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Are we sleeping on Simone?

He had some good games the last week of the season coming off the bench. I don't think he gets much PT because there are too many bodies on the roster that are pretty good.
I think Simone is better than he showed last year. It generally takes guys coming over from the Euro Leagues a year to adjust. I just don't think he's gonna POP ya know. I think he is a backend of the rotation wing that can have some spicy nights when he gets hot.
I think this is dead on.
I think for much of last year he played scared. He needed to get his confidence up. I've seen enough video of what he's capable of that I think if he can get some confidence and plays with an edge he could be a very serviceable 3&D guy off the bench who surprises us with a few 30 point outbursts.

But if he doesn't get his confidence up, well he's old enough that he doesn't have a ton of time to figure it out. Then we'd be better off probably moving him for some other assets.

I for one hope he figures it out. I like the guy and have seen some impressive highlights, on both ends of the court. He could be an x-factor for us in tight moments who gives us that unlikely boost we need to get some wins. I'd prefer to see him go that route for us.
Wasn’t there a story that he also played injured for most of the year? That his shot started to fall once he healed up (March and on).
I'd love to see him break out and become a great rotational player but also have serious reservations that it'll ever happen.
I reckon he'll play better this season as the dude was bad last season. If he can shoot 42% from the field and 36% from three I'll show him some respect. If he shoots 46% from the field and 38% from three I'll build him a statue made of clay and/or Play-Doh and pipe cleaners.
Did you feel like he was bad in March? He didn't look lost to me once he finally received consistent minutes.

He looked like he had no feel for the game. When he got the ball it was as if he didn’t know what to do other than attack outside the context of the offense. Every now and then he’d show flashes but that’s all that was.
Expecting others to know everything from the guy who ask everyone to explain and look things up for him is rich.
I didnt expect anything and once I realized that someone didn't understand I explained it like I always do lol. Cy gonna cy
Brother you just said you were sure it was obvious to me. That's you expecting.
No that's me thinking that you could understand my original post like other people could. Once you let me know you didn't understand, I immediately explained it to you like a normal person.

When I don't understand a post of yours and let you know, you never explain it. Instead you just act like a dick. We are different in how we respond to posters who want more information about something. I do my best to provide it. You do your best to be a dick. Cy gonna Cy.
I think there are some reasons to be hopeful that Simone will be NBA rotation level this year. I just wouldn't bet on it.

He was really bad defensively last year. He got a little better towards the end of the year, but mostly because there was such a huge room for improvement.
There was this fellow named Lauri (I forget his last name) that blew up last year playing for his national team. Simone seemes to be doing the same thing so far. We will see.
Never! Simone Biles might be the best gymnast of all time. She could do back-flips from one end of the court to the other and do a spring dunk to finish it off. Perfect 10!

EDIT: Wrong thread. My apologies.