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Acta signed!!!!

also the sexual offenders list is a great idea in essence. but in practice it ruins some "innocent" lifes.
i say "innocent" because accroding to the law they are guilty but according to morals ethic logic they are innocent. yet they cant get off that list.
no wy to fight it.

If you mean like some 18-19 year old kid slept with his 17 year old girlfriend than yea I agree that he should not have to register or even be arrested for a crime.
If you mean like some 18-19 year old kid slept with his 17 year old girlfriend than yea I agree that he should not have to register or even be arrested for a crime.

Or the 11 year old boys who were slappin' girls butts in the hallway...
Someone in the USA finally reported on this:

Of course we can't let anything distract us from our popular entertainment. And I don't think anyone read Salty's link.

So we've had Presidents for a while who have been entering into "executive agreements" with other nations, instead of trying to get a bill run through Congress.

We also have a recent addition to our legal lingo "Administrative Law", that is inimical to the US Constitution. Judges making up their own rules for settling a lot of fairly personal sorts of litigation, such as divorces, child custody, traffic tickets, DUIs, shoplifting, family law. What's "Administrative Law"? The judges make up their own laws, and call it a regular court perogative, something like formalized rules worked out from "judicial disgression".

And it's not that the legislatures are not passing enough laws. We've loaded thousands of laws into 2000-page budget resolution bills that impact personal rights on every level. We have more laws than anyone can even read.

Under Stalin the standard Soviet court would ask "What do you mean, "Not Guilty"? "Not Guilty of Anything?" As related by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, it was simply court procedure to efficiently process you and find you guilty of something. No way was anyone ever going to be found "innocent".

We are already the most productive incarcerating government in the world, and nowhere near done with it either.