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Anyone else really turned off by this FA season?

Luckily superstars alone won't win a title. Look at what happened to the Dream Team during that one olympics. It requires good coaching as well as some team chemistry, luck (avoiding injuries), etc. to make it all happen. I find the nonsense with LeBron and Co. holding the process hostage for that dumb documentary, tiresome. But I don't think this will play out as bad as some might think. If the three of them end of in Miami who's going to be on their team?

If they end up in Chicago, that might be rough for a year or two, but when the contracts start expiring for their young talent, how are they going to re-sign them with all the max contracts on their team.
Luckily superstars alone won't win a title. Look at what happened to the Dream Team during that one olympics. It requires good coaching as well as some team chemistry, luck (avoiding injuries), etc. to make it all happen.

Yeah, there's some potential for high comedy here, eh? 3 ballhogs, one ball. I wonder if Derrick Rose is quick enough to consistently steal the ball from Wade.

The USA colluded BIGTIME against the entire world with the roster they put together for the last olympics, but they still had a damn tough time winnin that final game against Spain
Today is my birthday - so I'm hoping Utah does something today. I would even settle for having Fes beat the crap out of KOC.
If the result is one or two super teams with which nobody else can compete, it will force some CBA changes. Otherwise it has been fun, but not likely to change much in the NBA.