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Amazon Selling "How-to" Guide for Pedophiles

apparently amazon has pulled the book from its offerings

glad they pulled it, if for no other reason than for the poor spelling of its author...

but seriously, I think it was a bad decision by Amazon to be selling something like that in the first place

edit: and I think Amazon's statement as quoted in the original post is pretty disingenuous, they make hundreds of decisions each day on what they will offer to sell or not sell - it's called a "business" decision, not a censorship decision. Just because it's published doesn't mean they're required to sell it.

and perhaps they wouldn't have gotten off on the wrong foot had the book been about pediphiles rather than pedophiles....

also, the term "pedosexual" is apparently a "new" word that is an attempt to be "non-biased and value neutral" and "destigmatize" the negative connotation of the term "pedophile"

Whats Jazzfanz's stance on pedophobic comments on the board?
Probably. Do you really think that the number of people who are going to 'boycot' amazon is greater than the interest/traffic/new sales that the controversy has created? Negative press is still press. The innerwebz are all talking about Amazon.com. I'm sure they're pleased as punch.

For the record, I think the author should have his balls removed.

I don't believe you. You're just trolling.
i'm not going to check up on this or even read the thread but the author is likely a non-pedophile troll who just made a few bucks selling controversy and i hope the thread has evolved to encompass this fact and we're now discussing the ramifications and morality of profiting from shock deception instead of getting pointlessly outraged over a stupid fake book
the term "pedosexual" is apparently a "new" word that is an attempt to be "non-biased and value neutral" and "destigmatize" the negative connotation of the term "pedophile"

I wonder who they coulda learnt a trick like that from, eh, Mo?
I'm wondering, should any book that describes how to commit an illegal action be illegal, or just one that describes how to commit sexual assault on children? It's easy to ban something when it is something the vast majority of people agree with, but this is the case where the ever so popular slippery slope comes into play.

1. How about banning books that describe how to make bombs? I remember the first thing I ever downloaded off the internet (or actually an online BBS way back in the day with my awesome 2400 baud modem) was a text copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook. Totally out of curiosity value. Never actually tried to make any bombs.

2. Or how about books on teaching someone how to grow marijuana? I actually possess a few of those myself, and did use them to commit what was at the time a Class 4 Felony in the great state of Colorado.

3. How about stories that involve the sexual assault of children? That's the other crap I saw on internet BBS until I learned how to avoid them. I remember reading a case of a Pennsylvania woman who was charged with obscenity for writing stories like that and charging a whipping 30 people 10 bucks a month to access the site that had them. She was an agoraphobe and eventually plea bargined a guilty plea so she didn't have to spend any jail time and was just under house arrest, which doesn't seem like much of a punishment for an agoraphobe. I thought it was a violation of the first amendment myself, as it was just sick text from the mind of a sick woman. Stories about people who murder are just as ethically bad to me but are sold everywhere.

4. How about a book on how to cheat on your taxes? I'm sure the IRS wouldn't like that.

I believe that while I'm sure 99% or whatever of people can agree to ban a certain sort of text, it will definitely lead to other sorts of speech being banned where maybe 99% don't agree with it. That being said, Amazon or any other company is under no obligation to sell it, and people are more than welcome to boycott a place that would sell it.
C'mon, we know it's all just hypothetical. No one would ever touch a kid.
