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Amazon Selling "How-to" Guide for Pedophiles


Active Member
I'm all for freedom from censorship and free speech. However, in my own opinion, this crosses the line and will certainly assist in the commission of a crime.


The book, " The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct" by Philip R. Greaves II, offers advice to pedophiles afraid of becoming the center of retaliation. It is an electronic book available for Amazon.com Inc.'s Kindle e-reader.

Amazon issued a statement that will no doubt fuel the outraged comments multiplying on the "Pedophile's Guide" Amazon page. "Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable," it reads. "Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions."
Sounds like a lame stunt for attention. I doubt there are many child molesters out there that are well read and own a kindle. If anything I bet most of their sales are purely out of curiosity.
Books like this have been around for a while.

The Anarchist's Cookbook comes to mind, for example.
Kudos to Amazon for sticking to their guns. They have every right to sell it, and you, the *******s who are protesting it, have every right to not shop there. Gods, I love America.
Books like this have been around for a while.

The Anarchist's Cookbook comes to mind, for example.

I was thinking of the Anarchist's Cookbook as I read the article. I don't know, this just strikes the worst note with me as this is someone advocating the unthinkable, and at best validating the scumiest of the scum in our society. I know, I know, the Anarchist's Cookbook was promoting domestic terrorism and civil unrest, but William Powell wrote it as an outlet to protest America's involvement of Vietnam. While it is a misguided and dangerous way to protest IMO it isn't even near the same level as the reason this particular DB wrote this book. I don't see how a company like Amazon, and society as a whole, has anything to gain with the distribution of this book.

Interesting sidenote, the author of the Anarchist's Cookbook, William Powell, regret's the fact that he ever wrote it in the first place.

Powell has since written many websites devoted to the book, explaining his desire to see it removed from circulation[4] as he no longer advocates what he had written, saying:

The book, in many respects, was a misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in.

It has since been taken out of publication due to the Publishing Rights owners belief that it has no social value and the Publishers belief that he had a responsibility to the safety of the public.
apparently amazon has pulled the book from its offerings
...Penned by Philip R. Greaves II, the controversial title promises to "make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certain rules for these adults to follow."

The author's description says he "hopes to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter (sic) sentences should they ever be caught."

glad they pulled it, if for no other reason than for the poor spelling of its author...

but seriously, I think it was a bad decision by Amazon to be selling something like that in the first place

edit: and I think Amazon's statement as quoted in the original post is pretty disingenuous, they make hundreds of decisions each day on what they will offer to sell or not sell - it's called a "business" decision, not a censorship decision. Just because it's published doesn't mean they're required to sell it.

and perhaps they wouldn't have gotten off on the wrong foot had the book been about pediphiles rather than pedophiles....

also, the term "pedosexual" is apparently a "new" word that is an attempt to be "non-biased and value neutral" and "destigmatize" the negative connotation of the term "pedophile"
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Trout, would you sell this book?

Probably. Do you really think that the number of people who are going to 'boycot' amazon is greater than the interest/traffic/new sales that the controversy has created? Negative press is still press. The innerwebz are all talking about Amazon.com. I'm sure they're pleased as punch.

For the record, I think the author should have his balls removed.