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An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah

When studying official reports, "intelligence" disclosures, pilots or armed forces or control tower bits, the first thing to think is "disinformation".

So we have a guvmint that wants us scared enough to huddle under authoritative wings.

But hey, maybe this is a kind of "D-Day" to free us from Fascist overlords.

Rule Number One: If they're telling us, it's lies.
When studying official reports, "intelligence" disclosures, pilots or armed forces or control tower bits, the first thing to think is "disinformation".

So we have a guvmint that wants us scared enough to huddle under authoritative wings.

But hey, maybe this is a kind of "D-Day" to free us from Fascist overlords.

Rule Number One: If they're telling us, it's lies.

Bro, it's just aliens, my man.
When studying official reports, "intelligence" disclosures, pilots or armed forces or control tower bits, the first thing to think is "disinformation".

So we have a guvmint that wants us scared enough to huddle under authoritative wings.

But hey, maybe this is a kind of "D-Day" to free us from Fascist overlords.

Rule Number One: If they're telling us, it's lies.
These days, even if they said “we’re under surveillance by a non human intelligence from God knows where”, it would last a few days, tops, in the news. People will continue to go about their daily lives. Scare us? Lol. I can relate to the potential usefulness of disinformation, esp. if this were actually our own technology,
Look for this correspondence sometime today. I’m leaning towards option A.

“Hello Earthlings,
As you can see we have your planet surrounded and all of your weapons are useless, as we have proven by turning your missiles to ghosts the Staples Center to sand. One week from today we will destroy all homo sapiens remaining on earth. In its current state earth is of no interest to us. Earth’s carrying capacity has been exceeded and your air and water fouled like Dramamom Green was guarding the planet. Our plan is to extirpate humans, plus Republicans, and return in several millennia to see if conditions for our habitation have improved.

But all hope for humans is not lost. We can upload both the physical traits and mental consciousness of all earth’s inhabitants per our assimilation protocol. We cannot offer cross domain uploads so no mixing or matching. I’m not at liberty to discuss the particulars but you will be treated more humanely than you deserve. However, it has to be your decision. You have one week. Your response to the survey will be final and if you choose ‘Beam Me Up” you will be immediately actioned into the Transfer Portal and snatched before John Calipari even gets a look. Think carefully—the SUBMIT button is final.”

We realize at your earth speed it feels a bit Rushed but if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. Anything other than A is B.

A. Beam Me Up
B. Come At Me Bro


I remember when someone suggested it was a bird. Haha

Dropping 80 thousand feet in less than a second is a feat Road Runner couldn't accomplish running from Wile E.
Look for this correspondence sometime today. I’m leaning towards option A.

“Hello Earthlings,
As you can see we have your planet surrounded and all of your weapons are useless, as we have proven by turning your missiles to ghosts the Staples Center to sand. One week from today we will destroy all homo sapiens remaining on earth. In its current state earth is of no interest to us. Earth’s carrying capacity has been exceeded and your air and water fouled like Dramamom Green was guarding the planet. Our plan is to extirpate humans, plus Republicans, and return in several millennia to see if conditions for our habitation have improved.

But all hope for humans is not lost. We can upload both the physical traits and mental consciousness of all earth’s inhabitants per our assimilation protocol. We cannot offer cross domain uploads so no mixing or matching. I’m not at liberty to discuss the particulars but you will be treated more humanely than you deserve. However, it has to be your decision. You have one week. Your response to the survey will be final and if you choose ‘Beam Me Up” you will be immediately actioned into the Transfer Portal and snatched before John Calipari even gets a look. Think carefully—the SUBMIT button is final.”

We realize at your earth speed it feels a bit Rushed but if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. Anything other than A is B.

A. Beam Me Up
B. Come At Me Bro

Old-line Mormons, some of them, considered humans to be a sort of colony transplant from another planet in the first place. "The Council of Gods" would figure as the much more advanced overlords of a helluva lot of "territory" for light years around us, and they would be also the overlords of any possible aliens not "extirpated" before breaching our security zone patroled by angels, space "aliens"/brothers and sisters from our parents.

I like this idea.

Just waiting for Jesus.
Seen lots of clips interviewing Mellon, but not this individual from the USS Princeton before...

I’ve long enjoyed the musings of Red Pill Junkie from the Daily Grail:


“Last year, The Debrief’s Tim McMillan and myself separately confirmed that Navy aviators flying an F-18 fighter jet photographed a triangle-shaped UFO rising out of the ocean and accelerating at high speed to altitude. No nation is known to have aerial platforms anything similar to these. When we consider the most advanced American, Chinese, and Russian hypersonic vehicle platforms, for example, these cannot go underwater, have considerably lower speed limits, and rely on jet fuel propulsion.

Put simply, something very interesting is going on. Perhaps there are countries or individuals who live on our planet who have achieved technological feats that we previously couldn’t have even imagined. Or perhaps we have witnessed a phenomenon that comes from elsewhere. Either way, the US government is taking such investigations seriously — so why shouldn’t we?
I'll miss OB and his posts that UFOs are birds or bugs (they probably are in some cases) but to the people that deny UFOs or think they're just unidentified objects from this world, you're, 100%, a dumbass.

The evidence is out there and I challenge you to research it.

That said, I don't think a UFO crashed in UT. Linda Morton Howell is an interesting person though.

Anyone watch Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch or Blind Frog Ranch (that's scripted af, but entertaining if you know about the the Lost Rhoades Mine and Imo, the greatest treasure mystery in the US.) Brandon Fugal is a great guy, he gave my step-mom money to support her classrooms up until she retired.

I've known about Skin Walker Ranch since I was a kid. My dad and I would listen to George Knapp (I don't believe in ghosts or **** like that.) If you read about SWR and it's history, you know there's some weird **** out there.

UFOs are real and they're not from this planet (some of them.) Don't argue me this, argue the evidence and credible first person sources.

RIP Stanton Friedman.
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I really don’t hope that’s the evidence you’re using to “prove” aliens exist.
Have you researched the evidence, my man?

It's out there and comes from credible sources.

I'll be the first one to admit I struggle with writing and speaking, but I'll put all my money on first person sources and people's ignorance, that we're not alone.
Intelligent life visiting Earth? Absolutely. Abductions, mutilations, and all that horse ****? In my opinion, nope.

Horse ****? Nah, you just aren't educated. I'm not saying people have been abducted by aliens and used to think it was their experience with sleep paralysis up until I actually dug into it.

The cattle mutilation is something I don't know enough about other than there have been tens of thousands of cases documented.

Linda Moulton Howell speaks about them, maybe you should do the Google thing.
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