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Anybody currently collect cards??

Oh wait.. I just realized I have a friend that owns a big time card trading/buying/selling sports card store thingy.
Btw.. are you going to Sunday services? Do you know how many people typically show up for service?

Ya, I'm going. There are 3 morning services, and 1 evening service on Sundays.

Idk how many the sanctuary holds and any guess I'd make would prolly be tarded, but it's always packed. Maybe it holds 2,000 give or take 1,000? It is smaller than you'd think.

Need me to save you a seat?

Ya, I'm going. There are 3 morning services, and 1 evening service on Sundays.

Idk how many the sanctuary holds and any guess I'd make would prolly be tarded, but it's always packed. Maybe it holds 2,000 give or take 1,000? It is smaller than you'd think.

Need me to save you a seat?

yeah.. wife and I will def come up sometime.
I should send u pics of friends of mine that all moved up there just to go to that church.
yeah.. wife and I will def come up sometime.
I should send u pics of friends of mine that all moved up there just to go to that church.

Would be awesome if you came! You guys would have fun at my place too.

Send me the pics.

I cannot get pics workin from my phone...

Here's the fb page for Mark Gering. His wife is Pam and daughter is Erika.
I will sail any you nerds my entire collection for like $200 today only. I know there are some shaq rookies, some barry bonds and stuff in there, but don't know or care the value. Pretty sure it's worth two and a quarter to somebody, at least.
I will sail any you nerds my entire collection for like $200 today only. I know there are some shaq rookies, some barry bonds and stuff in there, but don't know or care the value. Pretty sure it's worth two and a quarter to somebody, at least.

This is the kind of crap I love. I hit the antique shops, garage sale stores, and local estate sales as soon as I got down here. I bought a crap load of old cards and had a whole lot of fun going through them all. When it was all said and done, there wasn't much to them than a few rookies that might fetch a few bucks, but the memories of childhood and how much I enjoyed sports when I was a kid made it all worth it.

Dutch is a tool; you're never too old to do this kind of crap.
so whats the point of these cards.
back in the 90's there was a point to it. remmebering the stats of said player was on the back.
ut these stats can be found on the interwebz as far as i know. so now they ar epointless
so whats the point of these cards.
back in the 90's there was a point to it. remmebering the stats of said player was on the back.
ut these stats can be found on the interwebz as far as i know. so now they ar epointless

Reqlly good point Actually. Hadn thouht of it likw that
