential or at least be healthy in the playoffs to see where we actually are. All we can do is speculate about the Jazz. We have yet to see Jazz with their best player healthy in the playoffs. We have yet to see them play a series in the playoffs without 3 or more of their starters injured.
other guys will need to band together and small market teams likely suffer as they congregate in more desirable markets.

We have Gobert, though. That gives us a great defensive foundation for a couple of offensive studs to build around. The Lakers are typically the place most guys grow up dreaming of in, yet they haven't been able to make it happen, because you need the foundation first.

The truth of the matter, is that you have to have guys willing to sacrifice a lot of money, or else strike gold with a star on a rookie contract. Curry is getting paid 12 million right now when he's a 35 million player in this market. You're just not going to get a guy to take a pay cut like that voluntarily.

We'll see just how much these GS players will sacrifice to keep it together, and how much tax that team is really willing to pay, but if they all take pay cuts to keep it together, NOBODY is going to compete with them without star players taking big pay cuts.
It's hard to take any solace from double-digit losses. Seriously, we were overmatched at every position except center (and that's debatable).

We are not going to catch the Warriors through the draft or incremental player development over the summer. We need a major upgrade at shooting guard, a new Hill at point (assuming he doesn't re-sign), and a truly healthy Favors -- and that's just to get our losses into single digits!
we were overmatched at every position except center (and that's debatable).
You would have to debate who is better out of zaza/Mcgee and gobert? Wtf dude. I want to flame you so bad for that but I generally like you so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and think you had a brain fart.
The point differential against the Jazz looks better than it actually should be because of Game 1 where our end of bench guys turned a 20+ point victory into a 12 point victory. Still I think it is interesting to imagine all of the teams healthy and how I would rank them. This is what I have

Warriors a
Spurs b
Cavs b
Jazz bc
Houston cd
Boston cd
Clippers de
Memphis de
Toronto e
Washington e

IMO almost all those sides have peaked with the Jazz having the most room to improve. Spurs will be the other interesting side depending who they bring in this offseason.
You would have to debate who is better out of zaza/Mcgee and gobert? Wtf dude. I want to flame you so bad for that but I generally like you so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and think you had a brain fart.
But Zaza was the clear MVP of the Spurs series...he "shut down" Kawhi Leonard and made him a non-factor.
Is everyone forgetting how the Spurs played them before Zaza Pachulia took out Kawhi? By this order of ranking teams, it would appear the Spurs are the second best team in the NBA, sans dirty play.
Is everyone forgetting how the Spurs played them before Zaza Pachulia took out Kawhi? By this order of ranking teams, it would appear the Spurs are the second best team in the NBA, sans dirty play.

The Spurs ARE the second best team in the league. By nearly any standard.